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Harper Garden, steps thru stone wall toward new end Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Steps thru stone wall toward new end. Harper Garden. Original caption: HAFE NHF-2146 STEPS THRU STONE WALL, TOWARD NW END -HARPER GARDEN A.L. SULLIVAN OCT 1962.
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Jackson Cottage, Site of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Jackson Cottage, Site of. Storer College. Original caption: NHF-2283, Park: NHF; Subject: Jackson Cottage,Site of; Location: Storer College; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Assistant; DATE: 5/63.
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Harper House porch, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1577; Hog Alley from Potomac Street, showing Marmion Hall (Wagner House), Harper House Photographic Reproduction of oil painting by Winfield Scott Clime Original hanging in HFNM Headquarters Building.
Sewer line, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Excavation, sewer Pipe, upper High Street, 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1500, Excavation, sewer pipe, upper High Street, 4x5 Negative Filed, 1959.
John Brown Raid Centennial, Fornay's Battalion Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- Fornay's Battalion- Storming of the Fort Cast., 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1359, John Brown Raid Centennial-Forney's Battalion, Storming of Fort Cast.-October 17,1959, 4x5 Negative Filed, October,1959.
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Relocation Center -looking Southeast Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Relocation Center -looking Southeast. Steven T. Mather Training Center (Storer. Original caption: NHF-2342, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Relocation Center - looking southeast; Location: Steven T. Mather Training Center (Storer College); photographer and companions: A. Burger, Foreman, HFNHP; DATE: July/Aug.1963.
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Anthony Hall, Storer College Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Anthony Hall, Storer College. West elevation before Relocation Center. Original caption: NHF-2551, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Anthony Hall,Storer College; Location: West elevation before Relocation Center & Restorarion; Purpose: photographer and companions: Julius Cornwell, Project Supervisor; DATE: July,1963.
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Jackson Residence, Filmore Street Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Jackson Residence, Filmore St. Front View. Original caption: NHF-2515, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Jackson Residence, Fillmore St.; Location: Purpose: Front view; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst.HFNHP; DATE: May/June,1964.
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Stone Work behind Coons bldg Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Stone Work behind Coons bldg. Shenandoah St. Original caption: NHF-2348, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Stone work behind Coons Bldg.; Location: Shenandoah St.; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst.; DATE: July, 1963.
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Exterior Doors, 1st and 2nd Marmion Tenant Houses, Detail Showing Lock Positions Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Exterior Doors, 1st and 2nd Marmion Tenant Houses, Detail Showing Lock Positions. Original caption: NHF-1088-1091, exterior doors, 1st and 2nd Marmion tenant houses detail showing lock positions,1957,NHF-1089.
Building 45 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Macadam road remains below present street level -appears to cross street at this, point. Shanadoah street at Bldg. 45. Original caption: NHF 2020, Remains of Flagstone Walk Under Present Street Level - Appears to Cross Street at this Point, Shedandoah Street at BLDG 45, A.L. Sullivan, June 1962.
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Stone Work behind Coons bldg Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Stone Work behind Coons bldg. Shenandoah St. Original caption: NHF-2355, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Stone work behind Coons Bldg.; Location: Shenandoah Street; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst.; DATE: July,1963.
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High Street Harpers Ferry National Historical Park High St. excavation showing pipeline installed, looking East., Pictures found on 8/64 by MDB. HFNHP. Original caption: NHF-2525, Park: Subject: High Street excavation showing pipeline installed, looking East.; Location: HFNHP; Purpose: photographer and companions: Either Pete Meredith or A. Burge? Pictures found 8/64 by MDB; DATE: 1959.
Building 43 Back Wall of Bldg Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building #43 Back Wall of Bldg. -1958 -3.5x3.5 Negative filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1453, Bldg 43 - Back Wall of Bldg - 1958, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed.
Rock Formation, Shenandoah Street, lower town of Harpers Ferry Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Rock Formation, Shenandoah Street, Lower Town of Harpers Ferry. Original caption: NHF-2706, ROCK FORMATION, SHENANDOAH STREET, LOWER TOWN OF HARPERS FERRY; CLYDE B KING, MG'M'T ASS'T; MARCH, 1965.
