Search Results

Page 16 of at least 18
About 860 Items

Rusty 100 pounder parrott in Right Face, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service FS-690; Fort Sumter; 1959; FS Rusty 100 pounder parrott in Right Face; 4d.
Rusty Parrott in right face, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service FS-690; Fort S.; 129; 1959; ID/HO.gc; ES; Rusty Parrott in Right Face; 4d.
Shells and cannon balls in Battery Huger, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service 8-17-67; FS-895; 22; ID/HO.a; Shells and cannon balls in Battery Huger; 4d.
Sketch and plan of direct communication with the front along the beach National Park Service Suess' sketch and written description of the plan of forming a direct communication along and parallel to the beach, connecting forward lines. Includes detailed drawing of trenches, 4th and 5th Parallels.
Sketch and plan of direct communication with the front along the beach National Park Service Suess' sketch and written description of the plan of forming a direct communication along and parallel to the beach, connecting forward lines. Includes detailed drawing of trenches, 4th and 5th Parallels.
Sketch and plan of direct communication with the front along the beach National Park Service Suess' sketch and written description of the plan of forming a direct communication along and parallel to the beach, connecting forward lines. Includes detailed drawing of trenches, 4th and 5th Parallels.
Sketch by Brooks, sections of battery for heavy guns National Park Service Sketch & sections by Brooks of battery for heavy guns.
Sketch by Brooks, sections of battery for heavy guns National Park Service Sketch & sections by Brooks of battery for heavy guns.
Sketch of Folly Island, S.C. showing distribution of U.S. forces [Recto] National Park Service Sketch of Folly Island, S.C. Showing Distribution of U.S. Forces, including General Seymours Division occupying Folly Island
Sketch of Folly Island, S.C. showing distribution of U.S. forces [Verso] National Park Service Sketch of Folly Island, S.C. Showing Distribution of U.S. Forces, including General Seymours Division occupying Folly Island
Sketch, of proposed works in the ridge in front of the 4th Parallel National Park Service Sketch of proposed works in the ridge in front of the 4th Parallel, showing swamp and beach. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Sketch, of proposed works in the ridge in front of the 4th Parallel National Park Service Sketch of proposed works in the ridge in front of the 4th Parallel, showing swamp and beach. Possibly by Thomas Benton (T.B.) Brooks.
Sketches of plans for a Block House (and Requa Battery) National Park Service Brooks' sketches of plans for a Block House (and Requa Battery) for Defense of Approach and Parallels (on Fort Wagner?)
Sketches of plans for a Block House (and Requa Battery) National Park Service Brooks' sketches of plans for a Block House (and Requa Battery) for Defense of Approach and Parallels (on Fort Wagner?)
Soldier standing in a battery National Park Service Ft. Sumter ca. 1940; 7d.
Soldiers near cannons, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service Ft. Sumter - 1861; 9.
Special orders no. 110 regarding Ferrand, written by Sealy by command of Gillmore National Park Service Special orders no. 110 written by Sealy by command of Gillmore, stating that Private Isidore Ferrand will report for temporary duty to Lieutenant Edwards at the Engineer Depot at Hilton Head.
Stereographic view of Fort Sumter from Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Stereograph view of Fort Sumter from Ft. Moultrie.
View on map 
Circa 1865
Table of distances, Charleston SC National Park Service The first table is a table of distances of various Batteries of the approaches to Fort Wagner from certain active batteries of the Enemy which resisted the attack. The second table is of distances in Charleston harbor and the vicinity, taken from the U. S. Coast Survey Map, and compiled by Lieutenant Talcott.
Table of distances, Charleston SC National Park Service The first table is a table of distances of various Batteries of the approaches to Fort Wagner from certain active batteries of the Enemy which resisted the attack. The second table is of distances in Charleston harbor and the vicinity, taken from the U. S. Coast Survey Map, and compiled by Lieutenant Talcott.
Table of distances, Charleston SC National Park Service The first table is a table of distances of various Batteries of the approaches to Fort Wagner from certain active batteries of the Enemy which resisted the attack. The second table is of distances in Charleston harbor and the vicinity, taken from the U. S. Coast Survey Map, and compiled by Lieutenant Talcott.
Table of distances, Charleston SC National Park Service The first table is a table of distances of various Batteries of the approaches to Fort Wagner from certain active batteries of the Enemy which resisted the attack. The second table is of distances in Charleston harbor and the vicinity, taken from the U. S. Coast Survey Map, and compiled by Lieutenant Talcott.
Table of distances, Charleston SC National Park Service The first table is a table of distances of various Batteries of the approaches to Fort Wagner from certain active batteries of the Enemy which resisted the attack. The second table is of distances in Charleston harbor and the vicinity, taken from the U. S. Coast Survey Map, and compiled by Lieutenant Talcott.
Test wells in the parade, Fort Sumter, South Carolina National Park Service FS-640; 5-15-67; Ft. Sumter; A/M,fs-u; Test wells in parade; 4e.
Text and an illustration from book 'The Soldier In Our Civil War' [recto] National Park Service The Federal Iron-Clad "Weehawken" attacks Fort Sumter.
Text and multiple illustrations on Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1869 [verso] National Park Service (Top) Fort Sumter. (Bottom) Potrait of Henry C. Watson, Art critic.
Text and multiple illustrations on front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [recto] National Park Service Loading a 15-inch gun inside one of the Ericsson 's Iron-clads. The iron clad Weehawken returning to fire a parting shot at Fort Sumter, after engagement.
Text and multiple illustrations, Pictorial history of the War, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Wall battered by balls from Fort Moultrie, Interior of Fort Sumter, South Carolina. Interior of Fort Sumter after Bombardment.

Page 16 of at least 18
About 860 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University