Hindquarters of nubian doe, Cathy, on cement milking standCarl Sandburg Home National Historic SiteHindquarters of nubian doe, cathy. On cement milking stand with head, not shown, in white wooden stanchion in main goat barn. Leg of another goat is visible. Nine copies, carl 13720-13728. Negative carl 13729. In pencil on reverse, "20 prints this size." The 20 is written over 15.
Umbellate wintergreenKings Mountain National Military Park132-1-1 Chimaphila Umbellata Common Popsissewa 683 Henry Heatwole 6-20-65 Upper Rose River Shen. Nat. Park
Small purple-fringed orchidKings Mountain National Military ParkHabenaria Psycodes (39-3-20) 328 Spring, Hawksbill Sleeptrail 6-20-64 SNP HH
CeremoniesKings Mountain National Military ParkKIMO 10/07/83 OCT83- 20