State working to rebuild washed out road, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreSame location as neg. ahead. Many travellers were marooned north of this break night of 10/20. Several cars were engulfed in rush of ponded up tide water behind barrier dune next to road; others required help to reach south. State working here.
Tide pools, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreTidal pond among the dunes of the barrier ridge. These ponds when adjacent to the road seep water onto it often for many days following periods of heavy storm tides such as NE of 10/19-20.
Trees remaining after fireEverglades National Park; National Park ServiceOn Slide: Prescribed burn; S.E. boundary fire of 3/15/80 #8006-6; 3/20/80; Breen; A-2-c; 204