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Hampton Plantation State Historic Site, South Carolina South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism
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Debbie Merkham at the Post Office in the Dry Goods Store, building 5, Roeder Store, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids., Debbie Mekrham at the Post, Office in the Dry Goods Store, All the views show some of the items either in the store.... Files (Dry Goods Store). Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3422-27 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids. #3422- Jesse Engle behind counter cracking corn. #3423- Jesse Engle behind counter reaching for candy jar. #3424- Jesse Engle and Betsy Hunter. Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store. #3425- Same as 3424. #3426- Betsy leaving the store-coming down step to sidewalk. #3427- Debbie Merkham at the Post Office in the Dry Goods Store. All the views show some of the items either in the store or in the front of the store. Purpose: Files (Dry Goods Store) Bldg. 35. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town W. Va. Date: 12-7-1973.
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Jesse Engle and Betsy Hunter, Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store, building 5, Roeder Store, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids., Same as 3424, All the views show some of the items either in the store or in the front of the store. Files (Dry Goods Store). Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3422-27 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids. #3422- Jesse Engle behind counter cracking corn. #3423- Jesse Engle behind counter reaching for candy jar. #3424- Jesse Engle and Betsy Hunter. Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store. #3425- Same as 3424. #3426- Betsy leaving the store-coming down step to sidewalk. #3427- Debbie Merkham at the Post Office in the Dry Goods Store. All the views show some of the items either in the store or in the front of the store. Purpose: Files (Dry Goods Store) Bldg. 35. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town W. Va. Date: 12-7-1973.
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Jesse Engle behind counter cracking corn, building 5, Roeder Store, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids., Jesse Engle behind counter, cracking corn, All the views show some of the items either in the store or in the front.... Files (Dry Goods Store). Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3422-27 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids. #3422- Jesse Engle behind counter cracking corn. #3423- Jesse Engle behind counter reaching for candy jar. #3424- Jesse Engle and Betsy Hunter. Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store. #3425- Same as 3424. #3426- Betsy leaving the store-coming down step to sidewalk. #3427- Debbie Merkham at the Post Office in the Dry Goods Store. All the views show some of the items either in the store or in the front of the store. Purpose: Files (Dry Goods Store) Bldg. 35. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town W. Va. Date: 12-7-1973.
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Jesse Engle behind counter reaching for candy jar, building 5, Roeder Store, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids., Jesse Engle behind counter, reaching for candy jar, All the views show some of the items either in the store.... Files (Dry Goods Store). Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3422-27 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids. #3422- Jesse Engle behind counter cracking corn. #3423- Jesse Engle behind counter reaching for candy jar. #3424- Jesse Engle and Betsy Hunter. Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store. #3425- Same as 3424. #3426- Betsy leaving the store-coming down step to sidewalk. #3427- Debbie Merkham at the Post Office in the Dry Goods Store. All the views show some of the items either in the store or in the front of the store. Purpose: Files (Dry Goods Store) Bldg. 35. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town W. Va. Date: 12-7-1973.
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Jesse Engle and Betsy Hunter, Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store, building 5, Roeder Store, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids., Jesse Engle and Betsy, Hunter. Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store, All the views show some of the.... Files (Dry Goods Store). Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3422-27 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: DRY GOODS STORE (5) Views of the Store w/ Park Aids. #3422- Jesse Engle behind counter cracking corn. #3423- Jesse Engle behind counter reaching for candy jar. #3424- Jesse Engle and Betsy Hunter. Mr. Engle showing Betsy product of the store. #3425- Same as 3424. #3426- Betsy leaving the store-coming down step to sidewalk. #3427- Debbie Merkham at the Post Office in the Dry Goods Store. All the views show some of the items either in the store or in the front of the store. Purpose: Files (Dry Goods Store) Bldg. 35. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town W. Va. Date: 12-7-1973.
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Park Aids Edna Ware and Rita Ainsworth in Parlor, building 1A, Harper House, Dec 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park HARPER HOUSE INTERIOR. House decorated for Old Fashion Christmas. Park Aids, Edna Ware and Rita Ainsworth in Parlor. Old Fashion Christmas. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3418-3421 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: HARPER HOUSE INTERIOR. House decorate for Old Fashion Christmas. Four (4) different views: #3418 - Shows Park aid Leda Jenkins working at the cook stove in the kitchen. #3419 - Park Aid, Edna Ware in kitchen taking jar from cupboard-table decorated w/ greens and goodies. #3420 - Park Aids Edna Ware and Rita Ainsworth in Parlor. #3421 - Dining ROom table and fireplace decorated. Purpose: Old Fashion Christmas 12-8-1973. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: 12-8-1973.