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John Brown Raid Centennial, October 16-18, 1959 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- Oct 16-18, 1959- Forney's Battalion Storming Fort, (Mock-up) 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1367, John Brown Raid Centennial-October 16-18, 1959, Forney's Battalion storming fort (Mock-up), 4x5 Negative Filed, October,1959.
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John Brown Raid Centennial, October 16-18, 1959 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- Oct 16-18, 1959. Forney's Battalion Storming "John, Brown Fort" (Mock-up), 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1334-1336, John Brown Raid Centennial, Octobre 16-18, 1959, Forney's Battalion storming John Brown's Fort (Mock-up), 4x5 Negative Filed, October 1959.
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Jackson Residence, Fillmore Street Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Jackson Residence, Fillmore St. West View. Original caption: NHF-2516, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Jackson Residence, Fillmore St; Location: West view; Purpose: photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst.HFNHP; DATE: May/June,1964.
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Scene on Potomac Street, Harpers Ferry Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Scene on Potomac Street, Harpers Ferry. Photographic reproduction of oil, painting in HFNM Headquarters building. Enlargement filed with 8x10 prints. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1578; Scene on Potomac Street, Harpers Ferry Photographic Reproduction of oil painting by Winfield Scott Clime Original hanging in HFNM Headquarters Building Enlargement filed with 8 x 10 prints.
Underground electric and communication system Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Underground electric and communication system, Looking from NW corner of Bldg., 36. Showing old flagpole foundation. Shenandoah St. Completion Report. Original caption: NEGATIVE NO NHF-2647; Park: Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; Subject: Underground electric & Communication System NW corner of Bldg 36 Looking from showing old feng Park foundation; Location: Shenandoah St; Purpose: Completion RePark; photographer and companions: Clyde B King; DATE: 2/5/65.
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Harper House, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper House -Exterior door opening to basement on East elevation, 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF 1556; Harper House - Exterior Door Opening to Basement on East Elevation; 4 x 5 Negative Filed; 1960.
Stone Work behind Coons bldg Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Stone Work behind Coons bldg. Shenandoah St. Original caption: NHF-2354, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Stone work behind Coons Bldg. ; Location: Shenandoah St.; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst.; DATE: July,1963.
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From Bolivar Heights Harpers Ferry National Historical Park From Bolivar Hts. Along with new highway to bridge in middle distance across, Shenandoah River. Original caption: NHF-1692; From Bolivar Heights along new highway to bridge in middle distance across Shenandoah River; Roy E Appleman; 3-17-1950.
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Scenic View, Harper Ferry Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Scenic View harper ferry Horizontal, Neg. Made from colored Post-card 11x14 on sale in VC 9/64. Original caption: NHF-2549, Park: Harpers Ferry National Historical Park,Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; Subject: Scenic view HT. Housingontal(?); Location: Purpose: Neg made from colosed past cated 11x14 on sale in VC 9/64; photographer and companions: DATE: 1959.
John Brown Raid Centennial, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial, Oct 16-18, 1961 , Crown, Bolivar Heights, 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1403, John Brown Raid Centennial-Oct 16-18, 1959, Crowd, Bolivar Heights, 4x5 Negative Filed, Oct 1959.
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John Brown Raid Centennial, October 16-18, 1959 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- Helicopter View of Parking Lots During Centennial-, Oct 16-18, 1959. 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1375, John Brown Raid Centennial-October 16-18, 1959, , 4x5 Negative FiledHelicopter view of Parking lots, October,1959.
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Sewer line, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Excavation for Sewer pipe, Shenandoah Street, 4x5 Negative filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1495-1497, Excavation for sewer pipe, Shenandoah Street, 4x5 Negative Filed, 1959.
Harper Yard (interior) 2 sides of fence Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Yard (interior) 2 sides of fence. Public Walk. Construction Progress. Original caption: NHF 2088, Harper Yard (Interior), 2 Sides of Fence, Public Walk, Construction Progress, A. L. Sullivan, Aug. 27, 1962.
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Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1130-1133, Harper Garden retaining wall before repairs, 1959- 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" print, Negative, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
Building 16, back wall, High Street Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bldg. # 16 -Back Wall. High St. Made During Reconstruction. Original caption: NHF-2545, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Bldg. #16 - Back wall.; Location: High St.; Purpose: Made during reconstruction, August 1964; photographer and companions: Alan Walmer, Architect Asst.; DATE: 8/64.
