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Arogalea cristifasciella (Chambers) 1878 Congaree National Park Moth size: 12mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arta olivalis Grote 1878 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods and bald cypress mix. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arta statalis Grote 1875 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods and bald cypress mix. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Artace cribraria (Ljungh) 1825 Congaree National Park Moth size: 40mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Artace cribraria (Ljungh) 1825 Congaree National Park Moth size: 32mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arugisa latiorella (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 20mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arugisa latiorella (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 22mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arugisa lutea (Smith) 1900 Congaree National Park Moth size: 17mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arugisa lutea (Smith) 1900 Congaree National Park Moth size: 19mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Atascosa glareosella (Zeller) 1872 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Athetis tarda (Guenée) 1852 Congaree National Park Moth size: 28mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Atteva aurea (Fitch) 1857 Congaree National Park Moth size: 24mm. Habitat: Water. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Audley H. Ward speaking, Superintendents Meeting, Columbia Hotel, South Carolina, 1954 South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism MTG-6. Meetings. 1954 Supts. Training. Sept. 21-23, 1954-WTA. Audley H. Ward, Banquet Speaker.
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Authorized Boundary of Park on a map, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #2829 Authorized Boundary Congaree Swamp N.M. 7.8.77 PFS
Authorized boundary, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Authorized Boundary, Congaree Swamp NM, 7/8/77 PFS
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Automeris io (Fabricius) 1775 Congaree National Park Moth size: 55mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Automeris io (Fabricius) 1775 Congaree National Park Moth size: 74mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Azenia obtusa (Herrich-Schäffer) 1854 Congaree National Park Moth size: 26mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bactra verutana Zeller 1875 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods and bald cypress mix. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bactra verutana Zeller 1875 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Baileya australis (Grote) 1881 Congaree National Park Moth size: 24mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Baileya dormitans (Guenée) 1852 Congaree National Park Moth size: 29mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Baileya levitans (Smith) 1906 Congaree National Park Moth size: 25mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Baileya ophthalmica (Guenée) 1852 Congaree National Park Moth size: 30mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bald Eagle, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #1234 Northern Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #1231 Northern or Southern Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #1230 Northern or SouthernBald Eagle
Bald Eagle, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #1232 Northern or Southern Bald Eagle
Bald cypress & vines, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Baldcypress & vines - Floodplain near river in Beidler Tract PFS 5/10/77; 4
Bald cypress on left, water tupelo on right, Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Bald Cypress - Left; Water Tupelo - Right; E End Beidler Tract, Congaree, 5/10/77 JK
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Bald eagle, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #3019 Northern Bald Eagle, Congaree Swamp N. M., Fungi
Balsa labecula (Grote) 1880 Congaree National Park Moth size: 25mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Balsa malana (Fitch) 1856 Congaree National Park Moth size: 25mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Balsa tristrigella (Walker) 1866 Congaree National Park Moth size: 26mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bantis water snake, Forest, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #1032 Bantis Water Snake. Congaree Swamp
Baphala pallida (J. H. Comstock) 1880 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Barred Owl, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #2675 Barred Owl, Congaree Swamp NM
Barricade, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #1566 Access Rd to Boat Ramp
Basacallis tarachodes (Dyar) 1914 Congaree National Park Moth size: 12mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Basicladus tracyi (Jones) 1911 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Basilodes pepita Guenée 1852 Congaree National Park Moth size: 37mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bates Old River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, River Mile 35, View E, Bates Old River 10/77 KG
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Battaristis concinusella (Chambers) 1877 Congaree National Park Moth size: 7mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Battaristis nigratomella (Clemens) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Battaristis sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 7mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Battaristis vittella (Busck) 1926 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Beidler Tract Marker, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Beidler Tract Marker, Congaree Swamp NM, A Carter 5/12/77
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Besma quercivoraria (Guenée) 1858 Congaree National Park Moth size: 30mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Besma quercivoraria (Guenée) 1858 Congaree National Park Moth size: 38mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Black rat snake near Hunt Club, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Black Rat Snake (Elaphe Obsoleta Obsoleta) Near cut-over area S of Hunt Club; PFS 5/11/77; 28
Black rat snake near Hunt Club, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Black Rat Snake (Elaphe Obsoleta Obsoleta) Near cut-over area S of Hunt Club; PFS 5/11/77; #12 NPS-34-C
Black rat snake near Hunt Club, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Black Rat Snake (Elaphe Obsoleta Obsoleta) Near cut-over area S of Hunt Club; PFS 5/11/77; #11 NPS-33-C
Black rat snake, Beidler Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Black Rat Snake (Elaphe Obsoleta), Beidler Tract, Congaree Swamp NM, 5-11-77 P Spangle
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Blastobasis glandulella (Riley) 1871 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Blastobasis sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 20mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Blastobasis sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 12mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Blepharomastix ranalis (Guenée) 1854 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Young plantation pine - even stands (pole or saplings). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bleptina caradrinalis Guenée 1854 Congaree National Park Moth size: 27mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bleptina inferior Grote 1872 Congaree National Park Moth size: 24mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Bleptina inferior Grote 1872 Congaree National Park Moth size: 23mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Blue Jay, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park #2677 Blue bird strobe light, Photo 4- hole swamp, Blue Jay!
Bluff Road at Duffie's Pond, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Bluff Road at Duffie's Pond - View E; NPS-337-C
Bluff base, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, TYP bluff base, 10/77 KG
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Bluffs along south shore, Congaree River, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Bluffs along South Shore, Congaree River

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About 6,000 Items

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