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Group gathered at Yacht Harbor Everglades National Park; National Park Service View of people gathered near anchored boat on waters edge at Yatch Harbor "Yatch Harbor - Matheson Hammock".
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Harbor Entrance Control Post building, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service WW II Area; HECP; 6H; OCT76A1 16.
Harbor Entrance Control Post from entrance of the Fort, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Naval calibration station; Sept. 1969; FM920; 3f; 12.
Harbor Entry Control Post, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service HECP; 6A; SEP73A1 20.
Harbor at Boca Chita Key Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Harbor at Boca Chita Key.
Harbor at Boca Chita Key. Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Harbor at Boca Chita Key.
Harbor at Elliott Key, January 1982 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Harbor at Elliott Key.
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Harbor entrance control post observation room electronic equipment, 1960 National Park Service H.E.C.P. Obsercation Room electronic equipment, possibly SESEF.
Harbor, Elliott Key Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Elliott Key Harbor.
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Harbor, Elliott Key, December 1972 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Harbor, Elliott Key.
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Harbor, Elliott Key, March 1973 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Harbor, Elliott Key.
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Harbor, Elliott Key, November 1979 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Harbor, Elliott Key.
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Hatteras Harbor, Hatteras Island, North Carolina Cape Hatteras National Seashore Hatteras Harbor.
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Inside Harbor Entrance Control Post, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service File; 8 x 10 glossy; 10a; OCT76A6 1.
Interior of fort from Harbor Entrance Control Post , Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Interior of fort from HECP; 3i; MAY76A6 2.
Leaving harbor, Biscayne Bay, Elliott Key. Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Leaving harbor, Biscayne Bay, Elliott Key.
Map of Siege of Charleston of 1780, Charleston, South Carolina National Park Service Map; Siege of Charleston - 1780.
Northeast view across Silver Lake, Ocracoke, North Carolina, 1958 Cape Hatteras National Seashore View looking northeast across Silver Lake, Ocracoke at ice on the lake.
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Officers on Harbor Entrance Control Post, Fort Moultrie, South Carolina National Park Service Use by Navy; HECP; March 15; 6A; MAR75A1 30.
People with table, Boca Chita harbor Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Boca Chita Key.
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Pesticide Residue Monitoring in Sediment and Surface Water Bodies Within the South Florida Water Management District; Pesticide residue monitoring in sediment and surface water within the South Florida Water Management District (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.; (Statement of Responsibility) by Richard J. Pfeuffer.; "June 1985."; [Vol. 1] issued without numbering.; Vol. 2 has title: Pesticide residue monitoring in sediment and surface water within the South Florida Water Management District.; "April 1985" on cover.; TECHNICAL PUBLICATION 85-2
Pesticide Residue Monitoring in Sediment and Surface Water Bodies Within the South Florida Water Management District; Pesticide residue monitoring in sediment and surface water within the South Florida Water Management District (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.; (Statement of Responsibility) by Richard J. Pfeuffer.; "June 1985."; [Vol. 1] issued without numbering.; Vol. 2 has title: Pesticide residue monitoring in sediment and surface water within the South Florida Water Management District.; "April 1985" on cover.; Technical Publication 91-01; DRE 293
Port, Key Biscayne, August 1973 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Aerial photographs of Biscayne National Park.
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Shoreline grass beds, south of harbor, Elliott Key Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Shoreline grass beds south of Elliott Key Harbor.
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Shores of Silver Lake, Ocracoke, North Carolina, 1958 Cape Hatteras National Seashore West South West - along shore Silver Lake.
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About 120 Items

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