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Outlier detection in total phosphorus concentration data from South Florida rainfall WRE-359; Journal of the American Water Resources Association / 35, no. 2, (1999): 301-310; American Water Resources Association
Macro Invertebrate Responses to Phosphorus Enrichment in the Northern (WCA-2A) Everglades TECHNICAL PUBLICATION; WRE #392; Includes bibliographical references (page 27)
Outlier detection in phosphorus dry deposition rates measured in South Florida WRE-365; Atmospheric Environment 33 (1999) pages. 5123-5131
Water Budget Analysis for the Everglades Nutrient Removal Project August 20, 1996 to August 19, 1997; TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM; "November, 1996."; WRE # 354
Water budget analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 1 W (May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2003) (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references. ; Technical Publication EMA # 411; "Septiembre 2003"
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 5 Technical Publication; (May 1, 2000 to April 30, 2003); June 2004; EMA # 418
Hydrologic performance of an Everglades stormwater treatment Area-STA6: a constructed wetland An ASAE Meeting Presentation WRE # 362; July, 1998; Paper No. 98-2092
Variation in soil phosphorus, sulfur, and iron pools among south Florida wetlands “This paper has not been submitted elsewhere in identical or similar form, nor will it be during the first three months after its submission to Hydrobiologia.”
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 5 (Water Year 2007; May 1, 2006-April 30, 2007) Technical Publication SFWMD-102; "May 2008" (revised June 20, 2008)
Flow monitoring in Stormwater Treatment Area No. 6 Technical publication; EMA 399; Includes bibliographical references (page 30).
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 5 (Water Year 2003-2004; May 1, 2003 to April 30, 2004) Technical Publication; PDF file formatted into pages (47 p.); "July 2005."; ERA # 427
Soil and surface water nutrients in the Everglades nutrient removal project (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-47); (Statement of Responsibility) by Marguerite S. Koch.; "December 1991."; Technical Publication 91-04
Atmospheric deposition of phosphorus : concepts, constraints and published deposition rates for ecosystem management Manuscript EMA, 403; (This paper is a major revision of Publication #360 dated April Technical 1999) by Garth W. Redfield Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Department South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road West Palm; February, 2002
Coastal groundwater discharge – an additional source of phosphorus for the oligotrophic wetlands of the Everglades (Citation/Reference) Price, R.M., P.K. Swart, J.W. Fourqurean. 2006. Coastal groundwater discharge - an additional source of phosphorus for the oligotrophic wetlands of the Everglades. Hydrobiologia 569(1): 23-36.
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 6, section 1 (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.; (Statement of Responsibility) by R. Scott Huebner.; PDF file formatted into pages (52 p.); "February 2001."; EMA # 391
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 1 West (July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2001) Technical publication; EMA # 398; Includes bibliographical references (page 25); APPENDIX I STA-1W Water Balance Terms With Calculated Remainders
Importance of water source in controlling leaf leaching losses in a dwarf red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) wetland (Citation/Reference) Davis, S.E., D.L. Childers. 2007. Importance of water source in controlling leaf leaching losses in a dwarf red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle L.) wetland. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 71(1-2): 194-201.
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 6, Section 1 (water years 2003 and 2004 ; May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2004) (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.; Technical Publication; ERA # 426; "July 2005."
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 6, Section 1 (Water Years 98-99, 99-00, 00-01 and 01-02 - May 1, 1998 to April 30, 2002) (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.; "January 2003."; Technical Publication EMA # 408
Brighton Reservation Monitoring Abstract: The primary purpose of Project BRM is to address the mandates specified above, particularly the agreement the SFWMD has with the tribes to address water quality issues. The Brighton Seminole Reservation has its own internal water quality-monitoring program. Project BRM was instituted because the Reservation began detecting spikes in the water coming off their land and it did not appear to be from any internal practices. Therefore, one goal of the project is to determine the source (s) of total phosphorous measured by the Tribe at monitoring stations in the primary and secondary canals of the Brighton Seminole Indian Reservation. Another goal for this project involves investigating potential water quality changes within the reservation boundaries, in response to the integration of water supplies from Lake Okeechobee. Specific objectives include assessing the quality and quantity of water delivered to the reservation from Lake Okeechobee via pump stations G207 & G208, assessing the quality and quantity of water delivered to the reservation via the C-40 and C-41 canals, and assessing water sources entering and leaving the reservation.; Project Start Date: 05/23/2002
Biogeochemical effects of iron availability on primary producers in a shallow marine carbonate environment (Citation/Reference) Chambers, R.M., J.W. Fourqurean, S.A. Macko, R. Hoppenot. 2001. Biogeochemical effects of iron availability on primary producers in a shallow marine carbonate environment. Limnology and Oceanography 46(6): 1278-1286.
The contribution of leaching to the rapid release of nutrients and carbon in the early decay of wetland vegetation (Citation/Reference) Davis, S.E., D.L. Childers, G.B. Noe. 2006. The contribution of leaching to the rapid release of nutrients and carbon in the early decay of wetland vegetation. Hydrobiologia 569(1): 87-97.
Experimental nutrient enrichment causes complex changes in seagrass, microalgae, and macroalgae community structure in Florida Bay (Citation/Reference) Armitage, A.R., J.W. Fourqurean. 2009. Stable isotopes reveal complex changes in trophic relationships following nutrient addition in a coastal marine ecosystem. Estuaries and Coasts 32: 1152-1164.
Indirect and direct controls of macroinvertebrates and small fish by abiotic factors and trophic interactions in the Florida Everglades (Citation/Reference) Sargeant, B., E.E. Gaiser, J.C. Trexler. 2011. Indirect and direct controls of macroinvertebrates and small fish by abiotic factors and trophic interactions in the Florida Everglades. Freshwater Biology 56(11): 2334-2346.
Water Budget Analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 1 West (July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002) (Bibliography) Includes bibliographical references.; (System Details) Mode of access: Internet.; (Statement of Responsibility) by Wossenu Abtew.; December 2002; EMA # 406
Lake Okeechobee Littoral Zone Abstract: The purpose of OLIT is to gather baseline data for the development of management strategies and research objectives for Lake Okeechobee, estimate long-term phosphorus loading to Lake Okeechobee; identify trends in total phosphorus and other water quality variables that are indicators of the Lake's health over time; and provide a water quality database for: a. complying with monitoring requirements of the Lake Okeechobee Operating Permit #50-0679349 issued by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) b. determining effectiveness of the implementation of basin management plans in reducing nutrient loadings into the lake as specified in the Surface Water Improvement and Management Act of 1987 c. determining long and short-term trends necessary to identify potential problem areas in terms of water quality degradation, nutrient loadings, and tracking eutrophication of the lake d. applying eutrophication models to verify and refine the nutrient load targets for the lake and rank its trophic status. The primary focus of the OLIT Project's design is the estimation of long-term phosphorus loading to Lake Okeechobee and the identification of trends in total phosphorus and other water quality variables that are indicators of the Lake's health over time.; Project Start Date: 1996

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