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About 250 Items

Barn garage restoration in progress, deteriorated roofing members are shown. Workers in the photograph are Charlie Hamn (left) and Lewis Smith, laborer, on right Restoration Activites - Barn Garage; HS 13, Barn Garage. Barn Garage - Restoration in progress. Dteriorated roofing members are show. Wokers in the photgraph are: Charlie Hamn (left) and Lewis Smith, laborer (on right).
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Barn garage restoration in progress, maintenance man Charlie Hamn standing in foreground Restoration Activites - Barn Garage; HS 13, Barn Garage. Barn Garage - Restoration in progress. Maintenance man, Charlie Hamn standing in foreground.
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Barn garage restoration in progress, roof Restoration Activites - Barn Garage; HS 13, Barn Garage. Barn Garage - Restoration in progress - Roof.
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Barn garage restoration in progress, shown in foreground is Farmer Demonstrator Leroy Levi on tractor Restoration Activites - Barn Garage; HS 13, Barn Garage. Barn Garage - Restoration in progress, Shown in foreground is Farmer Demonstrator, Leroy Levi on tractor.
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Barn garage restoration in progress. This view shows portions of deteriorated structural members prior to restoration, maintenance man Charlie Hamn shown in photograph Restoration Activites - Barn Garage; HS 13, Barn Garage. Barn Garage - Restoration in progress. This view shows portions of dteriorated structural members prior to restoration. Maintence man, Charlie Hamn shown in photograph.
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Barn garage restoration in progress. Personnel in photograph are, from left to right, James Kretschman, superintendent, Leroy Levi, farmer demonstrator, Charlie Hamn, maintenance man Restoration Activites - Barn Garage; HS 13, Barn Garage. Barn Garage - Restoration in progress. Personnel in photograph are, from left to right: James Kretschman, Superintendent; Leroy Levi, Farmer Demonstrator; Charlie Hamn, Maintence man.
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Page 2 of at least 13
About 250 Items

Generously Supported By

National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University