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Park Aid Edna Ware in kitchen taking jar from cupboard, building 1A, Harper House, Dec 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park HARPER HOUSE INTERIOR. House decorated for Old Fashion Christmas. Park Aid,, Edna Ware in kitchen taking jar from cupboard- table decorated w/ greens and goodies. Old Fashion Christmas. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3418-3421 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: HARPER HOUSE INTERIOR. House decorate for Old Fashion Christmas. Four (4) different views: #3418 - Shows Park aid Leda Jenkins working at the cook stove in the kitchen. #3419 - Park Aid, Edna Ware in kitchen taking jar from cupboard-table decorated w/ greens and goodies. #3420 - Park Aids Edna Ware and Rita Ainsworth in Parlor. #3421 - Dining ROom table and fireplace decorated. Purpose: Old Fashion Christmas 12-8-1973. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: 12-8-1973.
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Dining Room table and fireplace decorated, building 1A, Harper House, Dec 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park HARPER HOUSE INTERIOR. House decorated for Old Fashion Christmas. Dining Room, and fireplace decorated. Old Fashion Christmas. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3418-3421 + 8x10 glossy prints. See Classification No. Subject: HARPER HOUSE INTERIOR. House decorate for Old Fashion Christmas. Four (4) different views: #3418 - Shows Park aid Leda Jenkins working at the cook stove in the kitchen. #3419 - Park Aid, Edna Ware in kitchen taking jar from cupboard-table decorated w/ greens and goodies. #3420 - Park Aids Edna Ware and Rita Ainsworth in Parlor. #3421 - Dining ROom table and fireplace decorated. Purpose: Old Fashion Christmas 12-8-1973. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: 12-8-1973.
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Park Aid Jimmy Pitcher cleaning top of bar, building 5, Roeder Store, 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park SALOON INTERIOR (Bldg. 5) on Potomac St. View shows Park Aid Jimmy Pitcher, in, period clothing cleaning top of bar. Brandy barrel on bar and shelving containing.... Potomac St. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3428 + 8x10 glossy. See Classification No. Subject: SALOON INTERIOR (Bldg. 5) on Potomac St. View shows Park Aid Jimmy Pitcher, in period clothing cleaning top of bar. Brandy barrel on bar and shelving conaining liquor bottles is behind the bar. Location: Potomac St. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W.Va. Date: 12-8-73.
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Cedar tree trimmed with handmade ornaments in parlor, building 36, Master Armorer's House, Dec 1973 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park VICTORIAN PARLOR, Master Armorer's House (Bldg. 36) decorated for Old Fashion, Christmas. View shows cedar tree trimmed with handmade ornaments, toys underneath.... File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3430 and 8x10 glossy. See Classification No. Subject: VICTORIAN PARLOR, Master Armorer's House (Bldg. 36) decorated for Old Fashion Christmas. View shows cedar tree trimmed with handmade ornaments, toys underneath, greens throughout the room and several pieces of the Victorian furniture. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: 12-9-1973.
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Interpreter June Robertson petting cat on top of the counter, building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View of the, northwest corner with counter, shelving, merchandise, clock on the rear wall and.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3550. See Classification No. Subject: INTERIOR BLDG. 40. Bldg. being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View of the northwest corner with counter, shelving, merchandise, clock on the rear wall and interpreter June Robertson petting cat on top of the counter. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Blacksmith Arnold Schorfield and Apprentice working at forge, building 43, McCabe-Marmion Building, interior of blacksmith shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF THE BLACKSMITH SHOP- Bldg. 43. View of Blacksmith Scchofield and, two seasonal apprentice working at the forge. Various tongs are showing in the foreground. Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3555. See Classification No. Subject: INTERIOR OF THE BLACKSMITH SHOP - Bldg. 43. View of Blacksmith Schofield and two seasonal apprentice working at the forege. Various tongs are showing in the foreground. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Blacksmith Arnold Schorfield and Apprentice working on metalwork, building 43, McCabe-Marmion Building, interior of blacksmith shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF THE BLACKSMITH SHOP- Bldg. 43. View of Blacksmith Arnold Schofield, and Apprentice working on metalwork. Visitors in doorway watching the smiths work.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3554. See Classification No. Subject: Interior of the Blacksmith Shop - Bldg. 43. VIew of Blacksmith Arnold Schorfield and Apprentice working on metalwork. Visitors in doorway watching the smiths work. Close-up of tools in foreground. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Visitors looking over items, building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View, shows front portion of the store with furniture and merchandise with two male visitors.