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Battle Against Bark Beetles in Crater Lake National Park: 1925-34 Clemson University Libraries vol. PNW 259; Call number: a13.88: pnw-259.
Yellowstone photo album 27, page 25 Yellowstone National Park
Southern pine beetle control Great Smoky Mountains National Park Beetle control crew starting into woods with equipment...Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV=Z-9758, Miscellaneous
Treating an infested tree, Southern pine beetle control Great Smoky Mountains National Park Sprayman treating an infested tree...Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV-Z-9760, Miscellaneous
Spraying infested tree, Southern pine beetle control, Cove mountain Great Smoky Mountains National Park Spraying infested tree on Cove Mountain.Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV-Z-9761, Miscellaneous
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Yellowstone photo album 27, page 26 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 6B, page 43 Yellowstone National Park
Southern pine beetle control Great Smoky Mountains National Park Southern Pine Beetle sprayman treating a pine tree... He is using a 3 1/2-gallon pressure spray.Southern Pine Beetle Control, IV-Z-9759, Miscellaneous

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