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Decantha boreasella (Chambers) 1873 Congaree National Park Moth size: 11mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Deer blind, Beidler Tract, Road H-1, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp N M Deer Blind - Beidler Tract E of Brandenburg Tract, Road H-1, 10/20/77 AC
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Deer feed plot, Beidler Tract, Road H, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp N M, Deer Feed Plot - Beidler Tract E of Brandenburg Tract, Road H-1, 10/20/77 AC
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Deer shot and chased by feral dogs, mile 55, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Mile 55, deer shot, chased down by ferral dogs 10/77 KG
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Deer shot and chased down by feral dogs, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Deer Shot, Chased Down by Feral Dogs, Mile 55 Congaree R, 10/77 KG
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Deer stand, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Deer Stand in Burnside Land Enroute to Dawson's, RD K-3, 35mm 10/18/77 PFS
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Deer stand, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Deer Stand on N Bluff to W of Hunt Club Road, Road F, 10/18/77, PS
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Deidamia inscripta (Harris) 1839 Congaree National Park Moth size: 49mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Desmia funeralis (Hübner) 1796 Congaree National Park Moth size: 29mm. Habitat: Young plantation pine - even stands (pole or saplings). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Desmia maculalis Westwood 1832 Congaree National Park Moth size: 21mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Desmia maculalis Westwood 1832 Congaree National Park Moth size: 20mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Desmia subdivisalis Grote 1871 Congaree National Park Moth size: 23mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Diacme adipaloides (Grote and Robinson) 1867 Congaree National Park Moth size: 20mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Diasemiodes janassialis (Walker) 1859 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Diasemiodes nigralis (Fernald) 1892 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Diathrausta reconditalis (Walker) 1859 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Diatraea evanescens Dyar 1917 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Diatraea lisetta (Dyar) 1909 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris aglaia Hodges 1986 Congaree National Park Moth size: 11mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris agonia Hodges 1986 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris bipunctella (Walsingham) 1882 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris bolize Hodges 1986 Congaree National Park Moth size: 11mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris georgiella (Walker) 1866 Congaree National Park Moth size: mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris inserrata (Walsingham) 1882 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris kimballi Hodges 1986 Congaree National Park Moth size: 12mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris ligulella Hübner 1818 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris punctidiscella (Clemens) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris punctipennella (Clemens) 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 11mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris siren Hodges 1986 Congaree National Park Moth size: 6mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichomeris ventrella (Fitch) 1854 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichorda iridaria (Guenée) 1858 Congaree National Park Moth size: 27mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dichrorampha sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 8mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dick Watkins, Tim Elder, Mike McAnelly (L-R), highway 601 launch area, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Hiway 601 Launch area, L-R: Dick Watkins; Tim Elder; Mike McAnelly
Dicymolomia julianalis (Walker) 1859 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Digrammia gnophosaria (Guenée) 1857 [1858] Congaree National Park Moth size: 22mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dioryctria amatella (Hulst) 1887 Congaree National Park Moth size: 23mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dioryctria amatella (Hulst) 1887 Congaree National Park Moth size: 26mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dioryctria clarioralis (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 24mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dioryctria pygmaeella Ragonot 1887 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Water. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dioryctria taedivorella Neunzig and Leidy 1989 Congaree National Park Moth size: 28mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Diphthera festiva (Fabricius) 1775 Congaree National Park Moth size: 52mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Disclisioprocta stellata (Guenée) 1858 Congaree National Park Moth size: 30mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dispersion on leaves, Forest, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #0270 Congaree Swamp, Old Growth
Dolba hyloeus (Drury) 1773 Congaree National Park Moth size: 68mm. Habitat: Water. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Donacaula aquilellus (Clemens) 1861 Congaree National Park Moth size: 30mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Donacaula longirostrellus (Clemens) 1861 Congaree National Park Moth size: 23mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Donacaula melinellus (Clemens) 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 29mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Donacaula sordidella (Zincken) 1821 Congaree National Park Moth size: 29mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Down Brandenburg Rd in Beidler Tract, Road H, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Down Brandenburg Rd in Beidler Tract, Road H, CCA
Down Brandenburg Road in Beidler Tract, Road H, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Down Brandenburg Rd in Beidler Tract, Rd H, CCA
Downed tree, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Downed Tree 10/77 KG
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Downstream boundary of Beidler Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Downstream Boundary of Beidler Tract, Congaree River
Drainage trenching along road in Burnside Tract, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Drainage trenching along road E South in Burnside Tract W of Hunt Club Access road just N of Bluff KG 10/20/77; C-1-5
Drainage trenching along road in Burnside Tract, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Drainage trenching along road E South in Burnside Tract W of Hunt Club Access road just N of Bluff KG 10/20/77; C-1-4
Drepana arcuata Walker 1855 Congaree National Park Moth size: 31mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Dry Branch at end of Brandenburg Road, Weston Lake, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Weston LK - Dry Branch at end of Brandenburg Rd in Beidler Tract CCA End Road H
Dry Branch entering Weston Lake, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, End of Road from Brandenburg in Beidler Tract, Dry Banch Entering Weston Lake 10/20/77 PS Rd H
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Dry eastern overflow site of Cedar Creek, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Cedar Creek (dry), Eastern Site (overflow)
Dry eastern overflow site of Cedar Creek, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Cedar Creek (dry), Eastern Site (overflow)
Dry slough in swamp, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Dry Slough, 10/77 KG
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Drymoana blanchardi Heppner 1985 Congaree National Park Moth size: 11mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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