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3551. See Classification No. Subject: Interior of Bldg. 40. Bldg. being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View shows front portion of the store with furniture and merchandise with two male visitors looking the items over. Bldgs. across Shenandoah St. can be seen thru the windows. Location: Shenadoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Interior display case with goodies, building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park CONFECTIONARY INTERIOR WITH DISPLAY CASE WITH GOODIES. Park Interpreter,, Edna Ware posing by the case for the photographer. Bldg. 16, High St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3542. See Classification No. Subject: CONFECTIONARY INTERIOR WITH DISPLAY CASE WITH GOODIES. Park Interpreter, Edna Ware posing by the case for the photographer. Location: Bldg. 16, High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Blacksmith Arnold Schorfield and Apprentice working at anvil, building 43, McCabe-Marmion Building, interior of blacksmith shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF THE BLACKSMITH SHOP- Bldg. 43. View of Blacksmith Schofield and, apprentice working at anvil. Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3556. See Classification No. Subject: INTERIOR OF THE BLACKSMITH SHOP - Bldg. 43. View of Blacksmith Schofield and apprentice working at anvil. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Interior display case with goodies, building 16, Roeder House, being used as confectionery shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park CONFECTIONARY DISPLAY CASE WITH GOODIES. Park Interpreter Edna Ware, standing at one end of the case admiring the goodies. Interior of Bldg. 16 being used.... High St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3543. See Classification No. Subject: CONFECTIONARY DISPLAY CASE WITH GOODIES. Park INterpreter Edna Ware standing at one end of the case admiring the goodies. Interior of Bldg. 16 being used as a Confectionary. Location: High St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Two visitors talking with Interpreter June Robertson, building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View, shows the east side of the room with furniture and furnishings and two visitors talking.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3553. See Classification No. Subject: Interior of Bldg. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View shows the east side of the room with furniture and furnishings and two visitors talking with Interpreter June Robertson. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 40, Richards Building, being used as a ready-made clothing store, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park INTERIOR OF BLDG. 40. Bldg being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View, shows the east side of the bldg with furnishings and merchandise and three park.... Shenandoah St. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3552. See Classification No. Subject: Interior of Bldg. 46. Bldg. being used as a Ready-Made Clothing Store. View shows the east side of the bldg. with furnishings and merchandise and three park visitors talking with Interpreter June Robertson. Location: Shenandoah St. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 24, 1975.
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Building 37, Reily Building, being used as an apothecary shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BUILDING 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR. View shows the bldg being used as, an Apothecary Shop. Park interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell, 3 park.... Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3549. See Classification No. Subject: BUILDING 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR. View shows the bldg. being used as an Apothecary Shop. Park interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell, 3 park visitors, furniture and furnishings are in the view. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 25, 1975.
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Building 37, Reily Building, being used as an apothecary shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR OF THE BLDG showing the apothecary, furniture and furnishings. No visitors. Files (note furniture and. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3546. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR OF THE BLDG. showing the pothecary furniture and furnishings. No visitors. Purpose: Files (note furniture and furnishings (majority) are on LOAN from the Smithsonian Institution. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 25, 1975.
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Park interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell, building 37, Reily Building, being used as an apothecary shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR of the bldg as it is being used as an, Apothecary Shop. Park Interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell are shown in.... 12-A through the window. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3548. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR of the bldg. as it is being used as an Apothecary Shop. Park Interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell are shown in the front portion of the shop along with portions of the furniture, furnishings and Bldg. 12-A through the window. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 25, 1975.
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Park interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell, building 37, Reily Building, being used as an apothecary shop, 1975 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR showing the furniture and furnishings, of the Apothecary. Park interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell are in the view. Files. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3547. See Classification No. Subject: BLDG. 37 (John T. Rieley Bldg.) INTERIOR showing the furniture and furnishings of the Apothecary. Park interpreter Mike Clay and VIP Catherine Rockwell are in the view. Purpose: Files. Photographer and Companions: Edwin Fitzpatrick, Jefferson Ave., Charles Town, W. Va. Date: July 25, 1975.
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Librarians Georgie Ramsburg, Nancy McBrie, Faye Heffner, Peggy Smallwood & Debbie Mehrkam, Morrell House Library, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Personnel View shows, from left to right, George Ramsburg, Nancy McBride, Faye, Heffner. Morrell House Library. Files.
