Park through break in clouds, aerial views, 1958Everglades National Park; National Park ServiceAerial photograph of park through break in clouds; "Cloud effects: cloud metaphors above ENP, Fla."
Parking area with station wagon, October 1960Everglades National Park; National Park ServiceDistant view of parking area with station wagon, background palm trees and roads, dark clouds in sky; "Storm Clouds".
Parking area with valley viewGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkParking area, overlooking valley, I-40, and English Mt. (not shown),Project 8A; Foothills Parkway, II-R-FHP-14067, Physical Facilities - Roads - Foothills Parkway, Gatlinburg Bypass', Gatlinburg Spur
Partially dried out pond, Nine Mile PondEverglades National Park; National Park ServiceClose up of partially dried out pond, mangroves in background; "Small roadside pond, height of dry season. Location, first area South of Nine Mile Pond North Side".
Patrol cabin and bridge, Lostman's River, June 1958Everglades National Park; National Park ServiceDistant, side view of patrol cabin with bridge, river and pines in foreground, radio tower and hammock in background. Polyester Copy Negative.
Paved road with slough and hammocks, circa 1960Everglades National Park; National Park ServiceClose up, side view of paved road with slough and hammocks in background; "USDI; Destructive Forces; Man-Made; Aerojet Blast". Polyester Copy Negative.