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Band at October anniversary celebration, Kings Mountain National Military Park, South Carolina 1963 Kings Mountain National Military Park 1963 celebration 10/6/63 kmtn
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Bicentennial Celebration, building 36, Master Armorer's House yard, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bicentennial Celebration. Master Armorers House Yard. Vieews show various, speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe, and wife. Yard of the Master Armorer's House. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3646 1-8 and small print. See Classification No. Subject: BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION - Master Armorer's House Yard. Views show various speakers such as Mayor Bradley D. Nash, Mrs. Nash, Dr. Madison Briscoe and wife, Kip Stowell, Supt. Conway and visitors. Location: Yard of the Master Armorer's House - Shenandoah Street. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Naomi Hunt, NPS Newsletter (Note: Other views included with collection of negatives and prints from Ms. Hunt were forewarded to Dick Russell for the archives - after the park selected what they wanted for file). Date: 5/76.
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Congressman James H. Quillen, addressing the group, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Congressman James H. Quillen (TN), addressing the group...Left to right: Mrs. Albert Gore; William F. Moehlman (behind Mrs. Gore); Director George B. Hartzog, Jr. W. W. Luckett; Supt. Andrew Johnson; Regional Director Cox (partially hidden by microphone).30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6462, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Congressman Roy A. Taylor, Director Hartzog, and Superintendent Fry at 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Congressman Roy A. Taylor, Director Hartzog, and Superintendent Fry.30th Anniversary Celebration and Dedication of the new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6560, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Congressman Roy A. Taylor, addressing the group, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Congressman Roy A. Taylor (NC), addressing the group: Left to right: Mrs. Albert Gore, Director George B. Hartzog, Jr. Regional Director Cox (hidden by stand), Frank H. Brown of NCNPPFDC, on back row, Henry J. Diamond (representing the Rockefeller Foundation) on front row.30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6461, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Crowd gathering, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park The crowd gathers... 30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6456, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Crowd, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park The crowd leaving the scene...30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6476, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Director Frost and dignitaries, 25th Anniversary Ceremony, Convoy Point, October 1993 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Director Frost ad dignitaries, 25th Anniversary Ceremony.
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Director George B. Hartzog, Jr., addressing the group, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Director George B. Hartzog, Jr. addressing the group...Left to right: Supt. Sam P. Weems (Blue Ridge Parkway); Congressman James H. Quillen (TN); Regional Director Cox (hidden by Hartzog---to right of picture and left of Hartzog); Congressman Roy A. Taylor (NC) (Hidden by microphone); Frank H. Brown, NCNPPFDC; Henry J. Diamond; and Commissioner Donald McSween (hidden by Diamond).30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6464, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Director Hartzog addressing the group, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Speakers' stand at amphitheater...Director Hartzog addressing the group. Most of the audience moved into the shade.30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6465, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Director Hartzog addressing the group, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Director Hartzog addressing the group...closeup.30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6466, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Director Hartzog, cutting the ribbon, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cutting the ribbon...the bid scissors didn't work!! Left to right: Superintendent Fry (to the side); Congressman James H. Quillen; Director Hartzog (helping Mrs. Gore); Mrs. Albert Gore; Congressman Roy A. Taylor; Commissioner Donald McSween.30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6473, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Director Hartzog, cutting the ribbon, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cutting the ribbon... Left to right: Superintendent Fry (to the side); Congressman James H. Quillen; Director Hartzog (helping Mrs. Gore); Mrs. Albert Gore; Congressman Roy A. Taylor; Commissioner Donald McSween.30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6474, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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Dry Branch String Band playing music at 40th Anniversary of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1974 Great Smoky Mountains National Park The Dry Branch String Band (Seasonal interpreters at Cades Cove) provided musical entertainment.40th anniversary, III-D-(40)-17170
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Entrance, 25th anniversary ceremony, October 1993 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service 25th Anniversary Ceremony Richard Frost, Director.
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Food line at 40th anniversary party of Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Civic Auditorium, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1974 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Party at Civic Auditorium, Gatlinburg. In the Chow line. 40th anniversary, II-D-(40)-17171
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Groundbreaking for new visitor center, 25th Anniversary Ceremony, October 1993 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Groundbreaking for new visitor center, 2th Anniversary Ceremony.
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Groundbreaking, New visitor center, 25th Anniversary Ceremony, October 1993 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Groundbreaking, new visitor center, 25th Anniversary.
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Group eating at dignitary table at 40th anniversary of Great Smoky Mountains National Park party, Civic Auditorium, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 1974 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Dignitaries eating: Congressman Jimmy Quillen, Fr. Bruce Green (Trinity Episcopal Church); Tillie Ellis; Vincent Ellis; Faye Thompson; Dave Thompson (Reg. Dir. S.E.R.), 40th anniversary, III-D-(40)-17172
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Guests of CCC anniversary at NP-4, 1940 Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Henry J. Diamond, addressing the group, 30th Anniversary Celebration, Elkmont Campground, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Henry J. Diamond (representing the Rockefeller Foundation), addressing the group...Left to right: William F. Moehlman (half in the picture); Director George B. Hartzog, Jr. Supt. Sam P. Weems (Blue Ridge Parkway--almost hidden by Hartzog); Congressman James H. Quillen; Regional Director Elber Cox (hidden by microphone); Congressman Roy Taylor (NC)(almost hidden by microphone at right of picture); Frank H. Brown, NCNPPFDC; Conservation Commissioner DOnald McSween (almost hidden by post).30th Anniversary Celebration and dedication of new section of Elkmont Campground, III-D-30th-6463, History - Dedications - 30th anniversary of the establishment of the park
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John Pennekamp, Jr. and Volunteers-In-Parks, 25th Anniversary Ceremony, October 1993 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service John Pennekamp, Jr. and Volunteers-In-Parks, 25th Anniversary Ceremony.
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