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LeConte Lodge layout in dense fog Great Smoky Mountains National Park LeConte Lodge layout in dense fog.LeConte Lodge; Summit of Mt. LeConte, II-B-(6)-LeC-7016, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Permittee and Concessioner buildings - LeConte Lodge buildings
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View of the hand of Mr. Stupka, Park Naturalist, holding a female Red Crossbill, Ioxia curvirostra pusilla (Gloger) caught in cabin at Three Forks, 1935 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Red Crossbill, Ioxia curvirostra pusilla (Gloger). Mr. Stupka, Park Naturalist, holding female caught in cabin at Three Forks. Crossbill, Red, I-E-Bird-868, Natural Features - Fauna - Birds.
Homer Bales cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from southeast.Homer Bales Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, III-B-9 2 , History - Buildings
Homer Bales cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from southwest.Homer Bales Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, III-B-9 19, History - Buildings
Dave Ogle Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the south. Dave Ogle Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg TN III-B-10443, History - Buildings
Preston Ogle Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park One-room cabin, 31'6'' x 18', with fireplace at each end. South elevation. Preston Ogle Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg TN III-B-10445, History - Buildings
Preston Ogle Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park One-room cabin, 31'6'' x 18', with fireplace at each end. View from southeast. Preston Ogle Cabin, Baskins Creek, Gatlinburg TN III-B-10446, History - Buildings
Old cabin, Henderson Place, Meigs Mountain Trail, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Old cabin. General view exterior from the southwest. Note rib pole roof construction and rived board ceiling chinks on the outside., 1954 rotted down. Henderson Place, Meigs Mountain Trail, Elkmont, TN III-B-10263, History - Buildings
Cabin, Henderson Place, Meigs Mountain Trail, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabin. General view exterior from the southeast., 1954 Melting down. Henderson Place, Meigs Mountain Trail, Elkmont, TN III-B-10267, History - Buildings
South end of cabin, chimney detail, Henderson Place, Meigs Mountain Trail, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park South end of cabin, chimney detail. Note rib place supporting split rafters., 1954 melting down fast, roof gone. Henderson Place, Meigs Mountain Trail, Elkmont, TN III-B-10266, History - Buildings
Molly Runningwolf and members of her family on Straight Fork, Swain County Great Smoky Mountains National Park Original Captions: Molly Runningwolf and members of her family on Straight fork, Swain Co. Runningwolf Family; III-I-Gen-17322.Molly Runningwolf and members of her family on Straight fork, Swain Co.Runningwolf Family, III-I-Gen-17322
W.B. Wells Cabin, Jones Cove Road, Sevierville Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Built by Adam Houk, great grandfather of Mr. Wells... NOTE chicken nests to right of chimney, and woven, rived-picket fence surrounding garden. W.B. Wells Cabin, Jones Cove Road, Sevierville TN III-B-10744, History - Buildings
Allen Sutton Cabin, Big Branch, Cosby Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabin next to this branch... View from northeast (30 x 40 mural, Pioneer Museum) Allen Sutton Cabin, BIg Branch, Cosby TN III-B-10706, History - Buildings
Rufus Messer Cabin, Tobes Creek, Cosby, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Razed. Rufus Messer Cabin C-4, Tobes Creek, Cosby, TN III-B-10405, History - Buildings
Mrs. Fannie Phillips Cabin, Tobes Creek, Cosby Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from southwest... Note chicken nests built in corner formed by chimney and cabin Mrs. Fannie Phillips Cabin. Tobes Creek, Cosby TN III-B-10518, History - Buildings
Mrs. Fannie Phillips Cabin, Tobes Creek, Cosby Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park East elevation... note picket fence enclosing garden Mrs. Fannie Phillips Cabin. Tobes Creek, Cosby TN III-B-10519, History - Buildings
DOC Ogle Cabin, Two-Mile Branch, Gatlinburg Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from northeast. DOC Ogle Cabin s-140, Two-Mile Branch, Gatlinburg TN III-B-10444, History - Buildings
Will Harmon Log Cabin, Cane Gap, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from north. Will Harmon Log Cabin, Cane Gap, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10242, History - Buildings
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Chimney detail, Will Harmon Log Cabin, Cane Gap, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Chimney detail. Will Harmon Log Cabin, Cane Gap, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10244, History - Buildings
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Will Harmon Log Cabin, Cane Gap, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from west, 35 mm slide Archives 717 Will Harmon Log Cabin, Cane Gap, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10243, History - Buildings
