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Building 10, John C. Unseld, front after restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John C. Unseld Bldg. 10. Front after restoration. Charles W. Snell -for inclus. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3705. See Classification No. Subject: John C. Unsled Bldg. 10. Location: Front after restoration. Purpose: Charles W. Snell-for inclusion in Nat'l Register REport. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell. Date: Mar/Apr 1978.
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Building 10, Unseld Building Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Exterior building 10, two views, No negative, 5x7 b/w print.
Building 10, Unseld Building, after restoration, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 10 after restoration. Close up of John C. Unseld Bldg. After, restoration. Portion of Buildings 9, 10, 11 are in view. Shenandoah Street. Files.
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Building 10, Unseld Building, after restoration, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 10 after restoration. John C. Unseld Bldg. After restoration Portion, of Bldg. 9 is visible. Also in view is Bldg. 11, 12. Shenandoah St. Files.
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Building 10, Unseld Building, after restoration, from railroad embankment showing, contractor Miller's trailer in foreground Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 10 after restoration. View taking from railroad embankment showing, contractor Miller's trailer in foreground, wooden horses in front of Bldg. 9 and view of. File (funds appropiated for. Original caption: NHF-3643 Bldg. 9+10 After Restoration 10. NHF-3643. Number: NHF-3643. Subject or Title: Bldg. 10 and 9. Negative on File: _ Yes X No. Location of PIx: Comments: After Restoration. View from RReabankment. Ca. 6/77 date Bldg. was completed.
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Building 10, Unseld Building, boarded up due to unsafe conditions, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 10. Closeup view of the bldg showing the windows closed off with, boards and area roped off due to the unsafe condition of the bldg. Portions of bldgs. 11.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 10. closeup view of the bldg. showing the windows closed off with boards and area roped off due to the unsafe condition of the bldg. Portion sof bldgs. 11 and 9 on either side of the bldg. Portion of Shenandoah St. in the foreground. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 10, Unseld Building, during restoration, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 10, Under Restoration. John C. Unseld Bldg. During restoration, street is completely barracaded. In view are buildings 9, 11, 12, 37. Shenandoah Street. Files.
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Building 10, Unseld Building, first floor with exterior wall, front, removed for restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 10 -Underrestoration. Front exterior wall removed, showing joints, braced on first and portion of 2nd floor. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3654 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: BUILDING 10 - Under restoration. Front exterior wall removed, showing joints braced on first and portion of 2nd. floor. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Conway. Date: July, 1976.
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Building 10, Unseld Building, first floor with exterior wall, front, removed for restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 10 -First floor with exterior wall, front, removed for restoration., Floor joist of 2nd floor was braced. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3653 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: BUILDING 10- First floor with exterior wall, front, removed for restoration. Floor joist of 2nd. flr. braced. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Conway. Date: July, 1976.
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Building 10, Unseld Building, under restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3640. See Classification No. Subject: BUILDING 10 UNDER RESTORATION - Shenandoah Street barricaded in front of the bldg. with scaffolding up against the building. Purpose: File (Funds/appropriated by efforts of Sen. Robert C. Byrd). Restoration Contractor: Harley W. Miller, Martinsburg, W. Va. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Martin R. COnway. Date: March, 1976.
Building 10, Unseld Building, under restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 19 under restoration. Views within the barricade show scaffolding, against the building, workmen, dump truck, exterior of bldg. Removed. File (Funds for restoration. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3642. See Classification No. Subject: BUILDING 10 UNDER RESTORATION. Views within the barricade showing sacffolding against the building, workmen, dump truck, exterior of bldg. removed. Purpose: File (Funds/appropriated by efforts of Sen. Robert C. Byrd). Restoration Contractor: Harley W. Miller, Martinsburg, W. Va. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Martin R. COnway. Date: April 23, 1976.
