Burned land surrounding unburned landEverglades National Park; National Park ServiceBinky fire 4/11/74; 10 mile corner. Brown is unburned area; 5/20/74
CannonDry Tortugas National Park; National Park ServiceBack: ACC 29; I think this is about a 20 pounder. Darnels are Conn. I don't know the caliber of this or the gren at Guilford the pictures do provide a pretty good idea of the carriages regardless of size. They all appear about the same construction.
Data from experiments on sand, sand bags, etc. and work relating to siege works, Morris Island, July-September 1863National Park ServiceTables of data from experiments measuring weights of dry and wet sand, data showing penetration of Sharps, Enfields, and Spencer Rifles and Coehorn mortar shells into materials such as sand bags, sand bags filled with cotton, facines, and pine. Also contains tables of data showing how much dirt can be dug by men in a period of time.
Deep limestone pitEverglades National Park; National Park ServiceBurned out humus in aft. deep limestone pit; wildfire #20 6-13-73; S. council fire tower
Low aerial of scorched treesEverglades National Park; National Park ServiceOn Slide: Prescribed burn; S.E. boundary fire of 3/15/80 #8006-6; 3/20/80; Breen; A-2-c; 217
Scorched trees in burnt boundaryEverglades National Park; National Park ServiceOn Slide: Prescribed burn; S.E. boundary fire of 3/15/80 #8006-6; 3/20/80; Breen; A-2-c; 206
View of Harpers Ferry, West VirginiaHarpers Ferry National Historical Park14" d.b.h. Virginia Pine girdled at base, 4x5 negative filed. 20' W of W wall Episcopal Church Ruins. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1494, 144 D.B.H. Virginia Pine GIrdled at base, Location: 20' West of West Episcopal ruins, 4x5 Negative Filed, Decembr 1959.