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McCaully Cabins Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the east. ? McCaully Cabins Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10365, History - Buildings
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McCaully Cabins Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Upper Cabin. Detail of fireplace. Jim McCaully Cabins CC-94 Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10368, History - Buildings
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McCaully Cabins Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Chimney detail. Upper cabin. ? McCaully Cabins CC-94 Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B10366, History - Buildings
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McCaully Cabins Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Upper cabin, detail of chimney. Identified 8 March 1984-Inez McCaully Adams KLM Jim, Sr McCaully Cabins CC-94 Near South Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10367, History - Buildings
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Whistling Gap Log Cabin, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park General view from the west Whistling Gap Log Cabin, Cades Cove, Tennessee TN III-B-10754, History - Buildings
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Whistling Gap Log Cabin, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park General view from the west, Inez McCaully Adams: Harvey Payne built this house up the branch from George Caughran place in the direction of Whistling Gap. I believe Caughrons owned it at time of sale to park. KLM 15Mar1984; Whistling Gap Log Cabin, Cades Cove, Tennessee TN; III-B-10755, History - Buildings;General view from the west, Inez McCaully Adams: Harvey Payne built this house up the branch from George Caughran place in the direction of Whistling Gap. I believe Caughrons owned it at time of sale to park. KLM 15Mar1984
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The south end of the room, fireplace, Hills Creek Cabin, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park The south end of the room, fireplace. Note the iron wagon tires used to form the arch of the fireplace. Hills Creek Cabin G-40, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, TN III-B-10271, History - Buildings
Detail of fireplace, Hills Creek Cabin, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of fireplace. Hills Creek Cabin G-40, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, TN III-B-10270, History - Buildings
Hills Creek Cabin Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of fireplace. Hills Creek Cabin G-39 Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, TN III-B-10337, History - Buildings
Detail of chimney, Hills Creek Cabin, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chimney. Hills Creek Cabin G-40, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, TN III-B-10269, History - Buildings
Hills Creek Cabin Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park General view from the south. Hills Creek Cabin G-39 Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, TN III-B-10336, History - Buildings
Chimney, Hills Creek Cabin, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Chimney, showing the fireplace and the only windows in the house, Hills Creek Cabin G-40, Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, TN III-B-10272, History - Buildings
Hills Creek Cabin Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of fireplace. Hills Creek Cabin G-39 Near Hills Creek, Emerts Cove, TN III-B-10338, History - Buildings
Ken Fire Cabin, Lindsey Creek of Webb Creek, Pitman Center, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park South elevation. Ken Fire Cabin Lindsey Creek of Webb Creek Pitman Center, TN III-B-10343, History - Buildings
Ken Fire Cabin, Lindsey Creek of Webb Creek, Pitman Center, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the south. Ken Fire Cabin Lindsey Creek of Webb Creek Pitman Center, TN III-B-10342, History - Buildings
Cabin #1 in foreground, barn in background, Mitchell Ramsey Place, Webb Creek Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the northwest. Cabin #1 in foreground, barn in background. Mitchell Ramsey Place, Webb Creek TN III-B-10565, History - Buildings
Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #2, Webb Creek Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the notheast. Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #2, Webb Creek TN III-B-10570, History - Buildings
Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #1, Webb Creek Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the southwest. Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #1, Webb Creek TN III-B-10568, History - Buildings
Cabin #1 in foreground, Cabin #2 in background, Mitchell Ramsey Cabins, Webb Creek Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the northeast. Cabin #1 in foreground, Cabin #2 in background. Mitchell Ramsey Cabins, Webb Creek TN III-B-10567, History - Buildings
