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Visitors examining Tour Route sign, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Visitors examinig Tour Route sign, Negative missing, 4x5 print mounted.
Visitors examining flood sign, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: NHF-761.
Visitor Center, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry National Historical Park HFNM Visitor center in front of Building #36, Buildings 45, 44, 43, 41 in, background. Original caption: NHF-762, HFNM Visitor Center sign in front of building 36, buildings 45, 44, 43, 41 in background.
Visitors, Mount Cammerer Fire Tower, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Visitors at Mt. Cammerer Fire Tower. Young woman is slacks is Margaret Webb. Mt. Cammerer Fire Tower, II-B-(1)-18351
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Circa 1938
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Student Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Students Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Student Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Student Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Students Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Student Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Students Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Students Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Student Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
PHS students field trip, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site PHS Student Field Trip; 5x7, Visitors
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Circa 1940
Two visitors posing for photograph, Main Visitor Center, circa 1965 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up, front view of two Visitors posing for photograph outside of the Visitor Center.
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Circa 1965
Woman showing school group around park Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of woman in park uniform with binoculars showing a group of school children around park; "Student group, guide Ruth Medlin, Naturalist".
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Circa 1965
Two visitors posing for photograph, Main Visitor Center, circa 1965 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up, front view of two visitors posing for photograph outside of the Visitor Center.
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Circa 1965
Full view of spreading tree Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of tree.
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Circa 1950
Group of girls with deer antler Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up of a group of girls examining deer antler.
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Circa 1970
Visitors on tram Everglades National Park; National Park Service View from side of visitors on tram drawn by truck.
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Circa 1965
Visitors disembark from tour boat Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of visitors disembarking from top of ENP Tour Boat.
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Circa 1965
Park-goers boarding tram Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of visitors boarding tram.
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Circa 1965
Park-goers on Shark Valley tram Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of visitors on Shark Valley Tram.
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Circa 1965
Two visitors posing for photograph, Main Visitor Center, circa 1965 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up, front view of two Visitors posing for photograph outside of the Visitor Center.
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Circa 1965
Park employees and visitors seated around edges of the "Dangerous Pit", circa 1955 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Caption: "1-barbara burchett, 2-3ed mazzer, 4-, 5-wesley philips, 6-bruce hawkins; interpreters at indian vill".
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Circa 1955
Cars parked along sides of road, Royal Palm, circa 1960 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of road lined by parked cars and campers with hammocks on the side and in background.
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Circa 1960
Two visitors posing for photograph, Main Visitor Center, circa 1965 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up, front view of two Visitors posing for photograph outside of the Visitor Center.
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Circa 1965
Two visitors posing for photograph, Main Visitor Center, circa 1965 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up, front view of two visitors posing for photograph outside of the Visitor Center.
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Circa 1965
Handkerchief pool, Yellowstone National Park, 1903 Kings Mountain National Military Park 5 Handkerchief Pool 1903
Yellowstone bus, Yellowstone National Park, 1923 Kings Mountain National Military Park 9 Yellow Bus 1923
Rates Authorized to be Charged by the Public Utilities Operating in Yosemite National Park University of Georgia Libraries Call number: j84: i29.6: y3/9x.
Ovid Butler speaking Great Smoky Mountains National Park Ovid Butler speaking.American Forestry Convention; Newfound Gap, IV-V-12854, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Arno B. Cammerer speaking Great Smoky Mountains National Park Arno B. Cammerer speaking.American Forestry Convention; Newfound Gap, IV-V-12855, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Brass Hats on Trail Ridge Great Smoky Mountains National Park The Brass Hats on Trail Ridge in 1935,Brass Hats on Trail Ridge, IV-V-11468, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Governor Hoey of North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Standing on foot bridge at Chimneys?,Governor Hoey of North Carolina, IV-V-12823, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson at Newfound Gap Great Smoky Mountains National Park Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson (Betty Mather) at Newfound Gap. MacPherson, MR. and Mrs. (Betty Mather), IV-V-12822, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Mr. and