Superintendent Dave Mihalic presents seasonal interpreter Janice Friebaum performance award, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1986Great Smoky Mountains National ParkActing Supt. Mihalic presents Seasonal Interpreter Janice Friebaum $400 less taxes, for her sustained superior performance as an interpreter at Cades Cove for 3 seasons. She has demonstrated excellence in researching and presenting innovative and effective interpretive programs. She also proved herself as a well-rounded superior performer in leadership and analytical skills.Special Achievement Awards, IV-P-17407
Superintendent John E Cook presents Dean E Berg with performance award for attaining Level I rating, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1984Great Smoky Mountains National ParkSupt. Cook presents Berg with a Performance Award of $1,100 (less taxes) for attaining a Level I performance rating over the past two years; upgrading programs and developing new management approaches in areas of forest insect and disease management, fire management, and Student Conservation Association program, and providing significant improvement to the Park's in-service training program. Berg, Dean E. IV-P-17066
William Mott and Barbara Teaser in rocking chairs on her front porch, Sevierville, Tennessee, 1987Great Smoky Mountains National ParkSec. William P. Mott and Barbara Teaster sit on her front porch in Sevierville. Mr. Mott presented Mrs. Teaster with the Interior Dept. Superior Service Award at her home. Mrs. Teaster, retired Secretary, received this award based on her leadership in implementation and integration of computers into the Park work force; her personal self-sacrifice in time and outlay of personal funds; her development of processes for utilization of new software to increase word processing efficiency; her conception, utilization, and integration of using work-study computer students through Clemson Univ. Co-op program and her service as park computer specialist in addition to her normal duties. A quote from the citation follows: her extraordinary dedication, commitment, support and personal self-sacrifice to increase efficiency in Park operations through leading by example and easing the trauma of integration of new systems, - still in the highest traditions of the service, Barbara Jane Teaster is given the Department of Interior's award for superior service.Mott Visit, IV-P-17431