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About 540 Items

South Florida Tomato and Vegetable Growers, Inc. response to criticisms by the National Park ServiceSouth Florida Tomato and Vegetable Growers, Inc. South Florida Tomato and Vegetable Growers, Inc. response to criticisms by the National Park Service South Florida Tomato and Vegetable Growers, Inc. ; Edward J. Campbell, secretary/treasurer.
Seepage Investigation for the Holey Land Local government publication; "Dec. 1975" on cover.
EcoImpact, Inc. response to criticisms by the National Park Service of the report "The impact of evicting farmers from the Hole-in-the-Donut" and related material; Impact of evicting farmers from Everglades National Park's Hole-in-the-Donut. EcoImpact, Inc. response to criticisms by the National Park Service of the report "The impact of evicting farmers from the Hole-in-the-Donut" and related materiecoimpact inc. ; George Cornwell, president ; Kevin Atkins, field ecologist.
A bibliography of the hydrology of the Everglades and the Big Cypress Swamp, Florida; Report T-501 (Table of Content) Introduction p. 1; Purpose p. 1; Methods p. 1; Discussion p. 6; References p. 9
Birds of... Everglades National Park Birds of... Everglades National Park Leaflet compiled by William B. Robertson, Jr., Oron L. Bass, Jr., and Michael Britten
Literature Review on the Effects of Groundwater Drawdowns on Isolated Wetlands TECHNICAL PUBLICATION 96-01; (WRE #330); November 1995
Population Dynamics and Conservation of Snail Kites in Florida: The Importance of Spatial and Temporal Scale Figure 1. Map of South Florida showing inter-wetland movements (arrows) of adult radio-tagged Snail Kites over a 1-year period from April 1992-April 1993 (left). These movements illustrate a network of habitats used by Snail Kites (right). We have shown data for this limited time period to minimize cluttering. The complete habitat network is substantially more detailed.
Hydrologic performance of an Everglades stormwater treatment Area-STA6: a constructed wetland An ASAE Meeting Presentation WRE # 362; July, 1998; Paper No. 98-2092
Outlier detection in total phosphorus concentration data from South Florida rainfall WRE-359; Journal of the American Water Resources Association / 35, no. 2, (1999): 301-310; American Water Resources Association
Macro Invertebrate Responses to Phosphorus Enrichment in the Northern (WCA-2A) Everglades TECHNICAL PUBLICATION; WRE #392; Includes bibliographical references (page 27)
Hydrologic Performance of a Large-Scale Constructed Wetland: The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project Technical Presentation; EMA # 394; (For presentation at ASCE Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference 2001, August 27-31, 2001, Reno, Nevada); Includes bibliographical references (page 10).

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About 540 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University