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Yellowstone photo album 3, page 14 Yellowstone National Park
Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Gist Cemetery; Rose Hill Plantation; Return to: S.C. State Parks 1205 Pendleton Street Columbia, S.C. 29201; Mar70A6; 20
Snow covered road, near Newfound gap, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Near Newfound Gap on US-441 snow removal after storm of 2/20.Snow, I-A-MR-7867, Natural Features - Mountains - Views from Newfound Gap and Clingmans
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View of the horse barn and silo prior to restoration Structures, Exterior H.S. #17 Horse Barn And Silo (X-h. s #20 Silo). View of the horse barn and Silo prior to restoration.
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Traffic, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Traffic-Tourists. Picnic Area Beyond Parking Lot on. Visit to H.F. by 200. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-2816; Subject: TRAFFIC-TOURISTS ; Location: Picnic area beyond Parking lot on Shen Street ; Purpose: Visit to HF by 200 diplomatic familied from DC (3 pass cars) Sen Jennings Randolph and Bradley D Nash holding box lunches; photographer and companions: Bill Clark, C&O Canal; DATE: 9/25/65.
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Yellowstone photo album 10, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 22, page 58 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 20, page 95 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 22, page 56 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 20, page 85 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 22, page 57 Yellowstone National Park
Orders from Gillmore to the Master of U. S. Steamer Transport Delaware, November 20 1863 National Park Service Orders from General Gillmore to the Master of U.S. Steamer Transport Delaware, to place the steamer at the disposal of Major T.B. Brooks and to obey Brooks' orders. 
Yellowstone photo album 24, page 20 Yellowstone National Park

Page 113 of at least 120
About 2,500 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University