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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Road Mile 2, View NW (DR) 10/77 KG
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Downstream boundary of Beidler Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Downstream Boundary of Beidler Tract, Congaree River
Aerial view of Devil's Oxbow, Congaree River, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Devils Oxbow/Elbow, Congaree River, Aerial View
Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, River Mile 3, View N (DR) 10/77 KG
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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, TYP 5 bluff, View SE (DR) 10/77 KG
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Running Creek entrance, Congaree River, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Running Creek Entering Congaree R Mile 41 10/77 KG
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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Mile 6255, View E(DR) From Bluff, 10/77 KG
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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, TYP S Bluff View E (DR) 10/77 KG
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Brady Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Brady Tract - From S Bank Sandbar Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Mile 625 S, View down from bluff, 10/77 KG
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Typical cut bank, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree NM Swamp, Typ Cut N Bank, View N 10/77 KG
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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Mile 195 View SECDR) From Base of Bluff 10/77 KG
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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Mile 625 S; View W(DR) from Bluff, 10/77 KG
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Rock barge, Wise Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar, Wise Tract - Congaree JK 5/10/77
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Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree River, Beidler Tract on Right, Congaree Swamp NM, 5/10/77 P Spangle
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View upriver, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Mile 55 View W up Congaree River 10/77 KG
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Aerial view of agricultural use, Congaree River, Congaree National Park Congaree National Park Agricultural Use Along Congaree River, Aerial View
View upriver, Beidler Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park View Upriver - Congaree E End Beidler Tract, JK 5/10/77
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Rock barge, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Mile 195, View N from Bluff, 10/77 KG
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View up Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park View Up Congaree River, Beidler Tract on Right Congaree, A Carter 5/10/77
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Rock barge on shore bar, Wise Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar - Wise Tract - Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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Rock barge, Buyck Track, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge - Buyck Tract, Congaree River, Congaree Swamp NM, 5/10/77 P Spangle
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Typical cut bank, north shore, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, Typical Cutbank - N Shore Congaree River, 10/77 KG
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Typical base of south bluff, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Congare Swamp NM, Typical Base of S Bluff, Congaree River, 10/77 KG
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Rock barge on north shore bar, Wise Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar - Wise Tract - Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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View downriver near 601 bridge, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park View Down Congaree River Near Hwy 601 Bridge, Congaree Swamp NM, 5/10/77 P Spangle
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View down Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park View Down Congaree river from S Bank oppos_ite Brady Tract, Congaree Swamp NM 5/10/77 P Spangle
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Brown water snake, Beidler Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Brown Water Snake (Tropidonotus Taxispilotus), Congaree River - Beidler Tract, A Carter 5/10/77
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Rock barge on the north shore bar, Wise Tract, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar - Wise Tract, Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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Rock barge on north shore, Wise Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar - Wise Tract - Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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Rock barge on north shore bar, Wise Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar - Wise Tract - Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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View of Congaree River, Beady Tract on right, Congaree National Forest, 1977 Congaree National Park View up Congaree River, Beady Tract on Right, Congaree Swamp NM, 5/10/77 P Spangle
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River view from South Bluff, Mile 25, Congaree River, Congaree National Park 1977 Congaree National Park Congaree Swamp NM, View from E from S Bluff River Mile C 25 10/77 KG
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Rock barge on north shore bar, Wise Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar - Wise Tract - Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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Rock barge on north shore bar, Wise Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge on N Shore Bar - Wise Tract - Congaree, JK 5/10/77
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View downriver with visitors boating, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park View Down Congaree River Near Hwy 601 Bridge, Congaree Swamp NM, 5/10/77 P Spangle
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Rock barge and south bluffs, Buyck Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Rock Barge and S Bluffs Congaree River - Buyck Tract, Congaree Swamp NM, 5/10/77 P Spangle
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Plan team on bar opposite Brady Tract, Congaree River, Congaree National Park, 1977 Congaree National Park Plan Team on Bar Oppos_ite Brady Tract - Congaree, C Axtell, G Smathers, C Simpson, J Kretschmann, P Spangle; A Carter 5/10/77
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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University