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316 Items

The L-31E Surface Water Rediversion Project Final Report: Implementation, Results, and Recommendations (Preferred Citation) Ross, Michael S. PhD, "The L-31E Surface Water Rediversion Project Final Report: Implementation, Results, and Recommendations" (2003). SERC Research Reports. Paper 1.
El Niño Southern Oscillation Link to South Florida Hydrology and Water Management Applications Technical Paper SFWMD # 106; October 28th, 2009; (Paper submitted for publication in Water Resource Management Journal)
The Engaged University: Providing a Platform for Research That Transforms Society (Citation/Reference) Whitmer, A.C., L.A. Ogden, J. Lawton, P. Sturner, P.M. Groffman, L. Schneider, D. Hart, B.S. Halpern, W. Schlesinger, S. Raciti, N. Bettez, S. Ortega, L. Rustad, S.T.A. Pickett, M. Killelea. 2010. The engaged university: providing a platform for research that transforms society. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 8(6): 314-321.
Florida Coastal Everglades Long Ecological Research newsletter. Winter 2011. Volume 1, Number 2; News from the Sloughs. News from the researchers, students, and educators of FCE LTER Table of Contents: Page 2: FCE Student Group Holds Travel Award Competition. Page 3: Proposing, Postulating and Pushing for FCE III. Page 5: First in a series of FCE Field Adventure: Snake Slough? What's in your Action Packer? Page 7: Where Are They Now? A Follow Up Story on our FCE High School Intern Juan Gallo. Page 7: FCE Student Defenses from this Quarter.
Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research newsletter. Fall 2011. Volume 1, Number 1; News from the Sloughs. News from the researchers, students, and educators of FCE LTER Table of Contents: Page 2: FCE Educator gets up close and personal with sea snakes and dolphins in Shark Bay Australia. Page 3: New acoustic technology revolutionizes FCE data collection. Page 4: An interview with FCE researcher Laura Ogden on Swamplife. Page 7: FCE Graduate Students Kick out a welcome BBQ.; (Additional Physical Form) Newsletter
Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research newsletter. Spring 2012. Volume 2, Number 1; News from the Sloughs. News from the researchers, students, and educators of FCE LTER Table of Contents: Page 2: Dr. Troxler Takes FCE to Japan. Page 4: THE MAN! in the Manager: An Interview with Mike Rugge. Page 6: Emanuelle Feliciano Sees the Forest for its Trees. Page 8: Rebecca Garvoille Gets The Grant. Page 10: FCE Student Announcements and Awards. Page 12: RESS shine at the Science and Engineering Fair. Page 13: FCE Publications from this quarter.

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