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Research Paper Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1981-01 to 1982-05. vol. INT 269-291; Call number: a13.78: int.
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Fire History of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: 1940-1979 Clemson University Libraries Call number: i29.105: 46.
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Fire History of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park: 1940-1979 Great Smoky Mountains National Park; National Park Service
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Research Paper Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1981-03 to 1982-10. vol. PNW 281-301; Call number: a13.78: pnw.
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Resource Bulletin Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1981-04 to 1983-03. vol. PNW 91-102; Call number: a13.80: pnw.
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Resource Bulletin Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1981-11 to 1983-08. vol. SE 61-70; Call number: a13.80: se.
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Research Paper Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1982 to 1983. vol. NE 495-535; Call number: a13.78: ne.
Research Note Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1982-10 to 1985-10. vol. PNW 400-430; Call number: a13.79: pnw.
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Proceedings of the fourth annual research conference; Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, October 29, 1982 National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Reference Marker-Photopoint Resources Management System Clemson University Libraries Call number: i29.105: ser-62.
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How to Time Dimethoate Sprays Against the Nantucket Pine Tip Moth University of Georgia Libraries vol. 44; Call number: ga f600 r4 s1 p2 no.44.
How to Predict the Spread and Intensity of Forest and Range Fires Great Smoky Mountains National Park; National Park Service
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Research Note Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1983-06 to 1988-10. vol. INT 330-385; Call number: a13.79: int.
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Rocky Mountain acidification study National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Resource Bulletin Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1983-10 to 1984-05. vol. PNW 103-112; Call number: a13.80: pnw.
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Nutrient Removal Under Whole-Tree Utilization for Fuel Chips University of Georgia Libraries vol. 47; Call number: ga f600 r4 s1 p2 n.47.
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Routine Mineralogical Analysis of Clay-Bearing Samples Winthrop University Call number: i19.3: 1563.
Recent changes in channel-stored sediment Redwood Creek, California National Park Service Water Resources Division; National Park Service
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Research Paper Clemson University Libraries Date range: 1984-10 to 1985-11. vol. PNW 326-345; Call number: a13.78: pnw.
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About 310 Items

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National Park Service
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Clemson University