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Mangrove Tunnels at West Lake Everglades National Park; National Park Service Photographic Record Card: "Mangrove Tunnels at West Lake." View of Tunnel made by mangroves with a close up of a what seems to be a park employee riding a boat. Locality: West Lake.
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Crocodile near water's edge Everglades National Park; National Park Service Photographic Record Card: "CROCODILE. The crocodile is one of the Everglades endangered species. Its habitat is the mangroves and saline Everglades. Everglades NP Research Director Gary Hendrix says crocodiles are difficult to count but there are probably more than biologists had believed." View of a crocodile on bank.
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Seasonal fish community variation in headwater mangrove creeks in the southwestern Everglades: an examination of their role as dry-down refuges (Citation/Reference) Rehage, J.S., W.F. Loftus. 2007. Seasonal fish community variation in headwater mangrove creeks in the southwestern Everglades: an examination of their role as dry-down refuges. Bulletin of Marine Science 80(3): 625-645.
Vegetation of coastal wetlands in Biscayne National Park: Blocks 6-8 (Preferred Citation) Ruiz, Pablo L.; Ross, Michael S.; Walters, Josh; Hwang, Bernice; Gaiser, Evelyn; and Tobias, Franco, "Vegetation of Coastal Wetlands in Biscayne National Park: Blocks 6-8 (L-31E Wetland and Flow Monitoring)" (2002). SERC Research Reports. Paper 78.
Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Citation/Reference) Barr, J. G., V. Engel, J. D. Fuentes, J. C. Zieman, T. L. O’Halloran, T. J. Smith III, and G. H. Anderson (2010), Controls on mangrove forest‐atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park, J. Geophys. Res., 115, G02020, doi:10.1029/2009JG001186.
Radiative forcing of natural forest disturbances (Citation/Reference) T.L. O'Halloran, B.E. Law, M. Goulden, Z. Wang, J.G. Barr, C. Schaaf, M. Brown, J.D. Fuentes, M. Gockede, A. Black, V. Engel. 2011. Radiative forcing of natural forest disturbances. Global Change Biology 18(2), pp. 555-565; doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02577.x. Accessed [date] from [url]
Records relating to Ingraham Highway and Royal Palm Hammock (Royal Palm State Park) (Funding) Electronic format produced as part of Reclaiming the Everglades, a collaborative project of the University of Miami, Florida International University, and the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, funded by the Library of Congress/Ameritech National Digital Library Program.; (Biographical) McCrary Engineering Corporation built Ingraham Highway (Cape Sable Road) to connect Flamingo (Cape Sable) with Homestead. Charles Mosier was caretaker at Royal Palm State Park.

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