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79 Items

Dead fish in putrid water Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view from above of small dead fish in container with water; circa 1960's Locality: Photo Source: Keywords: Drought Wildlife.
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Circa 1965
Distant view of exposed shoreline Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of river with shoreline showing dirt and rock beneath trees; "Drought at Shark Valley".
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Dried pond bottom during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of dried pond bottom and plants at edge.
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Circa 1967
Dried up pond Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of small pool of remaining water with aquatic plants at edge.
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Dried-out grass during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service After Betsy (Sept 65)
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Dried-up pond bed during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of water remaining in bottom of pond. Four prints.
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Dried-up riverbed during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service Close up view of riverbed which is drying out, some water in upper edge of picture, water plants; envelope says "Alligators in water".
Droughts and Water-Shortages in the Humid Region of Central and South Florida Technical Paper EMA # 400; (For presentation and publication in a Proceedings of the Symposium on Managing the Extremes - Floods and Droughts, ASCE Conference at Roanoke, VA, May 19-22, 2002)
Dry and cracking water bed Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of bottom of dried up pond cracking; trees in distance.
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Dry container with dead fish Everglades National Park; National Park Service View from above of small container surrounded by dry vegetation and containing dead fish.
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Circa 1965
Dry pond bottom Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of water remaining in mostly dried up pond with water plants.
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Dry waterway Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of dry waterway and exposed rocks with plants on both sides.
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Dry waterway during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of dry waterway; 1971. Caption reads: "The severe drought to 1971 dried up almost everything in South Florida. This picture shows Anhinga Trail footbridge across the dry Taylor Slough. Since the drought the park has been guaranteed a 315,000 acre-foot of water a year minimum."
Drying up pond during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of exposed rocks and low water; two dead fish in foreground.
Exposed rocks along edge of pond Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of rocks at edge of water exposed by dropping water level; "Drought/ Seven Mile Tower Road".
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Exposed rocks along shoreline Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of shoreline and exposed rock showing lowered water level of waterway; "Drought, 7 mile tower road".
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Exposed rocks during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of banks of river showing exposed rock.
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Forecasting and management of groundwater drought conditions in Collier County, Florida (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.; (Statement of Responsibility) by Hosung Ahn.; "May 1995."; (DRE #323).
Grasslands during drought Everglades National Park; National Park Service Dying barrichia (drought) dead BW background; Yucca recovering Aug 63
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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University