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Building 11, Anderson Building, and building 10, Unsed Building, flood damage, 1972 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Flood Damage, Flood 29 1/2"- Various Buildings, mainly Shen. St., No Prints. Shenandoah Street, Inside and Outside.... Original caption: Park: Harpers Ferry Nat'l His. Park. Negative No. NHF-3374 a-q. See Classification No. NO PRINTS. Subject: Flood Damage, Flood (29 1/2"), June 22, 1972 - Various Buildings, mainly Shen. St. Location: Shenandoah Street, Inside and OUtside of the buildings. Photographer and Companions: ?. Date: June 22, 1972.
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Building 11, Anderson Building, windows on 2nd floor boarded up, portion of building 10, Unseld Building, front exterior removed for restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 11 -Front view showing sidewalk area, windows on 2nd floor boarded up, and to the right, portion of Bldg. 10 with front exterior removed for restoration. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3652 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: Building 11 - Front view showing sidewalk area, windows on 2nd. flr. boarded up, and to the right, portion of Bldg. 10 with front exterior removed for restoration. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Conway. Date: July, 1976.
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Building 11, Unseld Building, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 11. Closeup of the bldg showing all three floors. Two windows, (on the 1st floor) are boarded up and the one has a shelf with 2 pieces of stoneware.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3512 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 11. Closeup of the bldg. showing all three floors. Two windows (on the 1st. floor) are boarded up and the one has a shelf with 2 pieces of stoneware. Board sidewalk in front of the bldg. Small portion of bldg. 12 to the left and Shenandoah St. in the foreground. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 11A, Anderson Annex, view from backyard area, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park REAR OF BLDG. 11-A. View taken from the "Backyard" area. Closeup. Portion, of Bldg. 10 to the left. Snow covered yard in foreground. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3500 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: REAR OF BLDG. 11-A. View taken from the "Backyard" area. Closeup. Portion of Bldg. 10 to the left. Snow covered yard in foreground. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January 1975.
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Building 12, Anderson Building, being used as National Park Service Book Store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 12. At the corner of High and Shenandoah Sts. Taken from the, intersection of the street. Good view of both south and west side of the bldg.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3514. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 12. At the corner of High and Shenandoah Sts. Taken from the intersection of the street. Good view of both south and west side of th bldg. Bldg. being used as a National Park Service Book Store. Books displayed in the two south windows. Foreground has portion of High and Shenandoah Sts. plus sidewalks. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 12, Stephenson Building Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bldgs. 12 and 12-A. Corner of High St. Gift from Ames W. Williams.
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Building 12, Stephenson Building, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building #12, 3x5 print. Corner of Shenandoah and High.... Original caption: Park: Harpers Ferry Nat'l. Park. Negative No. NHF-3389 3x5 print. See Classification No. Subject: Building #12. Location: Corner of Shenandoah and High Streets showing buildings S #9-11, also. Photographer and Companions: Randell (?) HFNHP. Date: Summer 1973.
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Building 12, Stephenson Building, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDGS. 12-9. Taken from corner of Shenandoah and High Streets looking northeast, towards the fronts of the bldgs. Stark looking photo. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3. See Classification No. Subject: BLDGS. 12-9. Taken from corner of Shenandoah and High Streets looking northeast towards the fronts of the bldgs. Stark looking photo. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Dan Card, park historian. Date: Summer 1973.
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Building 12, Stephenson Building, 1979 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park An Stephnson Bldg.s. 12A and 12. Harpers Ferry, WV.
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Building 12, Stephenson Building, and other park and privately owned buildings Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Partly Park and Privately owned bldgs. Park Bldgs 12-A, 13, 14, 15, 16. High St. Gift of Ames W. Williams If.
