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About 2,500 Items

Yellowstone photo album 15, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Bridge No. 11, over Noland Creek Great Smoky Mountains National Park Dimensions: 2 spans- of 16'x4'; skew 20 degrees; WW 10'; area water-way 120 sq. ft. drainage area 8.5 sq. mi. Abutments: Log cribs reinforced by round timber bents resting on mud sills; Intermediate supports: Bent of 8 to 10, round timber on mud sills; Superstructure: Each span 5 to 10 log stringers, deck 4 hewed slabs; Condition: Bridge is in very poor condition; Proposed: Replace with steel stringers salvaged from other bridges, wood deck, 1 span 40'x4'; Estimate: $2, 500. Bridge Maintenance Report of 1952; FOR-155, Noland Creek Road; Bridge No. 11, over Noland Creek, II-F-(5)-11321, Physical Facilities - Footlogs and Bridges - Bridge Maintenance
Yellowstone photo album 4a, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 11, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 30, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Dudley Creek horse concession new trail Great Smoky Mountains National Park Start of improved horse trail in right background. Horse barn on left side of photo. This trail provides the connection to the newly-constructed trail system for the horse concession operation. Work Order No. R-20 GSM, roads, parking area and trails for horse concession, Dudley Creek.Dudley Creek Horse Concession Trail, II-HC-DC-14309, Physical Facilities - Horse Concession Facilities - Dudley Creek Stables
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Tractor and crusher working on road from NS Temp. 284 to Cataloochee campsite, Tractor and Crusher Great Smoky Mountains National Park ECW. Tractor and crusher working on road from NS Temp. 284 to Cataloochee campsite. NP-20. Work by side camp from NP-7. Tractor and Crusher; II-E-10881, Physical Facilities - Equipment;ECW. Tractor and crusher working on road from NS Temp. 284 to Cataloochee campsite. NP-20. Work by side camp from NP-7.Tractor and Crusher, II-E-10881, Physical Facilities - Equipment
Yellowstone photo album 3, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Snow removal using jeep in Cherokee Orchard road, Gatlinburg, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park In the miscellaneous areas around the shops, at Twin Creeks and Cherokee Orchard, at the Visitor Centers, and at headquarters, the jeep is invaluable because of its mobility and flexibility. Here, the snow that fell during the February 18-20 storm is being cleaned from the Cherokee Orchard road. The jeep can efficiently handle snow up to about 12 inches.Snow Removal; February 1964 Monthly Report, II-R-SR-7894, Physical Facilities - Roads - Snow Removal Operations
State working to rebuild washed out road, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina Cape Hatteras National Seashore Same location as neg. ahead. Many travellers were marooned north of this break night of 10/20. Several cars were engulfed in rush of ponded up tide water behind barrier dune next to road; others required help to reach south. State working here.
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Yellowstone photo album 6, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 20, page 85 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 5A, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Orders from Gillmore to the Master of U. S. Steamer Transport Delaware, November 20 1863 National Park Service Orders from General Gillmore to the Master of U.S. Steamer Transport Delaware, to place the steamer at the disposal of Major T.B. Brooks and to obey Brooks' orders. 
Yellowstone photo album 1a, page 20 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 24, page 20 Yellowstone National Park

Page 86 of at least 120
About 2,500 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University