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Antaeotricha sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Antaeotricha vestalis (Zeller) 1873 Congaree National Park Moth size: 17mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Antheraea polyphemus (Cramer) 1776 Congaree National Park Moth size: 132mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods and bald cypress mix. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Antispila nysaefoliella Clemens 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 5mm. Habitat: Young plantation pine - even stands (pole or saplings). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apamea indocilis (Walker) 1856 Congaree National Park Moth size: 28mm. Habitat: Swamp. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apamea quinteri Mikkola and Lafontaine 2009 Congaree National Park Moth size: 36mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apantesis nais (Drury) 1773 Congaree National Park Moth size: 32mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apantesis nais (Drury) 1773 Congaree National Park Moth size: 35mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apantesis nais (Drury) 1773 Congaree National Park Moth size: 35mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apantesis vittata (Fabricius) 1787 Congaree National Park Moth size: 32mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apantesis vittata (Fabricius) 1787 Congaree National Park Moth size: 38mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apantesis vittata (Fabricius) 1787 Congaree National Park Moth size: 36mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apantesis vittata (Fabricius) 1787 Congaree National Park Moth size: 33mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apatelodes torrefacta (J. E. Smith) 1797 Congaree National Park Moth size: 37mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aphomia fulminalis (Zeller) 1872 Congaree National Park Moth size: 19mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aphomia fulminalis (Zeller) 1872 Congaree National Park Moth size: 24mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aphomia terrenella Zeller 1848 Congaree National Park Moth size: 31mm. Habitat: Young plantation pine - even stands (pole or saplings). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apoda biguttata (Packard) 1864 Congaree National Park Moth size: 21mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apoda y-inversum (Packard) 1864 Congaree National Park Moth size: 25mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apogeshna stenialis (Guenée) 1854 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Apogeshna stenialis (Guenée) 1854 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Archips georgiana (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 18mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Archips grisea (Robinson) 1869 Congaree National Park Moth size: 22mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argillophora furcilla Grote 1873 Congaree National Park Moth size: 25mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods and bald cypress mix. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyresthia sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 8mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyria auratellus (Clemens) 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 12mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyria critica Forbes 1920 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Swamp. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyria lacteella (Fabricius) 1794 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrostrotis anilis (Drury) 1773 Congaree National Park Moth size: 36mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrostrotis erasa (Guenée) 1852 Congaree National Park Moth size: 26mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrostrotis flavistriaria (Hübner) 1831 Congaree National Park Moth size: 30mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrostrotis sylvarum (Guenée) 1852 Congaree National Park Moth size: 31mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia hodgesi Heppner 1989 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia hodgesi Heppner 1989 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Bald cypress dominant (at least 75%). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia kimballi Obraztsov 1961 Congaree National Park Moth size: 11mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia kimballi Obraztsov 1961 Congaree National Park Moth size: 20mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia kimballi Obraztsov 1961 Congaree National Park Moth size: 16mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia quercifoliana (Fitch) 1858 Congaree National Park Moth size: 17mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia tabulana Freeman 1944 Congaree National Park Moth size: 14mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia tabulana Freeman 1944 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Central Atlantic College of Charleston Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker) 1863 Congaree National Park Moth size: 16mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aristotelia roseosuffusella (Clemens) 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aristotelia rubidella (Clemens) 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 7mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aristotelia rubidella (Clemens) 1860 Congaree National Park Moth size: 10mm. Habitat: Clear and selectively cut areas. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aristotelia sp. Congaree National Park Moth size: 9mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aroga argutiola Hodges 1974 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Young plantation pine - even stands (pole or saplings). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Aroga compositella (Walker) 1864 Congaree National Park Moth size: 15mm. Habitat: Mixed stands of upland hardwood and pine. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arogalea cristifasciella (Chambers) 1878 Congaree National Park Moth size: 12mm. Habitat: Hurricane damaged areas (open canopy). Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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Arta olivalis Grote 1878 Congaree National Park Moth size: 13mm. Habitat: Mixed bottomland hardwoods and bald cypress mix. Specimen collected by Joseph D. Culin, Brian G. Scholtens, and John A. Snyder. Species identified by Brian G. Scholtens.
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About 1,200 Items

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