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Edisto Beach State Park, Laboratory No.1, Marine Biological Research Station South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism EB-9042-7-7
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Property of D.S. Matheson, Known as Rae Mill Ingram Lands South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Formerly Estimated at 531.1 Acres including the land covered by high water.
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Property of the First Carolina's Joint Stock Land Bank, The E.H. Kerr Farm, Chesterfield County, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1 in = 300 ft.; Area 785.5 Ac.
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Cheraw State Forest Park Map of Dam South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: As Shown; Drawing No. 3P-SP1-PR50
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Cheraw State Forest Park Small Picnic Shelter South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: As Shown; Drawing No. 3P-SP1-PR, Sheet No 1, 1-9
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Camp Cherokee, Cheraw State Forest Park State Park Number 1 Cheraw, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: As shown
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South Carolina SP, 1 Cheraw, Project No. 50 Spillway, Location West of Dam South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: As Shown; Drawing No. P.-SP.1
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1"=200'
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1"=2ft
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: see item
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: see item
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: see item
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: see item
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: see item
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: see item
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South Carolina State Park 2, Edisto South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: see item
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Edisto State Park, Individual Cabin B South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" 1 1/2"=1'-0"
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Property Map for Proposed Cheraw Recreational Area Chesterfield County, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 4" = 1 Mile
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Edisto State Park, Individual Cabin C South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" 1/2"=1'-0"
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Edisto State Park, Picnic Shelter A South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 3/4"=1'-0" 1/16"=1"
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Edisto State Park State Park 2, Individual Picnic Shelter B South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 3/4"=1'-0"
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Edisto State Park State Park 2, Barn South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/4"=1'-0" 1 1/2"=1'-0"
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Cheraw State Park, Water System, Public Use Area South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scales as shown; Cheraw SC-SP-1
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Edisto State Park State Park 2, Revised, Administration. Bldg. and Bathhouse South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/4"=1'-0"
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Edisto State Park State Park 2, Revised, Administration. Bldg. and Bathhouse South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/8"=1'-0" 1"=1'-0"
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Edisto State Park, Barbeque Pit South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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Edisto State Park, State Park 2, Boat House Rail South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/2"=1'-0"
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Edisto State Park, State Park 2, Group Cabins, Dining and Assembly Hall South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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Edisto State Park, State Park 2, Group Cabins South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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Edisto State Park, State Park 2, Individual Cabin A South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/4"=1'-0"
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Edisto State Park, State Park 2, Floating Rock South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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Cheraw State Park1 Latrine South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Graphic Scale; Number 3-SC-SP1-113, 1-18
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Givhans Ferry State Park 2, Group Cabins Location Plan South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1"=100'
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Cheraw State Park 1 Drinking Fountains South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Graphic Scale; Number 3 , South Carolina S.P.1-141, Revised July 3, 1935 as per specifications of [illegible]
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Edisto State Park, State Park 2, Caretaker's House Revised South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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Cheraw State Park 1 Master Plan South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Graphic Scale; Number 3 , South CarolinaS.P.1, 1-4
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Cheraw State Park1 Caretaker's House South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Number 3 SC1-110, No. 1
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Cheraw State Park1 Caretaker's House South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Number 3 SC1-110, No. 1
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Caretaker's House Cheraw State Park1 South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Number 3 , South Carolina1-110
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Edisto Beach SP.8, Topographical Map of Beach Area South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1"=100ft
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Edisto Beach SP.8, Topographical Map of Beach Area South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1"=100ft
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Edisto Beach State Park, State Park 8, Master Plan South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: Graphic Scale
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Edisto Beach State Park, State Park 8, Bathhouse Sketches South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Scale: 1/16"=1'-0"
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Cheraw SP, 1 Septic Tank South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Graphic Scale; Number 3-, South Carolina S.P.1-136
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Edisto State Park, SC State Park 2, Drain Lines South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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Revised Plan, Cheraw SP.1 Caretaker's House South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Number 3 SC-1-110, No. 1
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Cheraw SP.1 Caretaker's House South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Number 3 SC-1-110, No. 1
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About 660 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University