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Battle Against Bark Beetles in Crater Lake National Park: 1925-34 Clemson University Libraries vol. PNW 259; Call number: a13.88: pnw-259.
Southern pine beetle control Great Smoky Mountains National Park Beetle control crew starting into woods with equipment...Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV=Z-9758, Miscellaneous
Treating an infested tree, Southern pine beetle control Great Smoky Mountains National Park Sprayman treating an infested tree...Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV-Z-9760, Miscellaneous
Spraying infested tree, Southern pine beetle control, Cove mountain Great Smoky Mountains National Park Spraying infested tree on Cove Mountain.Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV-Z-9761, Miscellaneous
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Southern pine beetle control Great Smoky Mountains National Park Southern Pine Beetle sprayman treating a pine tree... He is using a 3 1/2-gallon pressure spray.Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV-Z-9759, Miscellaneous

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