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Yellowstone photo album 18, page 93 Yellowstone National Park
Stakes protecting quail's nest, Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi, 1935 Vicksburg National Military Park A close-up of the nest showing stakes which protected the nest, July, 1935.
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Eagle's nest on dead tree Everglades National Park; National Park Service Picture taken on the southeast side of the key looking northwest and showing an eagle's nest in a tree stump. Kodak Safety Film.
Steps near picnic area, stakes on hill protect quail's nest, Vicksburg National Military Park, Mississippi Vicksburg National Military Park Looking south towards steps leading to Picnic Area recently constructed by CCC enrollees under the supervision of the landscape architect, and upright stick on the bank to the right shows location of a quail'ss nest which the enrollees end

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University