Bicentennial show, 1975Great Smoky Mountains National ParkSee File No. IV-Z-15955 for description. Small child, on seeing actor dressed as Mark Twain, said, There's Col. Saunders."",Bicenteniel Show, IV-Z-15956, Miscellaneous
Bicentennial show, 1975Great Smoky Mountains National ParkSee file No. IV-Z-15955 for description. Heres actors depicting Interpreter (in slacks and blazer) and Maintenance Person meet historical characters who have come back for a little look around."",NPS Bicenteniel Show, IV-Z-15957, Miscellaneous
Bicentennial show, 1975Great Smoky Mountains National ParkStudents from Temple Univ. Philadelphia, Pa. traveled from Park to Park with a Bicenteniel show in which Benjamin Franklin, Joh Adams, Mark Twain, and Abraham Lincoln came back for A little look around". Actor depicting a maintenance employee walks across the lawn",NPS Bicenteniel Show, IV-Z-15955, Miscellaneous