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Remains of flag National Park Service
Page of text [verso] National Park Service
Page of text [recto] National Park Service
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Page of text [recto] National Park Service
Page of text, 1863 [verso] National Park Service
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Text in Harper's Weekly, 186 [verso] National Park Service
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In a Cotton Field [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
Page of text, 1863 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text, 1884 [recto] National Park Service From publication Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text, 1864 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text, 1864 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text, 1858 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Rice culture the South, 1884 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text [recto] National Park Service Part publication: Gleason 's Pictorial Drawing-room Companion.
Harper's Weekly, 1889 [recto] National Park Service General Washington at the close of the war.
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Our Army on the Potomac, 1861 [recto] National Park Service From publication Harper 's Weekly.
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Page of text, 1861 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Page of text, 1860 [verso] National Park Service From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Page of text, 1860 [recto] National Park Service From a publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Multiple illustrations, cotton culture in the South, 1883 [recto] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Text in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [recto] National Park Service A chess problem on the right edge.
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A ten-inch Columbiad mounted as a mortar at Fort Sumter, 1861 National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Multiple illustrations and text in Harper's Weekly, 1876 [recto] National Park Service (Top) Reading for a degree (Bottom) After recreation Article "Two Phases of Life".
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Page of text and illustrations [recto] National Park Service Rufus King. Captain Knapp 's battery engaging the confederates at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Auguast 9th, 1862.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, with text and illustrations, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Major Robert Anderson, U.S.A., in command of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
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Quarters of the Union Officers, Charleston, South Carolina [recto] National Park Service From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
Text and illustration, Map of Tennessee through which General Rosecrans advanced [verso] National Park Service Map of Tennessee through which General Rosecrans advanced.
Multiple illustrations of phosphate mining, Charleston, South Carolina [recto] National Park Service From German publication of: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Two illustrations, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Entry of Major Anderson 's command into Fort Sumter on Christmas Night, 1860. Occupation of Castle Pinckney by the Charleston Militia, December 26, 1860 From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
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Text and an illustration from book 'The Soldier In Our Civil War' [recto] National Park Service The Federal Iron-Clad "Weehawken" attacks Fort Sumter.
Two illustrations and text [verso] National Park Service The Mills House, Charleston, South Carolina From publication: Gleason 's Pictorial Drawing-room Companion.
Illustration, Bombardment of Fort Sumter and Fort Wagner [recto] National Park Service Illustration from: Harpers Weekly.
Two illustrations and text, 1860 [verso] National Park Service The South Carolina Institute, at Charleston, South Carolina, in which the democratic convention will meet. The ship "Jacob A. Westervelt" on fire in the harbor of New York, April 11, 1860.
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Ironclad Fleet commanded by Admiral Dupont, Firing Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina [recto] National Park Service Illustration form: Frank Leslie 's illustrated newspaper.
Text and an illustration in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [verso] National Park Service First night of bombardment on Fort Sumter, to prevent reinforcements being sent to Major Anderson.
Multiple illustrations, Atlas National Park Service Fort Moultrie. Fort Johnson. Morris island, Cummings point.
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Circa 1861
Two illustrations, 1863 [verso] National Park Service The Interior of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbour, after a continuous bombardment by the federal batteries on Morris Island. The fight for the rifle-pits in front of Battery Wagner From publication: The Illustrated London News.
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Text and multiple illustrations, Harpers Pictorial History of the Civil War, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Nailing flag to temporary flag staff, Sergeant Hart. Powder removal from magazine, Fort Sumter.
General McGowan making address at the Charleston Hotel, 1861 [recto] National Park Service General McGowan addressing the Abbeville Volunteers in front of the Charleston Hotel From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Illustrations and text from book 'The Soldier In Our Civil War' [recto] National Park Service Edmund Ruffin of Virginia. Interior view of Fort Moultrie as engaged in the bombardment against Fort Sumter.
Multiple illustrations, 1861 [verso] National Park Service U S Dragons charging in, Fairfax Corthouse, 1861. Colonel Elmer E Ellsworth. Muder of Colonel Ellsworth, Marshall house, Alexandria, Virginia, 1861.