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Maryland Heights Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Maryland Heights. Halfway mark in obliterating the Mennen sign on Maryland, Heights. View from B & O property between the bridges. Original caption: NHF-2291, Park: HFNM; Subject: Halfway mark in obliterating the Mennen sign on Maryland Heights. View from B&O property between the Bridges; photographer and companions: W.T. Ingersoll,Historian; DATE: 5/12/63.
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Stove (description enclosed) doors closed Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Stove (description enclosed) doors closed no negative. Salem., Mass. Propsed Sale. Original caption: NHF-2155, HAFE, STONE, DOORS CLOSED; - DESCRIPTION ENCLOSED; - NO NEGATIVE; SALEM, MA; PROPOSED SALE; JUDITH E. MERRICK; OCT 1962.
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Harper House, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper House -Lintel area over exterior door opening to basement on east, elevation of Harper House, 4x5 negative filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF 1554-1555; Harper House - Lintel Area Over Exterior Door Opening to Basement On East Elevation of Harper House; 4 x 5 Negative Filed; 1960.
Arsenal Square, looking towards the West Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Arsenal Square, looking towards the West. Original caption: NHF-2464, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Arsenal Square, looking towards the west; Location: photographer and companions: William T. Ingersoll, Sup. Historian; DATE: 2/19/64.
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Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1134-1138, Harper Garden Retaining wall before repairs, 1959- 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative filed, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
Salty Dog -after stabilization Harpers Ferry National Historical Park "Salty Dog" -after stabilization. Maryland sideof Potomac at end of RR Br. Original caption: NHF-2359, Park: HFNHP; Subject: "Salty Dog" - August 1963. - after stabilization; Location: Maryland side of Potomac at end of RR Bridge under Maryland Heights.; photographer and companions: C. B. King, Management Asst. HFNHP; DATE: August,1963.
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Building 24, before demolition Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building #24 Before Demolition- Rear and East, Elevation, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1125-1128, Building #34 before demolition, rear and east elevation-1959, 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" Negative, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
Mather Training Center, Instructors Quarters 13 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Mather Training Center Instructors Quarters # 13. Camp Hill. Upon completion of construct. Original caption: NHF-2607, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Mather Training Center Instructor's Quarters #13; Location: Camp Hill; Purpose: Upon completion of construction; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst. HFNHP; DATE: Nov. 1964.
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Ruins of Episcopal Church Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Ruins of Episcopal Church. Photo made during stabilization work on ruins. . Taken during stabilization work. Photo made during stabilizat. Original caption: NHF-2561, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Ruins of Episcopal Church; Location: Purpose: Photo made during stabilization work on Ruins; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst.HFNHP; DATE: 10/2/64.
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Harper House porch, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1577; Hog Alley from Potomac Street, showing Marmion Hall (Wagner House), Harper House Photographic Reproduction of oil painting by Winfield Scott Clime Original hanging in HFNM Headquarters Building.
Breastworks Spur Battery for Stone Fort Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Breastworks Spur Battery for Stone Fort, 4x5 print. Maryland Heights. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-3183, 4x5 print ; Subject: Breastworks Spur Battery for Stone Fort; Location: Maryland Heights; Purpose: photographer and companions: Historian - JCRoach; DATE: April 7, 1968.
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Stagecoach Inn Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Stagecoach Inn. Shen. St. following a snow storm. Original caption: NHF-2468, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Stagecoach Inn; Location: Shen. Street following a snow storm.; photographer and companions: William T. Ingersoll, Sup. Historian; DATE: 2/19/64.
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Anthony Hall, Storer College Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Anthony Hall, Storer College. North elevation before Relocation Center. Original caption: NHF-2554, Park: Subject: HFNHP; Location: Anthony Hall, Storer College; Purpose: North elevation before Relocation Center excavation; photographer and companions: Julius Cornwell,Project Supervisor; DATE: July, 1963.
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John Brown Raid Centennial, Drum and Bugle Corps, Shenandoah Street Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- Drum and Bugle Corps- Shenandoah Street, 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1292, JohnBrown Raid Centennial, Drum and Bugle Corps - Shenandoah Street, 4x5 Negative Filed, October, 1962.
