Items in this Collection See All Cannon diagram National Park Service Line of cannons National Park Service Men on cannon National Park Service Mortar and cannons National Park Service YMCA director 1906 National Park Service Parrott rifle National Park Service First Sargent Newbert, circa 1930 National Park Service Man with cannon carriage National Park Service View of a Cannon, South Carolina National Park Service Illustration of palm trees National Park Service Men posed in front of cannon National Park Service Public viewing line of cannons National Park Service Illustration of palm trees National Park Service Men placing gun National Park Service English gun on Garrison carriage diagram National Park Service Moving 13 inch mortar National Park Service Life Savy Station National Park Service Cannon with cannon balls National Park Service Diagram of 18 pounder on a truck carriage National Park Service Harper's Weekly image of USS Weehawken, 1863 National Park Service Coast Guard ship National Park Service Illustration of British ship National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Edward Rutledge National Park Service Brooke rifle National Park Service Illustration of group of buildings at night National Park Service Portrait of Edgar Allen Poe National Park Service Illustrated portrait of John Rutledge National Park Service Painted portrait of Francis Marion National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Nathaniel Greene National Park Service Illustration of men going into building at night National Park Service Cannons along channel National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Andrew Pickens National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Thomas Lynch Junior National Park Service Bandsmen National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Thomas Hayward Junior National Park Service School buses waiting for children, Charleston, South Carolina National Park Service Drawing of aerial view of military fort National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Thomas Lynch Junior National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Arthur Middleton Junior National Park Service Photograph of structure in progress of being constructed National Park Service Drawing of battle in harbor with ships sinking National Park Service Painting of British soldiers National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Arthur Middleton Junior National Park Service Illustration of burning building with smoke in air National Park Service Illustrated portrait of Henry Laurens National Park Service Portrait of unidentified man in Revolutionary War period dress National Park Service Gubernatorial portrait of Grover Cleveland National Park Service Illustration of wooden exterior walls of fort National Park Service Illustration of waves crashing on rocks National Park Service Painted portrait of Andrew Pickens National Park Service Explore Items By Location Map All