Search Results

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About 960 Items

Gun Naval battery readied for removal, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service SE/6-28-76; 2 Gun Naval battery readied for removal; 34; 16a; JUL76A2 6.
Fortifications in front of Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Fortifications in front of Ft. Mc. 2nd Copy; LCB 811-3492; CW; FM; 7F; SEP85A5 21.
Visitor Center construction in progress, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service FOMO VC Construction; Harris; MAY75A1 9.
Man mixing a solution for restoration of Battery McCorkle, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Battery McCorkle Mixing solution; 1-69 M-95; 1H; FEB69A6 12.
Damaged Battery Jasper gun pit, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service B. Jasper 10 Disp. Gun Pit; 2.b.; OCT74A5 19.
Drain system top of Battery Jasper, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Drain System Top of Batt. Jasper; Sammy 1-12-82.
Demolition of cable tank building, opposite to fort, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Demolition of cable tank bldg.; Nov. 20; 10b; DEC 2.
Osceola grave and Patapsco monument, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service U.S.S. Patapsco monument; Sept. 1969; FM800; 3f; 20.
Beginning of cannon drill enactment, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service cannon drill- begin; 8/29; CCS; 8d; SEP76A6 4.
12 pounder Napoleon cannon obusier in display, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service 12 pdr Napolean at N. Face Interior; May- 1969; FM-545; 5a; 33.
Men at Visitor Center construction, Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service FOMO VC Construction; Harris; MAY75A6 18.
Installing exhibits in Visitor Center Museum, Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service Installing exhibits; FM-880; 10/9-13/67; 3L; 14.
Revolutionary War mortar shell at Charleston Museum, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Rev. War mortar shell at Chas Museum; Feb. 1969; FM-535; 3L; 22.
Gun in administrative lot across from Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service FM gun in administrative lot across from Moultrie; FM-545; ca. 1962; 5b.
Close-up of Rodman traverse rail and wheel, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service 15 Rodman Traverse Rail and Wheel- Ft. Moultrie; MAY88- 57.
Broad street site for Dock near Fort Moultrie visitor center, South Carolina National Park Service Broad St. site for dock; 3e; APR74A1 18.
Detail view of 1870s wall, north of 1809 magazine, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Detail of 1870s wall north of 1809 magazine; 1.g.; MAR75A1 32.
View of Rodman Traverse rail with shells at top right corner, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service 15 Rodman Traverse rail- Ft. Moultrie; MAY88- 7.
Osceola exhibit in Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service Osceola exhibit; 3L; DEC 4.
Inside Harbor Entrance Control Post, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service File; 8 x 10 glossy; 10a; OCT76A6 1.
Air vent to powder magazine, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Ft. Moultrie N. air vent to powder magazine 10-20-66; FM-725; 3h; 11; OCT A5.
Postern gate cut, interior of fort, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Ft. Moultrie Postern gate cut 10-19-66; FM-255; 4; 3j; OCT A6 2.
Harbor Entrance Control Post from entrance of the Fort, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Naval calibration station; Sept. 1969; FM920; 3f; 12.
Damaged brick wall, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service E. Ray Lewis visit 5/75; 11; JUN75A6 8.
Aerial view of Coast Guard Station, US Coast Guard Historic District, South Carolina National Park Service Coast Guard Station 1974; 10c; APR74A1 2.
Installing exhibits in Visitor Center Museum, Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service Installing exhibits; FM-880; 10/9-13/67; 3L; 4.
Interior of fort from Harbor Entrance Control Post , Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Interior of fort from HECP; 3i; MAY76A6 2.
Construction work in full swing, Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service Photographer Slaughter Feb 26; 1.g.; 24; MAR75A5 3.
Aerial view of Fort Moultrie and visitor center, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Moultrie and visitor center; 3D; AUG79A3 10.
Battery Bingham with Armstrong gun, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service 4.7 inch Armstrong Gun 45 pd. shell 10,000 yds (5.7 miles); 5D; AUG80A5 4.
Demolition of cable tank building in Fort Moultrie area, South Carolina National Park Service Demolition of cable tank bldg; Nov. 20; 1.f.; DEC76 8.
Bingham and McCorkle Batteries, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Ft. Moultrie Nat'l Hist site S. Carolina 8-82; fort; E. Sheriff; AUG82F6 32.
Osceola grave, Patapsco monument, and sally port entrance, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Grave, Monument, sallyport Fort Moultrie; July 1962; FM-90.
Iron rod frame during construction, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service FOMO- Restoration- Pestern Gate and Tunnel; Harris; JUL76A1 3.
North face wall near entrance to sally port, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service North face wall near entrance to sallyport; Sept 1969; FM 90; 3f; 15.
American flag on top of sally port, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service FM top of sally port; FM-120; ca. 1965; 3H; FEB 18.
Revolutionary War mortar shell at Charleston Museum, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Rev. War mortar shell at Chas Museum; Feb. 1969; FM-535; 3L; 21.
Constructor's superintendent surveying the site, Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service FOMO VC Construction Constructor's superintendent; Harris; MAY75A5 19.
Groundbreaking by Park Ranger, Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service Groundbreaking FOMO V.C.; 11/18/74; 1.f.; 8; NOV74A3 3.
Aerial view of Fort Moultrie in foreground, South Carolina National Park Service Department of the Interior National Park Service Photo: Thomas C. Gray; 3d; NOV 1.
Distilled water poured into tank of Battery McCorkle, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Battery McCorkle Distilled water into tank; 1-69; M-95; 1H; FEB69A6 11.
Revolutionary War mortar shell at Charleston Museum, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Rev. War mortar shell at Chas Museum; Feb. 1969; FM-535; 3L; 23.
Postern gate- on the west side of the Fort, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Postern Gate- west side- erosion damage; 11/70; M 100; 3h.
View of buried cannon tubes being removed, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service FOMO Parade removing civil w. cannon tubes buried in parade; 7-74; 1.d.
Cannon Row and Battery Jasper, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Battery Jasper Ft. Moultrie N.H.S. S. Car. 8-82; E. Sheriff; AUG82F6 33.
Fort Sumter from Fort Moultrie, Rodman gun in the foreground, South Carolina National Park Service Fort Sumter from fort Moultrie; 3G; 9.
Cranes used to lift Rodman guns into position, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Cranes used to life 15 Rodman into position; MAY88- 20.
Gun pit on Battery Jasper, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service B. Jasper 10 Disp. Gun Pit; 2.b.; OCT74A5 20.
Patapsco monument, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Patapsco monument queue of Union sailors who died when ironclad Patapsco sunk, Jan 1865; 8-15-67; 3g; FM-800.
Sealing cracks near gun pit on Battery Jasper, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Sealing Cracks; 2.b.; FEB75A6 12; 15.
Concrete finishing work under progress, Fort Moultrie Visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service Visitor Center- Auditorium; March 5 CLS; 1.g.; 28; MAR75 16.
Looking east from northwest bastion towards northwest angle, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Looking east from N.W. Bastion, N.W. Angle; A/E,c; 1.h.; MAR75A1 13.
Metal roof under construction, Fort Moultrie visitor Center, South Carolina National Park Service FOMO Visitor Center Roof; Harris; JUL75A5 14.

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About 960 Items

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