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New River Gorge National River water quality monitoring program National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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New River Gorge National River fecal coliform study National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Network design document Lake Okeechobee inflow/outflow monitoring program (X Project) (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references (pages 37-38).; (Statement of Responsibility) by Patricia M. Burke.
Developing a user-friendly tool for BMP assessment model using a GIS (WRE #345); Manuscript; August, 1996; Submitted to: AWRA 32nd Annual Conference and Symposium on GIS and Water Resources
Redesign of the DRBC/NPS scenic rivers monitoring program National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Hydrochemistry of Southern Cumberland Island, Georgia, Kings Bay Environmental Monitoring Program National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Redesign of the DRBC/NPS scenic rivers monitoring program National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Soil and surface water nutrients in the Everglades nutrient removal project (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-47); (Statement of Responsibility) by Marguerite S. Koch.; "December 1991."; Technical Publication 91-04
Monitoring and Operating Plan for C-111 Interim Construction Project (Statement of Responsibility) submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Regulation ; by South Florida Water Management District ; Dewey F. Worth, project manager.; "Final draft."; PERMIT # 131654749
Environmentl Response of WCA-2A to Reduction in Regulation Schedule and Marsh Drawdown (Statement of Responsibility) Dewey F. Worth; "February 1988."; Technical publication 88-2
Fish and wildlife service men, West Prong Little River, Tennessee Great Smoky Mountains National Park Fish and Wildlife Service men, West Prong Little River.Fisheries Study, I-E-Fish-9982, Natural Features - Fauna - Fish
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Herbicide monitoring program for the active ingredient glyphosate (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references (p. 6-8).; (Statement of Responsibility) Richard J. Pfeuffer.; "February 1988."; Technical publication 88-1
Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Habitat – Vegetation Monitoring: FY 2009 - Final Report The Cape Sable seaside sparrow (CSSS), a federally endangered species, has remained the focus of several water management operations in the Everglades. To monitor vegetation responses to changes in hydrologic regime and fire events within the sparrow habitat, FIU-USGS researchers initiated a vegetation study in 2002 with funding from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). In the first three years (2003-2005), a detailed account of spatial variation in vegetation composition and structure in relation to hydrology and fire history were documented (Ross et al. 2006). Since 2006, sub-sets of sites in each of six sparrow sub-populations (A-F) have been re-visited annually to address the spatio-temporal changes in vegetation in response to fire events and changes in hydrologic regime. The sub-set sampled each year includes both unburned and burned sites.

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