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17 Items

Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol. IX Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House Vol. IV Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol. VIII Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol. V Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House Vol. II Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol.1 Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol. VI (1968) Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol. III Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol. X Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishings Report, Old House, Vol. VII (1968) Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishing Plan, Blacksmith Shop Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Interior, Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Illinois Kings Mountain National Military Park Lincoln Home
Furnishing Plan, Indian Trade Store Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Furnishing Plan, Chief Factor's House and Kitchen Structure Harpers Ferry Center; National Park Service
Historic Furnishings Report: Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, volume 2 Clemson University Libraries vol. 2: Furnishing Plan; Call number: i29.88/2-2: sa1/v.2.

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University