Detail of fireplace, Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #1, Webb Creek Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of fireplace. Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #1, Webb Creek TN III-B-10569, History - Buildings
Detail of fireplace, Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #2, Webb Creek Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of fireplace. Mitchell Ramsey Cabin #2, Webb Creek TN III-B-10571, History - Buildings
Log house 1 1/2 story, John Huskey Log House, Meigs Mt. Trail, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Log house 1 1/2 story, 18' x 36' in fallen condition. John Huskey Log House, Meigs Mt. Trail, Elkmont, TN III-B-10291, History - Buildings
Ashley Rayfield Log Cabin, Near head of Injun Creek, Greenbrier Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the southeast. Ashley Rayfield Log Cabin, G-34B, Near head of Injun Creek, Greenbrier TN III-B-10588, History - Buildings
Ashley Rayfield Log Cabin, Near head of Injun Creek, Greenbrier Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of logs and corners. Note how the upper outside edge of each log has been chamfered to shed the water dripping from the upper logs. Ashley Rayfield Log Cabin, G-34B, Near head of Injun Creek, Greenbrier TN III-B-10589, History - Buildings
Ashley Rayfield Log Cabin, Near head of Injun Creek, Greenbrier Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park The first house built on the property. View from the southwest. Ashley Rayfield Log Cabin, G-34B, Near head of Injun Creek, Greenbrier TN III-B-10587, History - Buildings
Martha McCarther Cabin, Above the forks of Little Pigeon River Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the southwest. Martha McCarther Cabin Above the forks of Little Pigeon River III-B-10362, History - Buildings
Martha McCarther Cabin, Above the forks of Little Pigeon River Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the southeast. Martha McCarther Cabin Above the forks of Little Pigeon River III-B-10363, History - Buildings
Log and frame cabin. View from the north (front). Log springhouse to the left. Tyson McCarter Place, Webb Creek, 1936 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Log and frame cabin. View from the north (front). Log springhouse to the left.Tyson McCarter Place; Webb Creek, II-B-(5)-4091, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Historic buildings being preserved
Two room log cabin, Near head of Copeland Creek, Copeland Creek Barn, Pittman Center, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Two room log cabin G-90. Near head of Copeland Creek, Pittman Center, TN. View from the east, rear. Larger room to the right originally a schoolhouse. Copeland Creek Bark G-90, Pittman Center, TN III-B-10182, History - Buildings
Jakes Creek Log Cabin, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park South elevation. Melted down. Jakes Creek Log Cabin E-68, Elkmont, TN III-B-10294, History - Buildings
Sam Cook Cabin, Jakes Creek, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park North elevation. Sam Cook Cabin E-67, Jakes Creek, Elkmont, TN III-B-10167, History - Buildings
Detail of chinking, Jakes Creek, Log Cabin, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chinking, south elevation. Melted down. Jakes Creek, Log Cabin E-68, Elkmont, TN III-B-10297, History - Buildings
Detail of chinking, Sam Cook Cabin, Jakes Creek, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chinking, north elevation. Sam Cook Cabin E-67, Jakes Creek, Elkmont, TN III-B-10169, History - Buildings
Interior detail, Jakes Creek Log Cabin, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Interior detail showing pegs to support fire shelf Jakes Creek Log Cabin E-68, Elkmont, TN III-B-10296, History - Buildings
Sam Cook Cabin, Jakes Creek, Elkmont, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park South elevation. Sam Cook Cabin E-67, Jakes Creek, Elkmont, TN III-B-10168, History - Buildings
Huskey Gap Trail Cabin, Near trail to Huskey Gap Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the south. Huskey Gap Trail Cabin S-142, Near trail to Huskey Gap III-B-10287, History - Buildings
Huskey Gap Trail Cabin, Near trail to Huskey Gap Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the north. Huskey Gap Trail Cabin S-142, Near trail to Huskey Gap III-B-10286, History - Buildings
Keener Log Cabin, Cooper Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the northeast. 1954 melting down. Keener Log Cabin D-19 Cooper Creek, North Carolina III-B-10339, History - Buildings
Detail of chimney, Keener Log Cabin, Cooper Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chimney. 1954 melting down. Keener Log Cabin D-19 Cooper Creek, North Carolina III-B-10341, History - Buildings
Keener Log Cabin, Cooper Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the southwest. 1954 melting down. Keener Log Cabin D-19 Cooper Creek, North Carolina III-B10340, History - Buildings
John McCaully Cabin, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from northwest. John McCaully Cabin CC-42 Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10372, History - Buildings