Page of text with illustrations, 1861 National Park Service The Baptist Church at Columbia, S.C., where the greate secession convention was first held, Dec. 17, 1860. Plan of the harbor of Charleston, S.C., showing the relative position of the several fortresses From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
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Multiple illustrations, Atlas National Park Service Exterior view, Fort Sumter. Channel face, Bombproof shelter, Flag staff, Fort Sumter. Sullivan 's island, Battery Beagard. Interior view, Fort Sumter. :
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Circa 1861
Front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper with text and couple of illustrations, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Portrait of Col. Rhett, Editor of The Charleston Mercury. The Walter Battery on Sullivans Island, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
Evacuation of Fort Moultrie on Christmas Night, South Carolina, 1861 National Park Service Evacuation of Fort Moultrie by Major Anderson and the United States troops, on Christmas Night, 1860-The troops conveying powder and other stores in sloops in.
Women and children taking shelter during the Battle of Antietam [verso] National Park Service Woman and children of Sharpsburg, MD., taking refuge in the cellar of the Kretzer Mansion, during the battle of Antietam. Bursting of a shell in the window of the cellar.
Multiple illustrations and text on Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service Siege of Charleston - Planting the:chevaux de frise in front of Fort Wagner. Siege of Charleston - Sutler 's profits in the trenches - a flase alarm.
Illustrations of Civil War from a book [recto] National Park Service Scouting party of the Ninth Indiana Volunteers, or, as they were called, "The Tigers of the Bloody Ninth". Discovery of a Confederate battery at Messech 's point at Messech 's point by a scouting party of the Tenth Regiment of Newyork Zouaves.
Multiple illustrations, Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper [recto] National Park Service Battle commencement, Pocotaligo river, South Carolina. National troops landing under General Brannan and General Terry, Mackeys point, South Carolina. Railroad destruction by Federal troops. Attack on a rebel train.
Two illustrations, 1863 [recto] National Park Service Bombardment of Fort Moultrie. Siege of Charleston-1. Bombardment of Fort Moultrie and the Batteries Bee and Beauregard, by the monitors and ironsides, Sept. 7th and 8th.-2. Interior of Battery Gregg, looking towards Wagner From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Two illustrations and text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service The great cannons in Fort Moultire. Interior of Fort Moultrie, in Charleston Harbor, S.C. Now in possession of the authorities of South Carolina-the secession flag flying From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Multiple illustrations, Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper [recto] National Park Service Christmas night, Fort Moultrie evacuation by Major Anderson, South Carolina. Steamship with reinforcements for Major Anderson, Fort Sumter, South Carolina.
Multiple illustrations and text [verso] National Park Service Robert Smalls, Captain of the gun-boat "Planter". The gun-boat "Planter," run out of Charleston, S.C., by Robery Smalls, May, 1862. Feeding the negro children under charge of the military authorities at Hilton Head, South Carolina.
Illustrations and text in Harper's Weekly, 1876[verso] National Park Service (Top) Fort Moultrie Monument, Charleston, South Carolina. (Bottom) The Centennial - Model of the steam-ship "City of Berlin" in Machinery Hall. "The Fort Moultrie monument" article on left. "The Centennial" article on right:
Multiple illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (Top) The war in Virginia- Kelly 's Ford on the Rappahannock - showing the rebel breastworks in the foreground (Bottom) Fort Sumter in ruins, as seen from the Beacon House, Morris Island
Multiple illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (Clockwise) Remains of blockade runners. Rebel Camp on Sullivan 's island. Rebel battery on Sullivan 's Island. Fort Moultrie as seen from Morris Island. Rebel battery on Sullivan 's Island. (Center) Examining passes on the beach.
Front page of Harper's Weekly with a group portrait of nine officers, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Captain T. Seymour, 1st Lieut. G.W.Snyder, 1st Lt. J.C.Davis, 2nd Lt. R.K.Meade, 1st Lt. T.Talbot. Captain A.D *bleday, Major R.Anderson, Assistant Surgent S.W.Crawford, Capt. J.G.Foster.
Cover page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper with multiple illustrations [recto] National Park Service View of Fort Johnson and Battery Simkins, on James Island. Engineers approaching Fort Wagner, The Flying Sap. Siege of Charleston - Engineers approaching Fort Wagner.

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University