Mrs. MacPherson at Newfound Gap Great Smoky Mountains National Park Mr. and Mrs. PacPherson at Newfound Gap, MacPherson, MR. and Mrs. (Betty Mather), IV-V-12821, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Miss Story and Superintendent Eakin Great Smoky Mountains National Park Miss Story and Superintendent Eakin. Road Prong, just above second bridge to Chimneys trail.Isabelle Story, IV-V-12866, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Miss Story and Superintendent Eakin Great Smoky Mountains National Park Miss Story and Superintendent Eakin. Road Prong, just above second bridge to Chimneys trail.Isabelle Story, IV-V-12867, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Director Drury's trip to LeConte Great Smoky Mountains National Park Park Engineer White, Director Drury, Wrangler Ogle. Newton B. Drury, Director, taken on his visit to GSMNP, October 1940. These pictures were taken on his trip to LeConte. Director Drury's Trip to LeConte, IV-V-12858, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Director Drury's trip to LeConte Great Smoky Mountains National Park Park Engineer White, Director Drury, standing on Myrtle Point? Newton B. Drury, Director, taken on his visit to GSMNP, October 1940. These pictures were taken on his trip to LeConte. Director Drury's Trip to LeConte, IV-V-12859, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Cave visitors, boy scouts pitching tents during camporee at picnic area, 1940 Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Cave visitors, boy scouts pitching tents during camporee at picnic area, 1940 Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Cave visitors, boy scouts pitching tents during camporee at picnic area, 1940 Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Director Drury's trip to LeConte Great Smoky Mountains National Park Moving along on horses - Wrangler Ogle, Director Drury, Park Engineer White. Newton B. Drury, Director, taken on his visit to GSMNP, October 1940. These pictures were taken on his trip to LeConte.Director Drury's Trip to LeConte, IV-V-12861, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Director Drury's trip to LeConte Great Smoky Mountains National Park Newton B. Drury, Director, taken on his visit to GSMNP, October 1940. These pictures were taken on his trip to LeConte.Director Drury's Trip to LeConte, IV-V-12860, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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The millionth visitor, Mrs. John W. Legler Great Smoky Mountains National Park Party being presented book by Colonel Chapman.The Millionth Visitor; Mrs. John W. Legler, IV-V-12848, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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The millionth visitor, Mrs. John W. Legler Great Smoky Mountains National Park Standing in front of Rockefeller plaque.The Millionth Visitor; Mrs. John W. Legler, IV-V-12851, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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The millionth visitor, Mrs. John W. Legler Great Smoky Mountains National Park ...and party, standing in front of Oconaluftee Ranger Station.The Millionth Visitor; Mrs. John W. Legler, IV-V-12853, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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The millionth visitor, Mrs. John W. Legler Great Smoky Mountains National Park Standing by car in headquarters parking area.The Millionth Visitor; Mrs. John W. Legler, IV-V-12847, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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The millionth visitor, Mrs. John W. Legler Great Smoky Mountains National Park Party, sitting on wall at Newfound Gap.The Millionth Visitor; Mrs. John W. Legler, IV-V-12850, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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The millionth visitor, Mrs. John W. Legler Great Smoky Mountains National Park ...and party, standing in front of Rockefeller plaque.The Millionth Visitor; Mrs. John W. Legler, IV-V-12852, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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The millionth visitor, Mrs. John W. Legler Great Smoky Mountains National Park Party, standing on front porch of Headquarters. being presented book by Col. Chapman.The Millionth Visitor; Mrs. John W. Legler, IV-V-12849, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Regional director's party Great Smoky Mountains National Park Leaving Bryson Place on Deep Creek: 1 - Wilhelm; 2 - Light; 3 - Allen; 4 - Vint; 5 - DeHart (Bryson City).Regional Director's Party, IV-V-12833, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Director Drury, at Forney Ridge Great Smoky Mountains National Park Left to right: Tripp, Eakin, Drury, Allen, Wilhelm.Director Drury; At Forney Ridge, IV-V-12862, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Left to right: Thomas J. Allen, Congressman Shuford, Hillory A. Tolson, Francis J. Heazel, Director Drury, Herbert E. Evison.Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee, IV-V-12869, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Left to right: Thomas J. Allen, Newton B. Drury, Hillory A. Tolson, Herbert E. Evison.Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee, IV-V-12868, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Group picture in front of office. Left to right (as best I can identify them): Front row: Herbert S. Walters, Blair Ross, W.R. Winkler, Charles E. Ray, Francis J. Heazel (behind Ray), Tom Allen (Regional Director), Newton B. Drury, Paul Mathes, Congressman Shuford, Kelly Bennett; Back row: Hillory A. Tolson, Ed Ashe (head sticking out behind Heazel), Frank Maloney, Percy Ferebee.Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee, IV-V-12871, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Left to right: Herbert E. Evison, Blair Ross, Newton B. Drury, Thomas J. Allen.Joint Tennessee-North Carolina Committee, IV-V-12870, Miscellaneous - Visitors
Park employee explaining plant to visitors, Gumbo Limbo Trail, March 1950 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of park employee explaining plant to visitors on trail; "Park naturalist and party on Gumbo Limbo Trail Nature Walk".