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Brackett Hall, Storer College Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Storer College Properties. Sewer Trench back of Brackett Hall. Original caption: HFNM NHF-2206 & 2207 (2 VIEWS) STORER COLLEGE PROPERTIES SEWER TRENCH IN BACK OF BRACKETT HALL MR. BURGE 3-21-1963.
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Harper Garden, brick walkway and stone roof of springhouse Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Brick Walkway and stone roof of springhouse. Harper Garden. Original caption: HAFE NHF-2177 BRICK WALKWAY AND STONE ROOF OF SPRINGHOUSE HARPER GARDEN A.L.SULLIVAN NOV 1962.
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Morrell Cottage, Storer College Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Morrell Cottage -part ruined (burned) to be levelled. Original caption: HFNM NHF-2205 STORER COLLEGE PROPERTIES MORRELL COTTAGE PART RUINED (BURNED). TO BE LEVELED CLYDE B. KING - MGMT ASS'T MAR 1963.
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Sinclair Cottage, site of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Sinclair Cottage, site of. Storer College. Original caption: NHF-2282, Park: HFNM; Subject: Sinclair Cottage, site of; Location: Storer College; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Assistant; DATE: 5/63.
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Underground electric and communication system Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Underground Electric and communications System, Profile Shenandoah St. at Bldg. 12. Lower town. Completion Report. Original caption: NEGATIVE NO NHF-2643; Park: Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; Subject: Underground Electric & Communication System Peafilc, Shenandoah St or Bldg 12; Location: Lower Tower; Purpose: Completion RePark; photographer and companions: Clyde B King; DATE: 2/5/65.
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Former Town House Restaurant Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Former Town House Restaurant. High Street. Original caption: NEGATIVE NO NHF-2664; Park: HFNHP; Subject: Former Towne House Restaurant; Location: High Street; Purpose: photographer and companions: Clyde B King, Management Asst HFNHP; DATE: Feb 1965.
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High Street, drain below railroad Harpers Ferry National Historical Park High Street Drain Below Railroad. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-2803; Subject: High Street Drain below railroad ; Location: ; PURPOSE;; photographer and companions: Clyde B King, Management Asst HFNHP; DATE: Sept 1965.
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Exterior Doors, 1st and 2nd Marmion Tenant Houses, Detail Showing Lock Positions Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Exterior Doors, 1st and 2nd Marmion Tenant Houses, Detail Showing Lock Positions. Original caption: NHF-1088-1091, exterior doors, 1st and 2nd Marmion tenant houses detail showing lock positions,1957,NHF-1090.
Sewer line, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Sewer Line- Excavation for Pipe Line, Laying of Pipe, etc., 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1315-1318, Sewer line, excavation, laying of pipe, etc, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative FIled, 1959.
John Brown Raid Centennial, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial, Oct 16-18, 1959, Boy Scouts, Bolivar Heights, 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1401, John Brown Raid Centennial-Oct 16-18, 1959, Boy Scouts, Bolivar Heights, 4x5 Negative Filed, Oct 1959.
Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1134-1138, Harper Garden Retaining wall before repairs, 1959- 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative filed, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
Roof of Building 38 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Roof of Bldg. 38 during restoration. Grove, workman in view. Md. Heights in, background, also, RR tunnel and Bldg. 12. Shenandoah St. Original caption: NHF-2492, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Roof of Bldg.38 during restoration. Grove, workman in view. Md. Heights in background, also RR tunnel and Bldg.12; Location: Shenandoah St.; photographer and companions: Jas. Askins, HFNHP; DATE: March, 1964.
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Breastworks Spur Battery for Stone Fort Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Breastworks Spur Battery for Stone Fort, 4x5 print. Maryland Heights. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-3184, 4x5 print ; Subject: Breastworks Spur Battery for Stone Fort; Location: Maryland Heights; Purpose: photographer and companions: Historian-JCRoach; DATE: April 7, 1968.
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Ice House, front restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park "Ice House" -front restoration, Used by CBK for Report. Harper Garden. Original caption: NHF-2390, Park: HFNHP; Subject: "Ice House" - front restoration; Location: Harper Garden; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst. HFNHP; DATE: Oct.1963.
