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About 2,500 Items

Yellowstone photo album 20, page 31 Yellowstone National Park
Drainage trenching along road in Burnside Tract, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Drainage trenching along road E South in Burnside Tract W of Hunt Club Access road just N of Bluff KG 10/20/77; C-1-5
Drainage trenching along road in Burnside Tract, Congaree National Park, South Carolina Congaree National Park Drainage trenching along road E South in Burnside Tract W of Hunt Club Access road just N of Bluff KG 10/20/77; C-1-4
Yellowstone photo album 4a, page 73 Yellowstone National Park
Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism RH-15; Rose Hill; Programs & Events; Forestry Comm. neg.; Dedication of Rose Hill; Dec. 20 1960; CFB.""
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Demolition of cable tank building, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Demolition of cable tank (looking SE); Nov. 20; 1.f.; DEC74A6 4.
Yellowstone photo album 20, page 97 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 25, page 66 Yellowstone National Park
Letter, 1863 September 22, James Wallace to Brooks, regarding Parrott guns that failed, page 2 National Park Service Letter to Brooks from James Baldwin, reporting results of Baldwin's examination of the 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns that failed during the bombardment of Ft. Sumter. The number of rounds at which guns failed, signs of crystallization, cracks, and fractures in the guns are detailed.
Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism RH-17; Rose Hill; Programs & Events; Forestry Commission Negative; Dedication of Rose Hill; Dec. 20 1960; CFB.""
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Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism RH-14;Rose Hill; Programs & Events; Forestry Comm. negative; Dedication of Rose Hill; Dec. 20 1960; CFB.""
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Sandhill in the east of Fort, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service E. Sandhill 10-20-66 Ft. Moultrie; FM-660; 14; 3h; OCT 9.
White lookout building northwest of flag pole, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, 1866 National Park Service N.W. of flagpole 10-20-66; 1.b.; 2; OCT 13.
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Yellowstone photo album 6, page 82 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 12, page 27 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 20, page 4 Yellowstone National Park
Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism RH-16; Rose Hill; Programs & Events; Forestry Commission Negative; Dedication of Rose Hill; Dec. 20 1960; CFB.""
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Yellowstone photo album 27, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Demolition of cable tank building, opposite to fort, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Demolition of cable tank bldg.; Nov. 20; 10b; DEC 2.
Special achievement award, to Hyatt, from Superintend John Cook Great Smoky Mountains National Park Supt. John Cook presents Hyatt, South District Facility Manager, a 20 year length-of-service pin.Hyatt, Frank, IV-P-16962, Miscellaneous - Personnel
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Cranes used to lift Rodman guns into position, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Cranes used to life 15 Rodman into position; MAY88- 20.
Demolition of cable tank building in Fort Moultrie area, South Carolina National Park Service Demolition of cable tank bldg; Nov. 20; 1.f.; DEC76 8.
Yellowstone photo album 29, page 58 Yellowstone National Park
Little River Road flood damage, 1966 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Little River Road damage. Site 23 in report, Station 641+20 -642+10, below Millsap picnic area. Rock wall and road shoulder washed out. Replace 200 cu. Yd. fill material in road shoulder and bank; 64 cu. Yd. rock wall. 1966 Flood, IV-D-66 Flood-14338, Miscellaneous - Disasters (Fires; floods; accidents; plane crashes; landslides; snow storm damage) - Flood of 1966
Yellowstone photo album 20, page 79 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 16, page 55 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 14, page 57 Yellowstone National Park
View of pines, hardwoods, and cypress bog, Road H, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp N M in Beidler Tract S of Brandenburg Tract - View N Pine/Hardwoods/Cypress Bog, Rd H 10/20/77 PS
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Asst. Supt. Gilbert Calhoun presents length of service Emblem to Dick Moeller Great Smoky Mountains National Park Asst. Supt. Gilbert Calhoun presents length of service Emblem to Dick Moeller, Chief Ranger, for 20 years of service. George West, 10 years, looks on.Moeller, Dick, IV-P-4662, Miscellaneous - Personnel
Yellowstone photo album 8, page 78 Yellowstone National Park
African American Boys Forestry Camp, Mill Creek Park, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Original caption: "Mill Creek; Negro boys forestry camp. June 10-14 1963-Peach; MC-20"
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Yellowstone photo album 29, page 88 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 7, page 108 Yellowstone National Park
West of Mt Moriah Church, from Bluff Rd toward Hunt Club View, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp N M, W of Mt Moriah Church, From Bluff Rd Toward Hunt Club View 5, Road G South 10/20/77 AC
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Traffic, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Traffic-Tourists. Picnic Area Beyond Parking Lot on. Visit to H.F. by 200. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-2816; Subject: TRAFFIC-TOURISTS ; Location: Picnic area beyond Parking lot on Shen Street ; Purpose: Visit to HF by 200 diplomatic familied from DC (3 pass cars) Sen Jennings Randolph and Bradley D Nash holding box lunches; photographer and companions: Bill Clark, C&O Canal; DATE: 9/25/65.
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Yellowstone photo album 22, page 56 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 20, page 85 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 22, page 57 Yellowstone National Park
Orders from Gillmore to the Master of U. S. Steamer Transport Delaware, November 20 1863 National Park Service Orders from General Gillmore to the Master of U.S. Steamer Transport Delaware, to place the steamer at the disposal of Major T.B. Brooks and to obey Brooks' orders. 
Yellowstone photo album 24, page 20 Yellowstone National Park

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National Park Service
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Clemson University