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43 Items

Cover page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper with multiple illustrations [recto] National Park Service View of Fort Johnson and Battery Simkins, on James Island. Engineers approaching Fort Wagner, The Flying Sap. Siege of Charleston - Engineers approaching Fort Wagner.
Front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper with multiple illustrations and text, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Firing at the Schooner Shannon, laden with ice, from battery on Morris Island, South Carolina. Boat from Fort Sumter arriving at Cummings Point with a flag of Truce, Morris Island, South Carolina.
Front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper with text and couple of illustrations, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Portrait of Col. Rhett, Editor of The Charleston Mercury. The Walter Battery on Sullivans Island, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
Illustration and text in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [recto] National Park Service Illustration of 'Meeting street ' showing St. Michael 's church, Circular church, and the South Carolina Club House, Charleston, South Carolina
Multiple illustrations and text in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper [recto] National Park Service Newspaper in German language (top) Fort Moultrie. (Middle) Fort Bindney, but no information about this fort is available on internet. (Bottom) Fort Sumter.
Multiple illustrations and text on Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service Siege of Charleston - Planting the:chevaux de frise in front of Fort Wagner. Siege of Charleston - Sutler 's profits in the trenches - a flase alarm.
Multiple illustrations and text on Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1865 [recto] National Park Service Seacoast operations against Charleston - Brilliant dash and capture of rebel rifle-pits and prisoners by the U.S troops on James Island, South Carolina. The robber throws off his disguise. Hospitality asked and given.
Multiple illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (Top) The war in Virginia- Kelly 's Ford on the Rappahannock - showing the rebel breastworks in the foreground (Bottom) Fort Sumter in ruins, as seen from the Beacon House, Morris Island
Multiple illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service (Clockwise) Remains of blockade runners. Rebel Camp on Sullivan 's island. Rebel battery on Sullivan 's Island. Fort Moultrie as seen from Morris Island. Rebel battery on Sullivan 's Island. (Center) Examining passes on the beach.
Multiple illustrations on Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [verso] National Park Service (Top) Lieutenant Hall bearing a truce flag from Major Anderson in Fort Sumter to Governer Pickens, immedialtely after the firing upon the Star of the West, Mercury Office, Charleston. (Bottom-left) Paul H. Hall, Poet and Litterateur, Aide-De-Camp to Governer of South Carolina (Bottom-Right) Lieutenant Hall, bearer of dispatches from Major Anderson
Multiple illustrations on front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, New York, 1865 [recto] National Park Service (Clockwise) 165, 167 and 169 Meeting street, Charleston. East Bay street, looking south, Charleston. Gentlemen 's Ordinary, Charleston Hotel, Charleston. General appearance of Charleston showing the effect of Federal bombardment. Kitchen attached to 53 Wentworth Stree- Effect of two shells.
Multiples illustrations in Frank Leslie's illustrated newspaper [recto] National Park Service Illustrations from Frank Leslie 's Illustrated Newspaper. (Top) The crouwd at no. 5 Hayne street, getting 'food ticket ' and supplies, Charleston South Carolina (Left - bottom) Torn flag in front of President 's box at Ford Theatre, Washington. (Right - bottom) View looking down south side railroad, Peterburg, Virginia
Text and an illustration in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [verso] National Park Service First night of bombardment on Fort Sumter, to prevent reinforcements being sent to Major Anderson.
Text and multiple illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [verso] National Park Service Washington 's birthday in the Army-Ball at the Second Corps Headquarters. Old Abe 's Nugget. Loss of the U. S. Sloop of war Housatonic, Capt. Pickering, off beach inlet, South Carolina.
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Text and multiple illustrations on Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1869 [verso] National Park Service (Top) Fort Sumter. (Bottom) Potrait of Henry C. Watson, Art critic.
Text and multiple illustrations on front page of Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1863 [recto] National Park Service Loading a 15-inch gun inside one of the Ericsson 's Iron-clads. The iron clad Weehawken returning to fire a parting shot at Fort Sumter, after engagement.
Text and two illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [recto] National Park Service The Richland Rifles enjoying the after-dinner hour, at their quarters on Sullivans Island, Charleston Harbor, SC. Moonlight scene on Sullivan 's Island, South Carolina.
Text and two illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Exterior view of Fort Moultrie, as its appeared before evacuation. View of the ramparts of Fort Moultrie, Charleston, SC.
Text and two illustrations in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, 1861 [verso] National Park Service Exterior view of Fort Moultrie on Sullivan 's Island, SC. View of the Ramparts of Fort Moultrie, Charleston, SC.

Generously Supported By

National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University