State working to rebuild washed out road, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreSame location as neg. ahead. Many travellers were marooned north of this break night of 10/20. Several cars were engulfed in rush of ponded up tide water behind barrier dune next to road; others required help to reach south. State working here.
Break in dike following storm, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreTypical but probably worst of four similar breaks in long dike north of Phipps Club, less than a mile. Through these breaks much tide water from serious northeast storm poured across and moved much sand onto the State Highway immediately of rt. of picture.
Washed down dunes, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreThis view and one shown by negative ahead approximately join one another, left of this to right of the other. Remnant of ponded up tide water shown behind last barrier and among the badly washed down dunes between it and the beach to the right.
Storm damage, Little Kinnakeet, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreAbout two miles north of Little Kinnakeet where sand plug by State in the last barrier dune next to the road gave way and released vast pond of sea water across the road resulting in extensive break in pavement, considerable cutting of channel, and heavy sand on road NE storm 10/20.
Damage due to break in dike, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreLocation a mile or so south of Avon junction where serious flooding of highway resulted when sand plug in barrier dune next to it gave way before ponded up tide water from serious northeaster. State equipment beginning to repair damage.
Fence and dunes, Rodanthe, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreState or County built sand fences opposite Rodanthe in 1956 with the accumulation of sand held well during early phases of the northeaster of 10/19-21, but finally gave way allowing much tide water to flow inland, St/E,sm, shows same fence in Dec. 1956.
Storm damage to barriers, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North CarolinaCape Hatteras National SeashoreTypical of many similar breaks through State-made sand plugs pushed up to fill gaps in last barrier between beach and highway in 1956. Highway is just beyond washout at left edge of print. Note evidence of ponding before washout and washing later on.