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Eucosma umbrastriana (Kearfott) 1907 Congaree National Park Moth size: 17mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eudonia heterosalis (McDunnough) 1961 Congaree National Park Moth size: 12mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eudonia heterosalis (McDunnough) 1961 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eudonia sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eudonia strigalis (Dyar) 1906 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eudonia strigalis (Dyar) 1906 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Young plantation pine - even stands (pole or saplings). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eudryas grata (Fabricius) 1793 Congaree National Park Moth size: 40mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eudryas unio (Hübner) 1831 Congaree National Park Moth size: 31mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eulepte anticostalis (Grote) 1871 Congaree National Park Moth size: 22mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eulithis diversilineata (Hübner) 1813 Congaree National Park Moth size: 33mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eulithis gracilineata (Guenée) 1858 Congaree National Park Moth size: 34mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eulogia ochrifrontella (Zeller) 1875 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eumarozia malachitana (Zeller) 1875 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eumarozia malachitana (Zeller) 1875 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupithecia jejunata McDunnough 1949 Congaree National Park Moth size: 16mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupithecia miserulata Grote 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 16mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupithecia sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupithecia sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 17mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupragia hospita Hodges 1969 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Water. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupragia hospita Hodges 1969 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupsilia cirripalea Franclemont 1952 Congaree National Park Moth size: 34mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupsilia sidus (Guenée) 1852 Congaree National Park Moth size: 37mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eupsilia tristigmata (Grote) 1877 Congaree National Park Moth size: 35mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eusarca confusaria Hübner 1813 Congaree National Park Moth size: 33mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eusarca confusaria Hübner 1813 Congaree National Park Moth size: 31mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eutelia pulcherrimus (Grote) 1865 Congaree National Park Moth size: 34mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eutrapela clemataria (J. E. Smith) 1797 Congaree National Park Moth size: 47mm. Habitat: Water tupelo dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eutrapela clemataria (J. E. Smith) 1797 Congaree National Park Moth size: 48mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eutrapela clemataria (J. E. Smith) 1797 Congaree National Park Moth size: 50mm. Habitat: Swamp. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Eutrapela clemataria (J. E. Smith) 1797 Congaree National Park Moth size: 52mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Euzophera ostricolorella Hulst 1890 Congaree National Park Moth size: 40mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Euzophera semifuneralis (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 19mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Euzophera semifuneralis (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 23mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Evidence of Hugo's destructive powers stand snapped and lie on the ground, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park 4; National Park Service; Congaree Swamp National Monument; 200 Caroline Simes Road; Hopkins, S.C. 29061
Evippe prunifoliella Chambers 1873 Congaree National Park Moth size: 9mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Exelis pyrolaria Guenée 1858 Congaree National Park Moth size: 23mm. Habitat: Young plantation pine - even stands (pole or saplings). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Exhibit, State Fair Grounds, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism I-23. Interpretation. 1965 State Fair Exhibit
Exhibit, State Fair Grounds, South Carolina, 1956 South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism I-3. Interpretation. 1956 State Fair- Rivers Bridge exhibit. Oct 22-27, 1956- NLP
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Exhibit, State Fair Grounds, South Carolina, 1956 South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism I-4. Interpretation. 1956 State Fair- Rivers Bridge exhibit. Oct. 22-27, 1956- NLP
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Feralia major Smith 1890 Congaree National Park Moth size: 37mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Feralia major Smith 1890 Congaree National Park Moth size: 36mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Ferns, Forest, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #0590 Cinnamon fern in boggy area south of Red Cockaded Woodpecker Site
Ferns, Forest, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #0582 Cinnamon fern - Bog near woodpecker site, Congaree Swamp Nat. Mon.
Filatima serotinella (Busck) 1903 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Filatima sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Fire lane cut by dozer and plow near Boggy Gut, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #3008 Fire lane cut by dozer and plow near Boggy Gut
First Baptist Church, Columbia, South Carolina National Park Service Southeast Regional Office First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church, Columbia, South Carolina National Park Service Southeast Regional Office First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church, Columbia, South Carolina National Park Service Southeast Regional Office First Baptist Church
First Baptist Church, Columbia, South Carolina National Park Service Southeast Regional Office First Baptist Church
Fish in hands, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #2944 Congaree Swamp NM 200 Caroline Sims Rd, Hopkins, SC 29061
Fishermen on Congaree River, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Fishermen on Congaree River - View downstream toward HWY 601 Bridge Mile 2; 1
Fissicrambus mutabilis (Clemens) 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 21mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Hypagyrtis unipunctata (Haworth) 1809 Congaree National Park Moth size: 29mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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About 6,000 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University