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Maps, Charleston at its defenses, 1863, New Berne, N. C., and defenses, 1864, Positions occupied by Army Corps in the Battle of Atlanta, G.A., 1864 National Park Service Map of Charleston and its defenses, Nov. 18th 1863. Map of New Berne N.C. and defenses, July 1864. Diagrams illustrating the 1st and 7th positions occupied by the 4th division, 17th Army Corps during the battle of Atlanta, G.A., July 22, 1864.
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Circa 1864
Data from experiments on sand, sand bags, etc. and work relating to siege works, Morris Island, July-September 1863 National Park Service Tables of data from experiments measuring weights of dry and wet sand, data showing penetration of Sharps, Enfields, and Spencer Rifles and Coehorn mortar shells into materials such as sand bags, sand bags filled with cotton, fascines, and pine. Also contains tables of data showing how much dirt can be dug by men in a period of time.
Data from experiments on sand, sand bags, etc. and work relating to siege works, Morris Island, July-September 1863 National Park Service Tables of data from experiments measuring weights of dry and wet sand, data showing penetration of Sharps, Enfields, and Spencer Rifles and Coehorn mortar shells into materials such as sand bags, sand bags filled with cotton, fascines, and pine. Also contains tables of data showing how much dirt can be dug by men in a period of time.

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Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University