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About 50 Items

Dead Chestnut, Bullhead trail, 1934 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Bullhead trail. Chestnut, Dead, I-F-Tree-1065, Natural Features - Flora - Trees.
Dead Chestnut, Grassy Gap trail, 1935 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Grassy Gap trail. Chestnut, Dead, I-F-Tree-1066, Natural Features - Flora - Trees.
Dead Chestnut, Mount Sterling Gap, 1936 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Mt. Sterling Gap. Chestnut, Dead, I-F-Tree-1067, Natural Features - Flora - Trees.
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Dead Chestnut, Used in Natural History Handbook, page 25, 1905 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Used in Natural History Handbook, page 25. Chestnut, Dead, I-F-Tree-1064, Natural Features - Flora - Trees.
Dead chestnut tree against open sky, Black Camp Gap, North Carolina, 1959 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Black Camp Gap. Taken for use in Exhibit #8 of Sugarlands Visitor Center.Chestnut, one dead Chestnut tree against the open sky, I-F-Tree-5731, Natural Features - Flora - Trees
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Dead chestnut tree field, Black Camp Gap, North Carolina, 1959 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Black Camp Gap. Taken for use in Exhibit #7 of Sugarlands Visitor Center.Chestnut, one dead Chestnut tree against the sky, I-F-Tree-5728, Natural Features - Flora - Trees
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Dead chestnut tree in field with black sky, Black Camp Gap, North Carolina, 1959 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Infra (?) Black Camp Gap. Taken for use in Exhibit #7 of Sugarlands Visitor Center. Vertical.Chestnut, one dead Chestnut tree against the sky, I-F-Tree-5729, Natural Features - Flora - Trees
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Dead chestnut tree in field with light grass and trees in background, Black Camp Gap, North Carolina, 1959 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Black Camp Gap. Taken for use in Exhibit #8 of Sugarlands Visitor Center. Infra-red.Chestnut, one dead Chestnut tree against the open sky, I-F-Tree-5734, Natural Features - Flora - Trees
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Dead chestnut tree in front of black sky and white trees, Black Camp Gap, North Carolina, 1959 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Infra (?) Black Camp Gap.Chestnut, one dead Chestnut tree against the sky, I-F-Tree-5730, Natural Features - Flora - Trees
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Dead chestnut tree with fallen tree in front of it, Black Camp Gap, North Carolina, 1959 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Taken for use in Exhibit #8 of Sugarlands Visitor Center. Vertical,Chestnut, one dead Chestnut tree against the open sky, I-F-Tree-5732, Natural Features - Flora - Trees
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Dead chestnut tree with trees in background with dark trunks, Black Camp Gap, North Carolina, 1959 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Black Camp Gap. Taken for use in Exhibit #8 of Sugarlands Visitor Center. Infra-red. Horizontal.Chestnut, one dead Chestnut tree against the open sky, I-F-Tree-5736, Natural Features - Flora - Trees
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Dead chestnut trees were cut down, piled up, and burned, thus reducing the danger of forest fires in the dead and dry wood, fire hazard reduction, circa 1936 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Original Captions: Dead chestnut trees were cut down, piled up, and burned, thus reducing the danger of forest fires in the dead and dry wood. Fire Hazard Reduction; III-C-CCC-16575, History - Campgrounds and Picnic Areas - Cataloochee CCC Camp .Dead chestnut trees were cut down, piled up, and burned, thus reducing the danger of forest fires in the dead and dry wood.Fire Hazard Reduction, III-C-CCC-16575, History - Campgrounds and Picnic Areas - Cataloochee CCC Camp
Circa 1936
Dead chestnut, blighted arms that reach toward heaven, Indian Creek Trail Great Smoky Mountains National Park I-F-Tree-2406, Natural Features - Flora - Trees,Dead Chestnut, Indian Creek trail. Blighted arms that reach toward heaven.
Dead chestnut, blighted arms that reach toward heaven, Indian Creek Trail Great Smoky Mountains National Park I-F-Tree-2400, Natural Features - Flora - Trees,Dead Chestnut, Indian Creek Trail. Blighted arms that reach toward heaven.
Dying Chestnut at center, wooden fence in foreground, 1936 Great Smoky Mountains National Park 0, Chestnut, Dying, I-F-Tree-1061, Natural Features - Flora - Trees.
East facing slopes of State Line Ridge, Thunderhead in distance, from Gant Lot of Gregory Bald, slopes in middle ground conspicuous with large numbers of chestnut in bloom Great Smoky Mountains National Park I-D-Gen-2316, Natural Features - Balds - General Views,Gant Lot, East facing slopes of state line ridge. Thunderhead in distance, from Gant Lot of Gregory Bald. Slopes in middle ground conspicuous with large numbers of chestnut in bloom. at 4,500 ft.
Eastern chinquapin Kings Mountain National Military Park 46-2-3 Castanea Pumila ERS 8/64 Eastern Chinquapin
Grassy park on Little Bald Knob near Hemphill Bald, North Carolina, surrounded by Mountain red oak, chestnut, beech, black locust, a miniature of Gregory Bald Great Smoky Mountains National Park I-D-Gen-2657, Natural Features - Balds - General Views, Little bald knob, Grassy park on Little Bald Knob near Hemphill Bald, N.C. surrounded by Mountain red oak, chestnut, beech, black locust; A miniature of Gregory Bald.
Horse chestnut blossoms Kings Mountain National Military Park 103-1-5 Horse Chestnut Close Up
Large chestnut on Lynn Camp Prong, 1926 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Original Captions: Large chestnut on Lynn Camp Prong. See also III-P-4266 - Shelton family standing by this tree. Chestnut Tree; I-F-Tree-17364.Large chestnut on Lynn Camp Prong. See also III-P-4266 - Shelton family standing by this tree.Chestnut Tree, I-F-Tree-17364

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About 50 Items

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