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About 860 Items

Multiple illustrations [recto] National Park Service (Top) Bombardment of Fort Sumter (Bottom) Federal soldiers attack Confederate guerillas across the river, Tennessee.
Multiple illustrations and text in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper [recto] National Park Service Newspaper in German language (top) Fort Moultrie. (Middle) Fort Bindney, but no information about this fort is available on internet. (Bottom) Fort Sumter.
Multiple illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (Top) The war in Virginia- Kelly 's Ford on the Rappahannock - showing the rebel breastworks in the foreground (Bottom) Fort Sumter in ruins, as seen from the Beacon House, Morris Island
Multiple illustrations in Harper's Weekly, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (Top) Middle Ground Battery. The Charleston Iron-clad fleet. (Middle) Folley 's Battery, near the light-house, at Charleston, SC. (Bottom) Our blockading fleet off North channel, Charleston Harbor, SC.
Multiple illustrations on Harper's Weekly, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (top) Charleston, from Fort Johnson (Bottom) The defenses of Charleston, looking seaward.
Multiple illustrations on Harper's Weekly, 1864 [verso] National Park Service (Top) Interior of Fort Sumter after bombardment from Morris Island (Bottom) Bursting of a shell in the streets of Charleston, South Carolina.
Multiple illustrations, Atlas National Park Service Exterior view, Fort Sumter. Channel face, Bombproof shelter, Flag staff, Fort Sumter. Sullivan 's island, Battery Beagard. Interior view, Fort Sumter. :
View on map 
Circa 1861
Multiple illustrations, Atlas National Park Service Three Plein, Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Parade of Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina. Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina. Three Plein and parapet, Fort Sumter, Charleston harbor, South Carolina. Barracks, Parade, Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina. Officers quarters, Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina. Ramparts, Fort Moultrie, Charleston harbor, South Carolina.
Multiple illustrations, Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper [recto] National Park Service Bombardment, View of Charleston harbor. Interior of Fort Sumter.
Multiple illustrations, Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Fort Sumter, Charleston harbor, South Carolina, 1861. Castle Pinckney, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina, 1861.
Multiple illustrations, Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper, 1865 [recto] National Park Service Fort Sumter ruins visit, General Gillmore, Gereral Potter, General Webster, Mrs Colonel Woodford, South Carolina. View of fort, Sketch from Morris Island.
Multiple illustrations, Siege of Charleston, South Carolina [recto] National Park Service Commanders and operations. Morris island. Hauling siege guns. Wreck of blockade runner Ruby. Frigate, New isornslides. Batteries building, James island. Admiral J A Dahlgren. General Q A Gilmore. Infantry guarding trenches. U S signal station, Graigs hill. Federal sharpshooters. Remains of Keokuk. Fort Sumter.
Musket barrels during preservation treatment, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service 26; 1-69; FS-895; 1H; ID/HO,a; Musket barrels during preservation treatment.
Musket barrels from 1863 explosion awaiting preservation, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service 1-69; FS-895; ID/HO,a; 23; 1H; Musket barrels from 1863 explosion awaiting preservation.
Numbers and Names of Steamers in the Department of the South [Recto] National Park Service List of the numbers and names of Steamers in the Department of the South. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Numbers and Names of Steamers in the Department of the South [Verso] National Park Service List of the numbers and names of Steamers in the Department of the South. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Observation circle on Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service FS-908; ca. 1961; ID/WE; F.S. Observation circle; 4e; Norvell's Jan. 1961; 000.922.43; 000.56.01.
Oil damage on the rocks near Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service 1/70; M 100; S/FS-e; 4c; Oil damage - Ft. Sumter.
Old rusty Parrott cannon, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service FS-690; 15; Ft. Sumter; ID/HO.go; Old Rusty 11-7-66; 4d.
Orders and dispatches, relating to steamers National Park Service List of orders and dispatches relating to Steamers, such as 'Have you orders?', etc. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Orders from Gillmore to Major Brooks, November 20 1863 National Park Service Orders from General Gillmore to Brooks, telling Brooks to proceed to Washington City as bearer of dispatches to the General-in-Chief, and that the Steamer Delaware is at Brooks' disposal.
Orders from Gillmore to Major Brooks, November 20 1863 National Park Service Orders from General Gillmore to Brooks, telling Brooks to proceed to Washington City as bearer of dispatches to the General-in-Chief, and that the Steamer Delaware is at Brooks' disposal.
Orders from Gillmore to the Master of U. S. Steamer Transport Delaware, November 20 1863 National Park Service Orders from General Gillmore to the Master of U.S. Steamer Transport Delaware, to place the steamer at the disposal of Major T.B. Brooks and to obey Brooks' orders. 
Orders from Gillmore to the Master of U. S. Steamer Transport Delaware, November 20 1863 National Park Service Orders from General Gillmore to the Master of U.S. Steamer Transport Delaware, to place the steamer at the disposal of Major T.B. Brooks and to obey Brooks' orders. 
Orientation signs on Battery Huger, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service 1/70; FS-900; ID/WE; Orientation Signs.; 4e.

Page 13 of at least 18
About 860 Items

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