Architect Archie Franzen, Morrell House, 1976 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Personnel Architect Archie Franzen. Morrell House. Files.
Seasonal Interpreter, Sally, Knipe and two Rockwell girls, Building 16, interior of Confectionary Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Living History -Interior of Confectionary (Bldg. 16) showing Seasonal Interprete, Sally, Knipe and two Rockwell girls (VIPS) performing their interpret duties. High St. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3660 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: LIVING HISTORY - Interior of Confectionary (Bldg. 16) showing Seasonal Interpreter, Sally Knipe and two Rockwell girls (VIPs) performing their interpretive duties. Location: High St. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Conway. Date: July 1976.
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Mary Theresa Rockwell and Catherine Rockwell, with seasonal interpreter Sally Knip, Building 16, interior of Confectionary Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Living history -VIP Interpreters, Mary Theresa Rockwell and Catherine Rockwell, with seasonal interpreter Sally Knip, in center, interpreting various activities. Highh Street -1st floor, south room. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3661 small print and 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: LIVING HISTORY - VIP Interpreters, Mary Theresa Rockwell and Catherine Rockwell with Seasonal Ioterpreter Sally Knipe, in center, interpreting various activities in the Confectionary, Bldg. 16. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Conway. Date: July 1976.
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Building 7, White Hall Tavern, Interior first floor, furnished as Law Office Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Building 7 Interior 1st floor -furnished as Law Office showing collapsable, bookcase, desk, steeple clock and portion of chair, Small Print and 8x10. Potomac Street. File. Original caption: Park: HFNHP. Negative No. NHF-3657 8x10. See Classification No. Subject: BUILDING 7 INTERIOR 1st. floor - furnished as Law Office showing collaspable bookcase, desk, steeple clock and portion of chair. Location: Potomac St. Purpose: File. Photographer and Companions: Supt. Conway. Date: July 1976.
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Debbie Whitmare, nicknamed Vickers, sitting at typewriter with Theresa Washington and Marsha Martin, building 58, Morrell House, 1977 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Personnel. New Employees. Photo shows Debbie Whitmore (Vickers), sitting at typewrite, with Theresa Washington standing on the left and Martha Martin on th. Morrell House. Files.
Lawrence Franklin, after retirement, 1977 Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Personnel. Lawrence Franklin, after retirement. Files.
Visitor Accommodations, Facilities, and Services 1978-1979 University of Georgia Libraries Call number: j84: i29.2: ac2/2/978-79.
Historic Furnishings Report: Point Loma Lighthouse--Cabrillo National Monument Clemson University Libraries Call number: i29.88/2-2: p75.
Catholic Church Grounds and Structures, along Potomac River above Harpers Ferry Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Catholic Church Grounds and Structures (Not St. Pete's Church). Along Potomac River above Harpers Ferry.
Catholic Church Grounds and Structures, along Potomac River above Harpers Ferry Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Catholic Church Grounds and Structures (Not St. Pete's Church). Along Potomac River above Harpers Ferry.
Catholic Church Grounds and Structures, along Potomac River above Harpers Ferry Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Catholic Church Grounds and Structures (Not St. Pete's Church). Along Potomac River above Harpers Ferry.
Shop interior Everglades National Park; National Park Service On slide: Shop interior; 1979; P-1; 053
Shop interior Everglades National Park; National Park Service On slide: Shop interior; 1979; P-1; 052
Visitor Accommodations, Facilities, and Services 1980-1981 University of Georgia Libraries Call number: j84: i29.2: ac2/2/980-81.
Kenneth Camp and son in Fort Proctor Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Interior of Fort Proctor Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve
Tannehill house, Elliott Key Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Tannehill house, Elliott Key.
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Visitors looking at exhibits, building 11, Anderson Building Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Interior Building 11, two different views, No negative, 5x7 b/w print.
Visitors looking at exhibit, interior, building 45, Stagecoach Inn Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Interior Building 45, No negative, 5x7 b/w print.
Interior, building 35, Old Master Armorer's House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Interior building 35, No negative, 5x7 print, b/w. two views.
Interior, building 35, Old Master Armorer's House Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Interior building 35, No negative, 5x7 print, b/w. two views.
Visitors looking at exhibits, building 11, Anderson Building Harpers Ferry National Historical Park Interior Building 11, two different views, No negative, 5x7 b/w print.
Interior Building: Its Architecture, and Its Art Clemson University Libraries Call number: i29.104: in8/corr..
Department of the Interior emblem, July 1986 Biscayne National Park; National Park Service Department of the Interior emblem.

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