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Harper House wallpaper reproduction, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Reproduction by architect Franzen of wallpaper found in Harper House., 3.5x3.5 Negative filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1510, Reproduction by architect Franzen of wallpaper found by Harper House, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed, June 1958.
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North Elevation of engine house (John Brown's Fort) at Storer College Harpers Ferry National Historical Park North Elevation of engine house (John Brown's Fort) at Storer College. Original caption: NHF-1671; North Elevation of Engine House (John Brown's Fort) at Storer College.
Sewer line, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Excavation for sewer line Shenandoah Street, 1959, 4x5 Negative filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1495-1497, Excavation for sewer pipe, Shenandoah Street, 4x5 Negative Filed, 1959.
North Elevation of Scottish Castle (obliterated Spring 1963) Harpers Ferry National Historical Park North Elevation of Scottish Castle (obliterated Spring 1963). Negative & 1 4x5 print made. Original caption: NHF-1679; North Elevation of Scottish Castle (Obliterated Spring, 1963); Negative, 4 x 5 print made by CA on 5/63.
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Columbia Street to Cook Hall Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Columbia Street to Cook Hall. Mather Training Center. Showing new landscaping. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-2946; Subject: Columbia Street to Cook Hall; Location: Mather Training Center ; Purpose: Shwoing new landscaping; photographer and companions: CBKing, Management Asst HFNHP; DATE: Dec 1965.
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Potomac Street, pavement removed Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Potomac Street, Pavement Removed. Foundations of Pre-Civil War Buildings. Original caption: NHF-2749, POTOMAC STREET, PAVEMENT REMOVED, FOUNDATIONS OF PRE-CIVIL LOAR BUILDINGS FOUND UNDER STREET IN IMMEDIATE FOREGROUND, CLYDE B KING, MANAGEMENT ASS'T, MAY 1965.
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New tennis courts and basketball baskets Harpers Ferry National Historical Park New tennis courts and basketball baskets. Mather Training Center. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-2949; Subject: New tennis courts and basketball baskets; Location: Mather Training Center ; Purpose: photographer and companions: CBKing, Management Asst HFNHP; DATE: Dec 1965.
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Stone Fort, West wall of fort Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Stone Fort, West wall of fort., 4x5 print. Maryland Heights. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-3177,4x5 print ; Subject: Stone Fort, West wall of fort; Location: Maryland Heights; Purpose: photographer and companions: Historian - JCRoach; DATE: 4/7/68.
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Arsenal - Audio Cabinet Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Arsenal - Audio Cabinet. NFNHP- site # 3, on self-guiding tour ma. Original caption: NHF-2575, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Arsenal - Audio cabinet; Location: HFNHP - site #3 on Self-Guiding Tour map.; Purpose: photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst. HFNHP; DATE: Oct. 1964.
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Excavation, storm drain, Church Street Parking Lot Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Excavation -storm drain -Church Street Parking Lot. Church Street Parking Lot. Original caption: NHF-2378, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Excavation -storm drain -- Church Street Parking Lot; Location: " " " " ; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst. HFNHP; DATE: Sept.1963.
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Arsenal, large foundation of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Arsenal, large- foundation of:. Shenandoah St., H.F. Showing fence around it. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-2932; Subject: Arsenal, large -foundation of: Location: Shenandoah St, HF ; Purpose: showing fence around it; photographer and companions: CBKing, Management Asst HFNHP; DATE: Dec 1965.
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Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1134-1138, Harper Garden Retaining wall before repairs, 1959- 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative filed, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
John Brown Raid Cenennial, Oct Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Cenennial, Oct. 1959 -Director Tobin, Mr. Joseph Kaylor, 4x5 negative filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1488, John Brown Raid Centennial - Director Tobin, Mr. Joseph Kaylor, 4x5 Negative Filed, 10/1959.
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Looking southeast from classroom, Anthony Building 64 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Looking Southeast. 1st floor classroom. Anthony Bldg. # 64. Original caption: NHF-2427, Park: Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry, West Virginia; Subject: Looking Southeast. 1st floor Class Room; Location: Anthony Library, Bldg. No 64; photographer and companions: Feanzen; DATE: 1963.