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, IV-V-12843, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, IV-V-12845, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, IV-V-12844, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove ME Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Parking in old CCC Camp.Church Reunion; Cades Cove ME Church, IV-V-12838, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, IV-V-12842, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove ME Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove ME Church, IV-V-12835, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove ME Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove ME Church, IV-V-12836, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove ME Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Parking in old CCC Camp.Church Reunion; Cades Cove ME Church, IV-V-12837, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, IV-V-12846, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove ME Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove ME Church, IV-V-12834, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Missionary Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Missionary Baptist Church, IV-V-12840, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Primitive Baptist Church, IV-V-12841, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Church reunion, Cades Cove Missionary Baptist Church Great Smoky Mountains National Park Church Reunion; Cades Cove Missionary Baptist Church, IV-V-12839, Miscellaneous - Visitors
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Building Report Photo of side view of entrance to comfort station at Heintooga Ridge, building number 350, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Heintooga Ridge. Building report photo... side entrance.Comfort station; building No. 350, II-B-(4)-1776, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Building Report Photo of rear view of comfort station at Balsam Mountain Campground, Building number 306, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Balsam Mountain campground... rear view of station. Buildong report photo.Comfort station; building No. 306, II-B-(4)-1770, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Building Report Photo of comfort station at Balsam Mountain campground, Building number 306, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Balsam Mountain campground. Building report photo.Comfort station; building No. 306, II-B-(4)-1768, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Building Report Photo of rear view of comfort station at Heintooga Ridge, Building number 350, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Heintooga Ridge. Back view. Building report photo.Comfort station; building No. 350, II-B-(4)-1774, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Building Report Photo of man in front of comfort station at Balsam Mountain campground, Building number 306, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Balsam Mountain campground. Building report photo.Comfort station; building No. 306, II-B-(4)-1769, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Building Report Photo of Men entrance to comfort station at Heintooga Ridge, building number 350, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Heintooga Ridge. Men" entrance. Building report photo.",Comfort station; building No. 350, II-B-(4)-1775, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Building Report Photo of comfort station at Heintooga Ridge, Building number 350, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Heintooga Ridge. Front view. Building report photo. Comfort station; building No. 350, II-B-(4)-1773, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Building Report Photo of comfort station at Heintooga Ridge, North Carolina, 1953 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Heintooga Ridge. Building report photo. Comfort station; building No. 350, II-B-(4)-1772, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings
Visitors reading building description, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Visitors reading building description in window Bldg. 35, 35-r-1. Original caption: NHF-427; Building 35, Visitors Reading Building Description in window , Building 36 to Left, Aug. 1956.
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National Park Story in Pictures Clemson University Libraries Call number: i29.6: n21/12.
Visitors, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Stone Steps, visitors descending, handrail in center of steps, Catholic Church, background. High Street. Original caption: NHF 1905, Stone Steps - Visitors Descending - Handrail in Center of Steps - Catholic Church in Background, Location: High Street, 1957.
Visitors, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Artista and Visitors in Parking area South of Bldg. 33, before Parking lot was, constructed. Shenandoah Street. Original caption: NHF 1910, Artist and Visitors in Parking Area South of Building 33, Before Parking Lot Was Constructed, Location: Shenandoah Street, 1957.
Bears fighting with visitors watching in background, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Visitors watching in background.Bears fighting; at base of tree, I-E-Bear-2963, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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Visitors at Ocracoke Visitor Center, North Carolina, 1957 Cape Hatteras National Seashore 7-4-57 ; View of Office Bldg -. NPS Visitor Center, Ocracoke, with local characters.
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Bear standing on side of car, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Bear standing on side of car. Group of people watching.Bear; US 441, I-E-Bear-2973, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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Visitors feeding bear, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Woman and man feeding bear. Bear standing on hind legs about to grab. Shows bear's teeth.Bear feeding, I-E-Bear-2969, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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Bear up a tree near trash can and visitors, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Near garbage can. UF 441,Bear up a tree, I-E-Bear-2965, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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Man throwing food to mother bear and cubs, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Man throwing food to mother and 3 cubs. Visitors standing in background.Bear feeding; US 441, I-E-Bear-2972, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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Man feeding bear from cracker box, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Man feeding bear from cracker box. Bear standing on hind legs, loYESing away from man.Bear feeding; US 441, I-E-Bear-2971, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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Ranger Holt giving information to visitors, Mile High Overlook, North Carolina, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Ranger Holt giving information to 2 visitors.Giving information; Mile high overloYES, IV-U-Gen-2961, Miscellaneous - Use of Park -Miscellaneous use
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Man feeding bear from cracker box, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Man feeding bear from cracker box.Bear feeding, I-E-Bear-2970, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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Visitors gathered around bears near garbage can, 1957 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Visitors gathered around 3 bears near garbage can. Girl in shorts in foreground.Bears, I-E-Bear-2962, Natural Features - Fauna - Bears
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About 800 Items

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Clemson University