Search Results

Page 3 of at least 61
About 6,000 Items

Aerial view of loblolly pines tower above ponds, Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Loblolly Pines Towering Above Ponds, Beidler Tract, Aerial View
Aerial view of logging, Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Logging - Beidler Tract, Aerial View
Aerial view of oxbow river pattern between pines, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Oxbow River Pattern between Pines, Aerial View
Aerial view of pine upland, floodplain forest, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Pine Upland -- Floodplain Forest, Looking North, Aerial View
Aerial view of pine upland, floodplain forest, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Pine Upland -- Floodplain Forest, Looking North, Aerial View
Aerial view of river, Forest, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #0015, #0015a, Congaree Swamp National Monument, Mar 83A5
Aerial view of rivers Congaree & Wateree, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #2861 Aerial View - Jct. - Congaree & Wateree R., P. Spangle 6/16/77
Aerial view of seed tree cut, Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Seed Tree Cut, Beidler Tract, Aerial View
Aerial view of selective logging, Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Selective Logging, Beidler Tract
Aerial view of timber cut, Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Aerial View, Timber Cut - Beidler T, Congaree Swamp NM, P Spangle 6/16/77
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Aerial view, Brady Tract and River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Aerial View - Brady Tract & River From S, Congaree Swamp NM, P Spangle 6/16/77
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Aerial view, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Aerial View
Aerial view, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Aerial View
Aerial view, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Aerial View
Aerial view, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Aerial View
Aerial view, Congaree National Park, Hopkins, South Carolina Congaree National Park 2507 Areial View Brady Tract From North Congaree Swamp NM P. Spangle 6/16/77
Aerial view, Congaree National Park, Hopkins, South Carolina Congaree National Park 2500 Cedar Creek Access
Aerial view, Congaree National Park, Hopkins, South Carolina Congaree National Park 2541 Lower tract Congaree NM 9-89 Post Hugo
Aerial view, Congaree National Park, Hopkins, South Carolina Congaree National Park 2516 Aerial View Beidler Tract Congaree Swamp NM P. Spangle 6/16/77
Aerial view, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #2811 Dawson Place
Aerial view, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #3404 Congaree Swamp N. M.
Aerial view, Congaree River, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Congaree River, Aerial View, Slide 2
Aerial view, Weston Lake, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Weston Lake, Aerial View, Slide 15
Aerial view, Weston Lake, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Weston Lake, Aerial View, Slide 15
Aerial view, agriculture across Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Agriculture Use Acros_s Beidler Tract
Aethes sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aethes sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 11mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aethiophysa invisalis (Guenée) 1854 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aethiophysa sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aglossa cuprina (Zeller) 1872 Congaree National Park Moth size: 24mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aglossa cuprina (Zeller) 1872 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aglossa disciferalis (Dyar) 1908 Congaree National Park Moth size: 17mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aglossa disciferalis (Dyar) 1908 Congaree National Park Moth size: 16mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Agricultural clearing, opposite Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Agricultural Clearing, S Shore Congaree R Oppos_ite Beidler Tract, A Carter 5/10/77
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Agricultural clearing, opposite Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Agricultural Clearing - S Side Congaree R Oppos_ite Beidler Tract - C Axtell, Dike to Protect Fields, A Carter 5/10/77
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Page 3 of at least 61
About 6,000 Items

Generously Supported By

National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University