Search Results

Page 3 of at least 9
About 170 Items

Close up of two American coots Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up of two American Coot on branches at water's edge.
Two views of white ibis atop tree Everglades National Park; National Park Service Two views of white ibis in top of tree; "White Ibis". Two negatives connected.
Close-up of spoonbills feeding in shallows Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up of eight spoonbills (some only partially visible) wading and feeding; "Spoonbills" Locality: Photo Source: Keywords: Wading Birds.
Anhinga hopping out of water Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up of Anhinga hopping out of water on to bank; "Anhinga 8. Sodden male Anhinga clambers from Taylor Slough. Wings loaded with water, flight is most difficult. The author has only seen when anhingas fly when alarmed."
Snowy egret among grasses Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of a snowy egret in the water with a rock outcropping and grasses in background.
Wood ibis rookery Everglades National Park; National Park Service View from water of many wood ibis on top branches of mangroves; "Wood Ibis Rookery".
Cormorant skimming water Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of cormorant swooping close to water, wing splashing water.
Anhinga and three coots in water Everglades National Park; National Park Service NOTE 1: Close up of Anhinga's head sticking out of water near 3 coots; "Anhinga and coots are among the numerous water birds finding sanctuary in ENP. NOTE 2: Unlike other water birds, the Anhinga has no oil on its feathers to repell water, thus quickly becomes soaked and sinks with only the head-snakelike-remaining above the water. In contrast, the "oily" coot in this picture, bob easily along on the surface."
Birds on and above rookery Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up, out of focus view of wood storks and other birds in branches of mangroves, some birds flying.
View of four egrets Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of four egrets, two in water, two on shore. Polyester Copy Negative.
Tri-color heron by mangrove bank Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of tri-color heron facing away from viewer standing in low water near mangrove; slightly out of focus.
Distant view of wood storks Everglades National Park; National Park Service Distant view of a flock of woodstorks feeding.
Aerial view of Cuthbert Lake Rookery Everglades National Park; National Park Service Distant, aerial view of bird covered island; "Cuthbert (Lake) Rookery".
Cuthbert Rookery Everglades National Park; National Park Service View from water of many birds perched on branches of mangroves and flying overhead; "Scene at Cuthbert Rookery".
Birds on trees Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of birds (wood ibis) perched on top branches of trees; "Wood Ibis Rookery". Polyester copy negative. One of two negatives. Two of two negatives, three prints.
Distant birds flying over water Everglades National Park; National Park Service Distant view of birds flying over water, two birds in foreground.
White heron standing in water plants Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of bird standing in water with water plants in foreground, bushes and grass behind.
Three views of spoonbills feeding Everglades National Park; National Park Service Two views of spoonbills feeding, second shot has an egret in a tree on left proper of photo. Two prints.
Great egret in water plants Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up of Great Egret in water on far side of water plants.
Flock of birds surrounding rookery Everglades National Park; National Park Service View from water of birds on trees and flying overhead; "Rookery".

Page 3 of at least 9
About 170 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University