Dignitaries standing in front Goodyear Zepplin "Defender", Miami, circa 1935Everglades National Park; National Park ServiceView of dignitaries standing in front of Goodyear Zepplin "Defender"; circa 1930's; Attached paragraph lists all names and explantion of trip; names included Coe; Albright; Kelsey; Fairchild; Bumpus and Cmmerer" Locality: Miami Photo Source: Miami News Service Keywords: Dignataries. neg =1/print =1. NOTE: COPY NEGATIVE -Location of Original Negative Unknown as of Oct. 2006. Handwritten note states:"incorrect Listing of Names." S.Millar, Museum Tech; March 2008.
Multiple illustrations in Harper's Weekly, 1861 [verso]National Park ServiceFort Corcoran, Arlington heights, Virginia. The village Lewinsville, Virginia, now occupied by United States troops. Professor Lowe making a balloon ascension on a reconnoitring expedition to Vienna.