End of existing logging roadGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkEnd of existing logging road...Park line about 75ft. beyond man in upper center,Carr Lumber Company, III-E-13162, History - Evidence in Lawsuits
Logs and brush along present logging roadGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkLogs and brush along present logging road... Six-foot rule in lower left center.Carr Lumber Company, III-E-13160, History - Evidence in Lawsuits
Skidder no. 1, Jake's Creek, lumbering, 1920Great Smoky Mountains National ParkOriginal Captions: Skidder No. 1, Jake's Creek. Copied from original photo by Jim Shelton. Lumbering; III-L-16980, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling .Skidder No. 1, Jake's Creek. Copied from original photo by Jim Shelton.Lumbering, III-L-16980, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Letters to Paul C. Taylor, regarding timber contracts(Funding) Electronic format produced as part of Reclaiming the Everglades, a collaborative project of the University of Miami, Florida International University, and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, funded by the Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Program.
Mill and town, Cresmont Lumber Co.Great Smoky Mountains National ParkMill and town site,Cresmont Lumber Co. III-L-4304, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Engine, Little River LumberGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkLittle River Lumber Co engine, III-L-16969, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Portable Logging Camp House, Little River Lumber Co.Great Smoky Mountains National ParkPortable House No. 200; location unknown.Portable Logging Camp House; Little River Lumber Co. III-L-4217, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
View from CCC camp, slash from lumberingGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkView from CCC Camp 1461.Slash from Lumbering, III-L-9526, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
View from CCC camp, slash from lumberingGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkView from CCC Camp 1461.Slash from Lumbering, III-L-9525, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Lumbering, Sams Creek, TennesseeGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkCopied from photo by J. B. Shelton.Lumbering operations on Sam's Creek, III-L-16982, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Little River Lumber Co. work crewGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkWork crew. Man at far right wearing coat and vest is dressed differently from the others.Little River Lumber Co. III-L-4748, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Cleared schinus treatment plotEverglades National Park; National Park ServiceOn slide: 2-16-78; Mike Salamacha; Schinus treatment plots w of Research Center, N of road - unit II
Crew, Lumbering and skiddingGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkCopied from photo by Jim Shelton.Lumbering crew and skidder, III-L-16981, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Little River Lumber Co., Townsend, TennesseeGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkOffice of Little River Lumber Co. Townsend, TN. Present appearance. Building is on National Register.Little River Lumber Co. III-L-4756, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Mabel, Engine #4, Little River Lumber Co.Great Smoky Mountains National ParkShay type. 3 trucks. Bought new in 1903. Shop #772. Named Mabel." Sold to Conasauga River Lbr. Co. (Notes of G.P. Vance).",Engine #4- Little River Lumber Co. III-L-4209, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Lumbering Operations on Middle ProngGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkThis picture was taken about 2 miles southeast of Trentmont on Sams Creek looking South from the railroad, showing logs just cut. Lumbering Operations on Middle Prong; Little River Lumber Co. III-L-4210, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
On turn-table at Walland, Tennessee, circa 1904-1910Great Smoky Mountains National ParkOn turn-table at Walland, TN. 2-6-2 Baldwin, shop #24862, bought new 1904. SOld to Williston Lbr. Co. Williston, FL.Locomotive No. 105- Little River Railroad Co. III-L-4181, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling
Last log through the mill at Little River Lumber Co., Townsend, TennesseeGreat Smoky Mountains National ParkLast log through the mill at Townsend, TN. Hemlock. From left: M.L. Marvie Tipton, D.H. Doc Tipton, Joe Murphy, Sr.Little River Lumber Co. III-L-4758, History - Logging, Lumbering, Hewing, Sawmilling