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Millard McCaully, McCaully Cabin, John Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from southweast. Millard McCaully McCaully Cabin CC-42 John Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10373, History - Buildings
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John McCaully Cabin, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Notched or saddle joint, Detail of northwest corner. John McCaully Cabin CC-42 Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10375, History - Buildings
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Joel Proctor Log Cabin, South Cover Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Log cabin and boxed wellhouse-- view from the west Joel Proctor Log Cabin. South Cover Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee TN III-B-10533, History - Buildings
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Cars Tipton Cabin, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the east Cars Tipton Cabin CC-47, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee TN III-B-10716, History - Buildings
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Cars Tipton Cabin, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the west Cars Tipton Cabin CC-47, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee TN III-B-10717, History - Buildings
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Detail of chinking, Cars Tipton Cabin, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chinking... NOTE how the larger chinks have been filled with sort sections of split rails. After the split rails are driven in tight, the remainder of the chink is filled with mud. Cars Tipton Cabin CC-47, Chestnut Flats Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee TN III-B-10718, History - Buildings
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Cabin and pig pen, view from the west, Indian Camp truck trail, Cosby, Tennessee, Chandler Jenkins House, Building No. 145, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabin and pig pen, view from the west. Indian Camp truck trail, Cosby, TN. Used in Smoky Mountain Folks and Their Lore by Joseph S. Hall, page 70.Chandler Jenkins House; Indian Camp Creek; Building No. 145, II-B-(5)-3034, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Historic buildings being preserved
Cabin, view from the south, Chandler Jenkins House, Indian Camp Creek, Building No. 145, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabin, view from the south.Chandler Jenkins House; Indian Camp Creek; Building No. 145, II-B-(5)-3032, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Historic buildings being preserved
Cabin, view from the west, Chandler Jenkins House, Indian Camp Creek, Building No. 145, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabin, view from the west.Chandler Jenkins House; Indian Camp Creek; Building No. 145, II-B-(5)-3033, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Historic buildings being preserved
Old cabin and porch from the southeast, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Old cabin and porch from the southeast.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 78, History - Buildings
View from the south, Chandler Jenkins House, Indian Camp Creek, Building No. 145, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the south.Chandler Jenkins House; Indian Camp Creek; Building No. 145, II-B-(5)-3035, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Historic buildings being preserved
Detail of chimney to small cabin, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chimney to small cabin.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 82, History - Buildings
Cabins from the northwest, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabins from the northwest.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 8 , History - Buildings
Detail of chimney to the big house, Ephraim Bumgarner house, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chimney to the big house.Ephraim Bumgarner House D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina. III-B-9 77, History - Buildings
Big cabin from the southeast, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Big cabin from the southeast.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 73, History - Buildings
Cabin from the west, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabin from the west.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 79, History - Buildings
North porch of big cabin, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park North porch of big cabin.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 75, History - Buildings
Doorway of small cabin, west elevation, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Doorway of small cabin, west elevation.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 83, History - Buildings
Interior of big cabin, looking toward the fireplace, Ephraim Bumgarner big cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek Great Smoky Mountains National Park Interior of big cabin, looking toward the fireplace.Ephraim Bumgarner Big Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, III-B-9 76, History - Buildings
