Page of text and illustrations [recto]National Park ServiceRufus King. Captain Knapp 's battery engaging the confederates at the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Auguast 9th, 1862.
Two illustrations, 1861 [recto]National Park ServiceEntry of Major Anderson 's command into Fort Sumter on Christmas Night, 1860. Occupation of Castle Pinckney by the Charleston Militia, December 26, 1860 From publication: Harper 's Weekly.
Two illustrations and text [verso]National Park ServiceThe Mills House, Charleston, South Carolina From publication: Gleason 's Pictorial Drawing-room Companion.
Two illustrations and text, 1860 [verso]National Park ServiceThe South Carolina Institute, at Charleston, South Carolina, in which the democratic convention will meet. The ship "Jacob A. Westervelt" on fire in the harbor of New York, April 11, 1860.
Two illustrations, 1863 [verso]National Park ServiceThe Interior of Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbour, after a continuous bombardment by the federal batteries on Morris Island. The fight for the rifle-pits in front of Battery Wagner From publication: The Illustrated London News.
Page of text with illustrations, 1861National Park ServiceThe Baptist Church at Columbia, S.C., where the greate secession convention was first held, Dec. 17, 1860. Plan of the harbor of Charleston, S.C., showing the relative position of the several fortresses From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Multiple illustrations, AtlasNational Park ServiceExterior view, Fort Sumter. Channel face, Bombproof shelter, Flag staff, Fort Sumter. Sullivan 's island, Battery Beagard. Interior view, Fort Sumter. :
Illustrations of Civil War from a book [recto]National Park ServiceScouting party of the Ninth Indiana Volunteers, or, as they were called, "The Tigers of the Bloody Ninth". Discovery of a Confederate battery at Messech 's point at Messech 's point by a scouting party of the Tenth Regiment of Newyork Zouaves.
Multiple illustrations, Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper [recto]National Park ServiceBattle commencement, Pocotaligo river, South Carolina. National troops landing under General Brannan and General Terry, Mackeys point, South Carolina. Railroad destruction by Federal troops. Attack on a rebel train.
Two illustrations, 1863 [recto]National Park ServiceBombardment of Fort Moultrie. Siege of Charleston-1. Bombardment of Fort Moultrie and the Batteries Bee and Beauregard, by the monitors and ironsides, Sept. 7th and 8th.-2. Interior of Battery Gregg, looking towards Wagner From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Two illustrations and text, 1861 [recto]National Park ServiceThe great cannons in Fort Moultire. Interior of Fort Moultrie, in Charleston Harbor, S.C. Now in possession of the authorities of South Carolina-the secession flag flying From publication: Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper.
Multiple illustrations and text [verso]National Park ServiceRobert Smalls, Captain of the gun-boat "Planter". The gun-boat "Planter," run out of Charleston, S.C., by Robery Smalls, May, 1862. Feeding the negro children under charge of the military authorities at Hilton Head, South Carolina.
Illustrations and text in Harper's Weekly, 1876[verso]National Park Service(Top) Fort Moultrie Monument, Charleston, South Carolina. (Bottom) The Centennial - Model of the steam-ship "City of Berlin" in Machinery Hall. "The Fort Moultrie monument" article on left. "The Centennial" article on right:
Multiple illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso]National Park Service(Clockwise) Remains of blockade runners. Rebel Camp on Sullivan 's island. Rebel battery on Sullivan 's Island. Fort Moultrie as seen from Morris Island. Rebel battery on Sullivan 's Island. (Center) Examining passes on the beach.