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Building 12A, Stephenson Outbuilding, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 12-A. Closeup view of the bldg. View shows High St., sidewalk,, barrel on sidewalk and small portion of bldg. 12., Small print and 8x10. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3513 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 12-A. Closeup view of the bldg. View shows High St., sidewalk, barrel on sidewalk and small portion of bldg. 12. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 12A, Stephenson Outbuilding, High Street looking south Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDGS. 12A, 12 and small portion of 15. Taken on High St looking south. Original caption: NHF-3314 Bldg 12 and 12A. Number: NHF-3314. Subject or Title: Bldg. 12A + 12. Negative on File: A.V. files Yes __ No. Location of Pix: Comments: #7. Dept. of the Interior National Park Service. Photo: Thomas C. Gray.
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Building 15 Downey House, from the backyard area Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Susan Downey House -Rear, Bldg. 15. Taken from the Backyard area. Charles W. Snell -for inclus. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3720. See Classification No. Subject: Susan Downey House-Rear (Bldg. 15). Location: Taken from the Backyard area. Purpose: Charles W. Snell - for inclusion in Nat'l Register Report. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell. Date: Mar/Apr 1978.
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Building 15, Downey Building, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT VIEW OF BLDG. 15. (Susan Downey Bldg.) Closeup of bldg. From the west, side of High St. Portion of High St in the foreground, along with snow covered.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3507 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT VIEW OF BLDG. 15. (Susan Downey Bldg.) CLoseup of bldg. from the west side of High St. Portion of High St. in the foreground, along with snow covered sidewalk and picket fence around the bldg. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 15, Downey Building, rear of building and backyard, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park REAR OF BLDG. 15 (Susan Downey Bldg.). Closeup of the bldg taken from the, "Backyard" area. Portions of 12-A and 16 also in the view. Snow covered yard in the.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3506. See Classification No. Subject: REAR OF BLDG. 15. (Susan Downey Bldg.). Closeup of the bldg. taken from the "Backyard" area. POrtion sof 12-A and 16 also in the view. Snow covered yard in the foreground. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 15, Downey House porch, March 1970 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BACKYARDS ON POTOMAC STREET. View shows portions of Bldg. 5, 15 and the Catholic, Church at the top of the Stone Steps. Park truck parked at the bottom of the stone.... Original caption: NHF-3318 Backyards Potomac St. Number: Backyards-Potomac St. Subject or Title: Negative on File: A.V. files Yes __ No. Location of Pix: Comments: Taken in March 1971 by T. Gray. Dept. of the Interior National Park Service. Photo: Thomas C. Gray.
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Building 15, Downey House porch, late evening, March 1971 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park PORCH OF BLDG. 16- Also has Bldg. 15, 12A, and 12 in distance. Taken in late, evening- shadows. Original caption: NHF-3316 Bldg. 16. Number: NHF-3316. Subject or Title: Bldg. 16 Porch. Negative on File: A.V. files Yes __ No. Location of Pix: Comments: Taken in March 1971 by T. Gray. Dept. of the Interior National Park Service. Photo: Thomas C. Gray.
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Building 15, Downey House, after removal of building 14, Burton Jewelry Shop Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 15 after removal of building 14. Almost identical to NHF-848.
Building 15, Downey House, during restoration, 1979 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Front Susan Downey House, Historic High Street Restoration Foreground. Harpers Ferry, WV.
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Building 15, Downey House, during restoration, 1979 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Susan Doney House -Front- Prior to restoration. Harpers Ferry, WV.
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Building 15, Downey House, porch Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: NHF-3315 Bldg 16. Number: NHF-3315. Subject or Title: Bldg. 16 - Porch. Negative on File: A.V. files Yes __ No. Location of Pix: Comments: Taken in March 1971 by T. Gray. Dept. of the Interior National Park Service. Photo: Thomas C. Gray.
Building 15, Downey House, rear and backyard, 1974 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park REAR OF BLDG. 15 and portion of backyards., Color Negative. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Color Negative No. NHF-3575. See Classification No. Subject: REAR OF BLDG. 15 and portion of backyards. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. 25414. Date: Summer, 1974.