Curio Shop (Ken Millmore) Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Curio Shop (Ken Millmore). High Street, Hrpers Ferry. Original caption: NEGATIVE NO NHF-2663; Park: HFNHP; Subject: Curio Shop (Ken Millmore's); Location: High Street, Harpers Ferry; Purpose: photographer and companions: Clyde B King, Management Asst HFNHP; DATE: Feb 1965.
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Rear Roof, Building 29 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Rear Roof -Bldg. # 29. Taken from Stone Steps. Original caption: NHF-2486, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Rear roof - Bldg. #39; Location: Taken from Stone Steps; photographer and companions: Alan Walmer,Asst. Architect, EODC,HFNHP; DATE: Feb. 1964.
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John Brown Raid Centennial, October 16-18, 1959 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- October 16-18, 1959- Architect Archie Franzen and, Family- Family in Costume., 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1357, John Brown Raid Centennial-October 16-18, 1959, Architect Archie Franzen and Family-In costume, 4x5 Negative Filed, October,1959.
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Brick walks at 2 levels, Shenandoah Street Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Brick Walks at 2 Levels, Shenandoah Street. Discovered When Top. Original caption: NHF-2754, BRICK WALLS AT 2 LEVELS, SHENANDOAH STREET, DISCOVERED WHEN TOP SURFACE OF STREET WAS REMOVED, CB KING, JUNE 1965.
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Relocation Center, S Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Relocation Center, S. T. Mather Training Center (Storer College). Original caption: NHF-2357, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Relocation Center, S.T. Mather Training Center (Storer College); Location: photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst.; DATE: July,1963.
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Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1134-1138, Harper Garden Retaining wall before repairs, 1959- 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative filed, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
Hall Rifle Works, turbine well opening close-up Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Turbine well opening close-up. Hall Rifle Works. Archeological exploration. Original caption: NHF 2097, Turbine Well Opening, Close Up, Hall Rifle Works, Archeological Exploration, A. L. Sullivan, Sept. 4, 1962.
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Armory House Store Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Armory House Store. High Street, north side. Original caption: NEGATIVE NO NHF-2667; Park: HFNHP; Subject: Armory House Store; Location: High Street, north side; Purpose: photographer and companions: Clyde B King, Management Asst HFNHP; DATE: Feb 1965.
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Building 15, Downey House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building # 15 Downey House, 1st Floor, Room #6. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1601; Building 15 - Downey House, First Floor, Room 6; Photographer: Russell V Keune; May 9, 1961.
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Building 43, rear slope of roof Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Bldg. 43 rear slope of roof before dormers completed; taken from Catholic Church. Original caption: NHF 1951, BLDG 43, Rear Slope of Roof Before Dormers Were Completed, Taken from Catholic Church Yard, A.V. Burge, Nov. 1961.
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Jefferson's Rock Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Jefferson's Rock. A copy of a photo from a box. Original caption: NHF-2479,Park: HFNHP; Subject: Jefferson's Rock; Purpose: A copy of a photo from a book as made by "L.B." for W.T. Ingersoll, Historian following his talk in Brownsville, 1963; DATE: 1963.
Old Drain Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Old Drain. High and Shenadoah Sts., Harpers Ferry. Original caption: NEGATIVE NO NHF-2656; Park: HFNHP; Subject: Old Drain; Location: High and Shenandoah Streets, Harpers Ferry, W Va; Purpose: photographer and companions: Clyde B King, Management Asst ; DATE: Feb 1965.
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Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1130-1133, Harper Garden retaining wall before repairs, 1959- 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" print, Negative, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
Marmion Row, exterior restoration Harpers Ferry National Historical Park "Marmion Row" -exterior restoration, Used by CBK for Report. Public Walk. Original caption: Print used by CBK for report, NHF-2389, Park: HFNHP; Subject: "Marmion Row" - exterior restoration; Location: Public Walk; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst. HFNHP; DATE: Oct.1963.
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John Brown Raid Centennial, October 16-18, 1959 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- Oct 16-18, 1959- Forney's Battalion After Capture of, Brown- 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1364, John Brown Raid Centennial-October 16-18, 1959, Forney's Battalion after capture of Brown, 4x5 Negative Filed, October,1959.
