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About 820 Items

Fisheries inventory and instream flow requirements for Reese Creek, Yellowstone National Park National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Pogy boats, Silver Lake Marina, North Carolina, 1957 Cape Hatteras National Seashore 22 Pogy-Boats. Silver Lake Marina.
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Boy fishing, Convoy Point Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Fishing at Convoy Point.
Dead sunfish Everglades National Park; National Park Service On slide: E- Erts station; dead sunfish; 2-27-79; Konz; M-5; 003
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Pogy boats, Silver Lake Marina, North Carolina, 1957 Cape Hatteras National Seashore 22 Pogy-Boats. Silver Lake Marina.
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Boy fishing at Convoy Point, June 1981 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Boy fishing at Convoy Point.
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Sergeant major Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Bright yellow and silvery gray sergeant major with five black bars.
Blackbar soldierfish Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Blackbar soldierfish with dark bar behind opercle and pectoral fin base.
Mola Mola, Ocean moon fish Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Lives in deep water and usually travels in pairs. Divers should approach with caution.
Black triggerfish Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Black triggerfish with red cheeks and white line through anal and dorsal fin.
Cowfish Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Cowfish, note two spiney horns just above eyes and box type rigid bottom plate.
Dead sunfish Everglades National Park; National Park Service On slide: E- Erts station; dead sunfish; 2-27-79; Konz; M-5; 002
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Georgia Game and Fish University of Georgia Libraries vol. 11, no.1; Call number: ga g275 p1 g2 vol. 11 no.1.
Boy fishing at Convoy Point, June 1981 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Boy fishing at Convoy Point.
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Visitors fishing at Convoy Point, June 1983 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Visitors fishing at Convoy Point.
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Blue tang, coral reef, Biscayne National Park, 1989 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Blue tang, coral reef, Bill Hudson.
Blackbar soldierfish Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Blackbar soldierfish with dark bar behind opercle and pectoral fin base.
Notes on the Life History of the Minnows Gambusia Affinis and Cyprinodon Variegatus Clemson University Libraries Call number: i45.1: 917/app.6.
Georgia Game and Fish University of Georgia Libraries vol. 11, no.2; Call number: ga g275 p1 g2 vol.11 no.2.
Traditional Uses of Fish Houses in Otter Cove Clemson University Libraries Call number: i29.2: ot8.
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Fish, coral, Metal Hull Wreck Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Fish swimming through coral on Metal Hull Wreck.
Spotted trunkfish Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Tan spotted trunkfish with dark spots and white area above pectoral fin.
Rock hind Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Rock hind with red-brown spots, larger toward belly, and dark saddles on back.
Native Plants for Wildlife Habitat Clemson University Libraries Call number: i49.2: p69/12.
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Georgia Game and Fish University of Georgia Libraries vol. 5, no.2; Call number: ga g275 p1 g2 vol.5, no.2.
View of dam and fish trap in stream Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Circa 1935
View of dam and fish trap in stream Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Circa 1935
View of dam and fish trap in stream Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Circa 1935
Boys fishing on dock during repairs, Fort Jefferson Dry Tortugas National Park; National Park Service August 20, 1965 - Dock repairs - New portion shown - H. Robinson.
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Georgia Game and Fish University of Georgia Libraries vol. 5, no.9; Call number: ga g275 p1 g2 v.5 no.9.
Survey of the Fishing Grounds on the Coasts of Washington and Oregon in 1914 Clemson University Libraries Call number: i45.1: 914/app.7.
View of dam and fish trap in stream Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Circa 1935
Unidentified Fisherman with Stringer of Channel Catfish Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Park rangers fishing in creek Great Smoky Mountains National Park Horizontal.Fish Planting Activities, I-E-Fish-5882, Natural Features - Fauna - Fish
North Carolina state officials, on fishing trip, Diamond Shoals, North Carolina, 1955 Cape Hatteras National Seashore N.C. State officials on a fishing trip to Diamond Shoals.
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Yellowstone photo album 15, page 38 Yellowstone National Park
Family on coaling dock holding string of fish, Fort Jefferson, 1931 Dry Tortugas National Park; National Park Service Back: 1931; Dad & Mother on South Coaling docks. Still usable
Georgia Game and Fish University of Georgia Libraries vol. 5, no.1; Call number: ga g275 p1 g2 vol.5 no.1.
View of dam and fish trap in stream Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Circa 1935
Yellowstone photo album 15, page 22 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 15, page 99 Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone photo album 18, page 91 Yellowstone National Park
View of hand indicating dead fish Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of hand indicating dead fish among aquatic plants in mud.
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About 820 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University