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About 94 Items

Portrait of three unidentified young boys with rabbits, July 1886 [Recto] Harpers Ferry National Historical Park; National Park Service James Scott Delawater(?), George Richard Delawater(?), Lewis Delawater(?) Walker
DeMolay flag team, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site DeMolay Flag Team; 8x10, Memorial Day
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BSA flag team, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site BSA Flag Team; 8x10, Memorial Day
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People looking at large mountain of bags filled with trash, circa 1970 Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of people looking at large mount of bags filled with trash; "Boyscout cleanup".
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Circa 1970
DeMolay flag team, Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia Andersonville National Historic Site Placing of Flags by DeMolays.; 8x10, Memorial Day
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Boy Scouts on bicycle tour of Cades Cove Great Smoky Mountains National Park Boy Scouts on bicycle tour of Cades Cove.Boy Scouts, IV-U-Gen-14451, Miscellaneous - Use of Park -Miscellaneous use
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Boys scouts, embarking on ferry for Hatteras Island, Ocracoke, North Carolina, 1957 Cape Hatteras National Seashore Ocracoke Boy Scout embarking on ferry from Ocracoke to Hatteras Island for Pirate Jamboree.
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Boys scouts and ponies, embarking on ferry for Hatteras Island, Ocracoke, North Carolina, 1957 Cape Hatteras National Seashore Ocracoke Boy Scouts and ponies embarking on ferry for Hatteras Island to attend Pirate Jamboree.
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Yellowstone photo album 2, page 109 Yellowstone National Park
Boys scouts and ponies, embarking on ferry for Hatteras Island, Ocracoke, North Carolina, 1957 Cape Hatteras National Seashore Ocracoke Boy Scouts and ponies embarking on ferry for Hatteras Island to attend Pirate Jamboree.
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Boy Scouts in the Everglades; Island in Lost Channel (Statement of Responsibility) by Archibald Lee Fletcher.; (Funding) Electronic format produced as part of Reclaiming the Everglades, a collaborative project of the University of Miami, Florida International University, and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, funded by the Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Program.

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About 94 Items

Generously Supported By

National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University