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Building 15, Rear during repair, September, 1957 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building # 15, Rear during repair, Sept, 1957, 3.5x3.5 negative filed. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1468, Bldg 15, Rear, During Repair - Sept 1957, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed.
John Brown Raid Centennial, October 16-18, 1959 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park John Brown Raid Centennial- Oct 16-18, 1959- Forney's Battalion Storming "John, Brown Fort" (Mock-up), 4x5 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1334-1336, John Brown Raid Centennial, Octobre 16-18, 1959, Forney's Battalion storming John Brown's Fort (Mock-up), 4x5 Negative Filed, October 1959.
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Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harper Garden Retaining Wall Before Repairs, 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 Negative Filed. Original caption: NHF-1130-1133, Harper Garden retaining wall before repairs, 1959- 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" print, Negative, Photographer: Hal Nelson.
Mather Training Center Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Mather Training Center. Entrance to Residences at Center. To show newly developed road. Original caption: NHF-2590, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Mather Training Center; Location: Entrance to Residences at Center; Purpose: To show newly developed roads.; photographer and companions: Clyde B. King, Management Asst. HFNHP; DATE: Nov. 1964.
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Side view buildings 33, 32 after flood Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Side view Bldg. 33, 32 after flood (no negative). Original caption: NHF-1820 Side view Bldgs 33+32 after flood, (No Negative), 1942, Back behind the old Demory building as you go back to the hattering works.
Building 45, south end Harpers Ferry National Historical Park South end of Bldg. 45 -scaffolding in place over end wall. Shenandoah Street. Construction Progress. Original caption: NHF 2091, South End of BLDG 45, Scaffolding in Place Over End Wall, Shenandoah Street, A. L. Sullivan, Aug. 27, 1962.
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Sewer line, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Construction- Excavation and Laying of Sewer Pipeline, No Negative, 4x5 Print Filed. Original caption: NHF-1245 Excavation + Laying Sewer Line - 1959, Number: NHF-1245, Subject or Title: Construction, Negative on File: X No, Location of Pix: , Comments: excavation and laying sewer pipe line.
Stone steps, Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Harpers Ferry National Historical Park From Harper House Leading up towards church , 3.5x4.5 print, Negative missing. Original caption: Stone Steps Negs FIled, 1) From Harper House landing uptowards Church - NHF-707, 2)- From base of steps up trowards Church - NHF-708, 3) Sunday visitors on Stone Steps - NHF-709, Stone Steps, Neg. FIled, NHF-707thru709.
Building 12-A Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building # 12-A. High Street. Taken during re-roofing. Original caption: NHF-2508, Park: HFNHP; Subject: Building No.12-A; Location: High Street;Purpose: Taken during re-roofing.; photographer and companions: A. Burge, foreman,HFNHP; DATE: April 1964.
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Virginius Island from above present day Shenandoah Bridge Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Virginius Isalnd from above present day Shenandoah Bridge shows some buildings, on Island. Original caption: NHF-1677; Virginius Island from above present day Shenandoah Bridge, shows some buildings on island; June 1, 1903.
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Heavy Snowfall on Stone Steps Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Heavy Snowfall -Stone Steps completely smothered. Original caption: NHF 12, Harper House Porch from Stone Steps before Porch Removal, Jan 1955. NHF-1587; Heavy snowfall - Stone steps completely smothered; 4 x 5 Negative Filed; Photographer: Herb Kissling; February 8, 1961.
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Land acquisition, Bolivar Heights Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Land-Acquisition- Bolivar Heights. Lunette, B.D. Nash 6.39 acres. Original caption: Park: HFNHP; NEGATIVE NO: NHF-2925 Print used for report; Subject: Land Acquisition - Bolivar Heights; Location: Lunette,BD Nash 639 acres; overlooks old Furnace Rd(in use during time of battles and on land already donate by MrNash ; Purpose: photographer and companions: WSWolfe/CBKing; DATE: Nov1965.
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Sewer line, Harpers Ferry, West Virginia Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Construction- Excavation and Laying of Sewer Pipeline, No Negative, 4x5 Print Filed. Original caption: NHF-1244 Excavation & laying sewer line - 1959, Number: NHF-1244, Subject or Title: Construction, Negative on File: X No, Location of Pix: , Comments: Excavation and laying sewer pipeline 1959.

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