Cabins from the southwest, Ephraim Bumgarner cabin, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabins from the southwest.Ephraim Bumgarner Cabin D-6, Bumgarner Branch of Deep Creek, North Carolina, III-B-9 81, History - Buildings
Log cabin on Levi Hall place, Little Cataloochee, Levi Hall Log Cabin, Little Cataloochee, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Log cabin on Levi Hall place, Little Cataloochee. Levi Hall Log Cabin, Little Cataloochee, N. C. III-B-10227, History - Buildings
Arlena McCarter sitting on steps of cabin, holding baby. Mountain Cabin, Arlena McCarter, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Arlena McCarter sitting on steps of cabin, holding baby.Mountain Cabin; Arlena McCarter, Ill-P-4252, History - Mountain People
Sitting on porch. Myers, Uncle Dan, Cades Cove, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Sitting on porch.Myers, Uncle Dan; Cades Cove, Ill-P-4260, History - Mountain People
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Arlena McCarter sitting on steps holding baby. Mountain Mother and Child, Arlena McCarter, 1937 Great Smoky Mountains National Park Arlena McCarter sitting on steps holding baby. Mountain Mother and Child; Arlena McCarter, Ill-P-4251, History - Mountain People
Joel Proctor Log Cabin, South Cover Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Log cabin and boxed wellhouse, view from the southeast Joel Proctor Log Cabin. CC-36. South Cover Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee TN III-B-10534, History - Buildings
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The Caldwell cabin in Cataloochee, said to have been built in the 1840's, Eldredge Caldwell place, Cataloochee, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park The Caldwell cabin in Cataloochee, said to have been built in the 1840's.Eldredge Caldwell Place, Levi Caldwell, Cataloochee, North Carolina. III-B-9190, History - Buildings
Coggins Branch Log Cabin, Little Cataloochee, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park House, view from the west. Melted down. Coggins Branch Log Cabin CA-78 Little Cataloochee, N.C. III-B-10355, History - Buildings
Coggins Branch Log Cabin, Little Cataloochee, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park House, view from the east. Melted down. Coggins Branch Log Cabin CA-78 Little Cataloochee, N.C. III-B-10356, History - Buildings
Old Bennett cabin, Andy Branch, Little Cataloochee, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park From the southeast.Old Bennett Cabin CA-62, Andy Branch, Little Cataloochee, III-B-9 32, History - Buildings
Old Bennett cabin, Andy Branch, Little Cataloochee, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park From the northwest.Old Bennett Cabin CA-62, Andy Branch, Little Catalooche, North Carolina, III-B-9 34, History - Buildings
Old Bennett cabin, Andy Branch, Little Cataloochee, North Carolina Great Smoky Mountains National Park Cabin from the west.Old Bennett Cabin CA-62, Andy Branch, Little Cataloochee, North Carolina, III-B-9 33, History - Buildings
Murray Boring log cabin, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the northwest.Murray Boring Log Cabin CC-57, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee, III-B-9 5 , History - Buildings
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Murray Boring log cabin, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the southwest.Murray Boring Log Cabin CC-57, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee, III-B-9 49, History - Buildings
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John Oliver House, Carmel Oliver Log Cabin, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Detail of chimney. south elevation. John Oliver House- Inez McC Adams Feb 1984. Carmel Oliver Log Cabin CC-16, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10462, History - Buildings
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John Oliver House, Carmel Oliver Log Cabin, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park View from the northwest. John Oliver House- Inez McC. Adams- 8 Mar 1984. Carmel Oliver Log Cabin CC-16, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10460, History - Buildings
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John Oliver House, Oliver Log Cabin, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park South elevation... This is the John Oliver House- Inez McCaully Adams 8 Mar 1984 KLM. Oliver Log Cabin CC-16, North Cove Road, Cades Cove, Tennessee III-B-10459, History - Buildings
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NP-1, dispensary which was formerly cabin at old country club, 1938 Mammoth Cave National Park; National Park Service
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Standard shake-type shelter cabin photo, 1938 Great Smoky Mountains National Park II-B-(4)-TS-1789, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings,Shelter Cabin - Cosby Knob; Building No. 154, Standard shake-type shelter cabin photo.
Standard shake-type shelter cabin photo, 1938 Great Smoky Mountains National Park II-B-(4)-TS-1788, Physical Facilities - Buildings - Visitor use buildings,Shelter Cabin - Cosby Knob; Building No. 154, Standard shake-type shelter cabin photo.

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