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Building 16, Roeder Building, rear view from Hog Alley Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Frederick Roeder Bldg. Bldg. 15 Rear view from Hog Alley. Charles W. Snell -for inclus. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3706. See Classification No. Subject: Frederick A. Roeder Bldg. Location: Bldg. 15 Rear View From Hog Alley. Purpose: Charles W. Snell-for inclusion in Nat'l Register Report. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell. Date: Mar/Apr 1978.
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Building 16, Roeder House, 1972 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- FREDERICK A. ROEDER BLDG. View taken from the west side of High St., with portion of the street in view along with visitors to the left of the bldg.... High St., Harpers Ferry NHP, Harpers.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3381 and small print (poor). See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16 - FREDERICK A. ROEDER BLDG. View taken from the west side of High St. with portion of the street in view along with visitors to the left of the bldg. Bldg. 15 also in view. Location: High St., Harpers Ferry NHP, Harpers Ferry, W. Va. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Dan Card, Park Historian. Date: 1972.
Building 16, Roeder House, 1972 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building #16. High Street and Jones' Alley. Original caption: Park: H.F.N.H.P. Negative No. NHF-3380. See Classification No. Subject: Building #16. Location: High Street and Jones' Alley. Photographer and Companions: Staff member HFNHP- Dan Card. Date: 1972.
Building 16, Roeder House, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building #16. High Street. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3383 and 8X10 Glossy. See Classification No. Subject: BLDGS. 12-9. Taken from corner of Shenandoah and High Streets looking northeast towards the fronts of the bldgs. Stark looking photo. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Dan Card, park historian. Date: Summer 1973.
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Building 16, Roeder House, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 16. Showing porch, iron balcony. Closeup of the bldg. Street, light and portion of bldg. 15 also in the view. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3505 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 16. Showing porch, iron balcony. Closeup of the bldg. Street light and portion of bldg. 15 in the view. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Neal Randell, Park Aid. Date: January, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- NORTH and FRONT OF THE BLDG. Being used as a Confectionary Shop., Visitors walking pass the bldg. Portion of High and Jones' Alley in the view. Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3541. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16 - NORTH and FRONT OF THE BLDG. Being used asa Confectionary Shop. Visitors walking pass the bldg. Portions of HIgh and Jones' Alley in the view. Location: Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park NORTH and FRONT SIDES OF BLDG. 16- Being used as a Confectionary Shop. Portion, of High St. and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Visitors walking up and down High St in.... Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3539. See Classification No. Subject: NORTH and FRONT SIDES OF BLDG. 16- Being used as a Confectionary Shop. Portion of High St. and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Visitors walking up and down High St. in front of the bldg. Street light near porch. Location: Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- FRONT and NORTH SIDES. Bldg being used as a Confectionary Shop. View, taken from Public Way looking down on the bldg. Portion of bldg. 5, rear of Bldg. 16.... Corner of Jones' Alley and High St. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3538. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16- FRONT and NORTH SIDES. Bldg. being used as a Confectionary Shop. View taken from Public Way looking down on the bldg. Portion of bldg. 5, rear of Bldg. 16. No visitors in view. Location: Corner JOnes' Alley and High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 16- FRONT and NORTH END OF THE BLDG. Bldg being used as a, Confectionary Shop. Portion of High St. and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Street.... Corner of High and Jones' Alley. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3537. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 16 - FRONT and NORTH END OF THE BLDG. Bldg. being used as a Confectionary Shop. Portion of HIgh St. and and Jones' Alley in the foreground. Street light near the north end of the porch. Portion of visitor walking up the street. Location: Corner of High and Jones' Alley. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park FRONT OF BLDG. 16 being used as a Confectionary Shop. View taken from the west, side of High St., near Bldg. 37 looking toward bldg. 16. Visitors walking down High.... High St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3540. See Classification No. Subject: FRONT OF BLDG. 16 being used as a Confectionary Shop. View taken from the west side of High St., near Bldg. 37 looking toward bldg. 16. Visitors walking down High St. in front of the bldg. Location: High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 1A, Harper House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

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