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About 860 Items

Plan and sketches by Lorigan, of splinter proofs National Park Service Plan and sketches of splinter proofs, by Lorigan
Plan and sketches by Lorigan, of splinter proofs National Park Service Plan and sketches of splinter proofs, by Lorigan
Plan and sketches by Wilcken, of splinter proof and main magazine observatory National Park Service Plan and sketches of splinter proof and main magazine observatory in the 2nd Parallel, by Wilcken
Plan and sketches by Wilcken, of splinter proof and main magazine observatory National Park Service Plan and sketches of splinter proof and main magazine observatory in the 2nd Parallel, by Wilcken
Plan and sketches by Wilcken, of splinter proof and main magazine observatory National Park Service Plan and sketches of splinter proof and main magazine observatory in the 2nd Parallel, by Wilcken
Portraits of Union army officers, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service (top)Lt. John C. Davis, Capt. Abner Doubleday, Capt J.G.Foster, (bottom) Asst. Surgeon S. W. Crawford, Lt. Truman Seymour.
Raising flag in Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service 4A; 11B; 1/71;.
Raising of United States Flag in 1865 in Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service 12; XI; Re Raising of FoSu Flag 1865.
Recreation room with men playing ping pong to left, Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1943 National Park Service Recreation Room at FOSU in Left Flank Casemates. Ping Pong with WACs.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 1 National Park Service Report by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers.  Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 2 National Park Service Report by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers.  Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 3 National Park Service Report by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers.  Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Brooks, on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers, page 4 National Park Service Report by Brooks on General Gillmore and Volunteer Engineers.  Brooks writes that Gillmore makes use of, and acknowledges, the value of the uses of Volunteer Engineers in this war, and discusses operations that the engineers have been employed in.
Report by Crane, on Rebel firing at Fort Wagner, December 15 1863 National Park Service Report by Crane on the amount of Rebel firing on working parties in front of Fort Wagner. Crane writes that the fire upon the fatigue parties was sometimes more, at other times less.
Report by Crane, on Rebel firing at Fort Wagner, December 15 1863 National Park Service Report by Crane on the amount of Rebel firing on working parties in front of Fort Wagner. Crane writes that the fire upon the fatigue parties was sometimes more, at other times less.
Report by Crane, on Rebel firing at Fort Wagner, December 15 1863 National Park Service Report by Crane on the amount of Rebel firing on working parties in front of Fort Wagner. Crane writes that the fire upon the fatigue parties was sometimes more, at other times less.
Report on endurance of Parrott rifles in bombardment of Sumter [Recto] National Park Service Report detailing the number of service rounds at which specific 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns burst. Possibly by Mordecae.
Report on endurance of Parrott rifles in bombardment of Sumter [Verso] National Park Service Report detailing the number of service rounds at which specific 100 and 200 Pdr Parrott guns burst. Possibly by Mordecae.
Report on gun manufactured at the West Point Foundary in 1862 by Robert P. Parrott National Park Service Report on gun manufactured at the West Point Foundary in 1862 by Robert P. Parrott, with blank spaces where information on weight, number of rounds fired, and distances fired would be filled in. States that several shells burst prematurely.
Report on premature explosion of a new lot of shells, and bursting of guns National Park Service Brief report on the premature explosion of a new lot of shells, and bursting of guns. States that Lt. Talcott is confident that the bursting is the fault of the shell, not of the gun.
Report on premature explosion of a new lot of shells, and bursting of guns National Park Service Brief report on the premature explosion of a new lot of shells, and bursting of guns. States that Lt. Talcott is confident that the bursting is the fault of the shell, not of the gun.
Report, 1863 August 17, Brooks to Gilmore, on projectiles used in the bombardment of Fort Sumter [Recto] National Park Service Report to General Q. A. Gillmore from Brooks on projectiles used in the bombardment of Fort Sumter under the direction of John W. Turner. Contains a table listing the calibre of ordnance (Parrott rifle or Sea Coast Mortar), with information such as the number of shots.
Report, 1863 August 17, Brooks to Gilmore, on projectiles used in the bombardment of Fort Sumter [Verso] National Park Service Report to General Q. A. Gillmore from Brooks on projectiles used in the bombardment of Fort Sumter under the direction of John W. Turner. Contains a table listing the calibre of ordnance (Parrott rifle or Sea Coast Mortar), with information such as the number of shots.
Report, relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege National Park Service Report of general observations and conclusions relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege of the defense of Charleston. Brooks writes about the effectiveness of 8-inch shells, and that shells falling at a high angle are the only projectiles available against the earth works built on this coast. He writes that black troops will do more work than white troops and will have far less sickness. The siege of Sebastopol is also mentioned.
Report, relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege National Park Service Report of general observations and conclusions relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege of the defense of Charleston. Brooks writes about the effectiveness of 8-inch shells, and that shells falling at a high angle are the only projectiles available against the earth works built on this coast. He writes that black troops will do more work than white troops and will have far less sickness. The siege of Sebastopol is also mentioned.
Report, relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege National Park Service Report of general observations and conclusions relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege of the defense of Charleston. Brooks writes about the effectiveness of 8-inch shells, and that shells falling at a high angle are the only projectiles available against the earth works built on this coast. He writes that black troops will do more work than white troops and will have far less sickness. The siege of Sebastopol is also mentioned.
Report, relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege National Park Service Report of general observations and conclusions relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege of the defense of Charleston. Brooks writes about the effectiveness of 8-inch shells, and that shells falling at a high angle are the only projectiles available against the earth works built on this coast. He writes that black troops will do more work than white troops and will have far less sickness. The siege of Sebastopol is also mentioned.
Report, relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege National Park Service Report of general observations and conclusions relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege of the defense of Charleston. Brooks writes about the effectiveness of 8-inch shells, and that shells falling at a high angle are the only projectiles available against the earth works built on this coast. He writes that black troops will do more work than white troops and will have far less sickness. The siege of Sebastopol is also mentioned.
Report, relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege National Park Service Report of general observations and conclusions relating to artillery and fatigue duty in the siege of the defense of Charleston. Brooks writes about the effectiveness of 8-inch shells, and that shells falling at a high angle are the only projectiles available against the earth works built on this coast. He writes that black troops will do more work than white troops and will have far less sickness. The siege of Sebastopol is also mentioned.
Review Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Plan National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
Right Face of Fort, Sullivan's Island in background, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service FS-338; ca. 1965; 29; S/FS,i; 4d; Right Face w/ Sullivan's Island in background; 000.56.01; Norvell's; Jan. 1961.

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About 860 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University